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1、POLICY & PROCEDURE政策和程序Section发文部门Number编号Page页数People Services人力资源部0014Subject议题Employee Benefits员工福利Effective Date生效日期2010-11-1Affects涉及范围All Departments各部门Issue Date发文日期2010-11-19Director of PeopleServicesGeneral Manager总经理批准OBJECTIVE 目标To establish clear guidelines on employees general benefits

2、of the hotel in order to provide good benefits for all employees.建立酒店员工基本福利的清晰指引,为所有员工提供良好的福利待遇。POLICY政策Meals 就餐a) All full-time employees of the hotel are entitled to the meal allowance benefits during thepre-opening stage of the hotel as the following. This policy does not apply to the EXCOM membe

3、rs who already have conditions mentioned in their contract.在酒店筹备开业期间,全职员工享受如下就餐补贴。管理委员会成员的补贴根据合同执行。Level职级Allowance per Staff perMonth每人每月最多补贴Note备注HOD/AHODUp to RMB 1,830RMB 60 / day部门经理、副经理每月最多1830兀人民币60元每天Section Managers Supervisors分部经理/主管Up to RMB 1,525.-RMB 50 / dayCaptain and Rank & File每月最多1

4、525元人民币50元每天领班及员工b) Employee needs to obtain official receipts (Fapiao) when they have meals and get reimbursement on 1 st day of the month for expenses of the previous month.员工在外就餐时应取得正式发票,在每月一号报销上一个月的餐费。c) When the staff canteen is ready to provide staff meals, the meal allowance will be cancelled

5、 automatically. New policy of meal benefit will be stipulated then.当酒店员工餐厅提供就餐时,此就餐补贴自行终止。新的就餐福利政策另行制定。Laundry 洗衣a) Supervisor, assistant department head, HOD and above are entitled to the laundry allowance benefit.主管,副经理,部门经理以上级别的员工享受洗衣补贴福利。b) Official receipts shall be obtained by each employee fo

6、r reimbursement from the Finance department on 1 st day of the month for expenses of the previous month.员工洗衣时应取得正式发票。每月一号在财务部报销上月的费用。c) The allowance will be cancelled when the hotel laundry is ready for cleaning uniforms for all employees.洗衣补贴在酒店洗衣房能够为员工洗制服时自行终止。Level职级Allowance per Staff per Month

7、每人每月补贴Note备注EXCOM行政委员会Up to RMB 900.-每月最多900兀Married status contract配偶随行合同Up to RMB 450.-每月最多450兀Single status contract单身合同HOD/AHOD部门经理、副经理Up to RMB 300.-每月最多300兀SectionUp to RMB 150.-Manager/Supervisor分部经理/主管每月最多150兀Annual Leave 年假All full-time employees are entitled to annual leave benefits as the

8、 following according to different levels. Certain number of days will be given to employees as annual leave with pay with one year full service at the hotel. The employee can apply for annual leave after 3 months of service in the hotel and the number of annual leave days will be prorated if the ser

9、vice time is not a full year. The employee shall schedule the annual leave properly in advance and apply for approval of the Department Head / Division Head and HR Director, and if necessary of the General Manager.所有酒店全职员工根据职级按下表享有年假福利。在酒店工作一年可以享受有一定天数的有薪年假。员工只有在酒店工作满3个月后才可以申请年假,工作未满一年,年假按比例计算。员工应合理

10、安排休假,并得到部门经理/总监及人力资源部总监的批准,如有需要,还必须得到总经理的批准。LevelAnnual Leave (Working Days)职级年假天数(工作日)GMAccording to Contract总经理根据合同执行EXCOM MemberAccording to Contract行政委员会根据合同执行HOD/AHOD部门经理、副经理18Section Managers分部经理12Supervisors主管12Captain / Rank & File员工10Staff Housing 员工宿舍Employees are provided accomodation at

11、the appointed dormitories or apartments according to different levels.酒店将根据不同级别为员工提供住宿.Level职级Housing Assignment宿舍安排GM /Excom Member总经理/行政委员会One two-bedroom apartment with full furnishing, convenient transportation and shopping in the city center area during the pre-opening period. When the hotel is

12、 open, apartment at the hotel will be provided.在开业筹备期间,提供城市中心区配置齐全的两居室,交 通和购物方便。酒店开业后,行政委员会成员将入住酒店 提供的公寓。HOD/AHOD部门经理、副经理Each has single bedroom with bathroom and basic furnishing at Hotel dormitory.提供酒店宿舍单人标准间。Section Managers分部经理2 Persons share one single bedroom with bathroom and basic furnishing

13、 at Staff Dormitory提供2人间宿舍,基本配置齐全Supervisors主管4 persons share a room with bathroom and basicfurnishing at Staff Dormitory员工宿舍4人共住一间,基本配置齐全Rank & File员工4 persons share a room with bathroom and basicfurnishing at Staff Dormitory员工宿舍4人共住一间,基本配置齐全Medical Check健康体检The hotel will be responsible for the me

14、dical check expenses of the employees. For expatriateemployees, the hotel will pay the expense upon medical check. For local employees, theyneed to pay the expense by themselves upon the medical check at hospital and getreimbursed after passing successfully the probation.酒店将负责员工的健康体检费用。 外籍员工体检时由酒店直接支付体检费用。 国内员工体检时应先由本人支付体检费用,新员工在通过试用期后由人力资源部统一到财务部报销。精品资料Welcome ToDownload !欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!


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