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1、附录英文原文及翻译Stress Distribution In a Shear Wall Frame StructureUsing Unstructured Refined Finite Element MeshABSTRACTA semi-automatic algorithm for finite element analysis is presented to obtain the stress and strain distribution in shear wall-frame structures. In the study, a constant strain triangle

2、with six degrees of freedom and mesh refinement - coarsening algorithms were used in Matlab environment. Initially the proposed algorithm generates a coarse mesh automatically for the whole domain and the user refines this finite element mesh at required regions. These regions are mostly the regions

3、 of geometric discontinuities. Deformation, normal and shear stresses are presented for an illustrative example. Consistent displacement and stress results have been obtained from comparisons with widely used engineering software.Key Words: Shear wall, FEM, Unstructured mesh, Refinement.1.INTRODUCTI

4、ONIn the last two decades, shear walls became an important part of our mid and high rise residential buildings in Turkey. As part of an earthquake resistant building design, these walls are placed in building plans reducing lateral displacements under earthquake loads so shear-wall frame structures

5、are obtained. Since the 1960s several approaches have been adopted to solve displacements and stress distribution of shear wall structures. Continuous medium approaches, and frame analogy models are the examples of these approaches 1-4. In the past and today, numerical solution methodsare the main e

6、ffort area because of the accuracy of solution and the ease of usage in 2D and 3D analysis of shear walls 5-7.Shear walls with openings, coupled shear walls and combined shear wall frame structures can be modeled as thin plates where the loading is uniformly distributed over the thickness, in the pl

7、ane of the plate. This 2D domain can be subdivided into a finite number of geometrical shapes. In the finite element method (FEM), these simple shaped elements such as triangles or quadrilaterals (in 2D) are called elements. The connection of these individual elements at nodes and along interelement

8、 boundaries covering the whole problem domain is called finite element mesh or grid. In the literature meshes can be grouped into two main categories such as structured and unstructured meshes. Structured meshes are constructed with geometrically similar triangular or quadrilateral elements. They ar

9、e suitable especially for problems with simple geometry and boundary shapes (Figure 1-a). Although structured meshes can be constructed as simple-time saving routines, regarding complicated domains with complex boundaries, it is a problem to fit the boundary shape. To circumvent this difficulty, uns

10、tructured meshes are used to discretize the complicated domains with internal boundaries (Figure 1-b). While it is a time consuming procedure, unstructured meshes are also suitable for local mesh refinement and coarsening. The aim of this work is to get a good quality unstructured mesh which will ha

11、ve smaller elements at the geometric discontinuities and bigger elements at other regions for a shear wall frame geometry.Figure 1. Structured (a) and unstructured mesh (b)2. TRIANGULAR FINITE ELEMENTS2.1. Element FormulationThe first advantage of using triangular elements is that almost any plane g

12、eometry may be discretized using triangles. These elements have six degrees of freedom, two translations at each node (Figure 2). Because of the three nodes, the element has linear shape functions that are an additional benefit because of simplified mathematics. However, these functions generate con

13、stant strain and stress throughout the element. To surmount this disadvantage, smaller elements must be employed where strain and stress vary rapidly.Figure 2. Constant strain triangular finite elementCST element has displacement functions and shape functions as follows,(1)(2)(3)(4)where 1 u , 2 u a

14、nd 3 u nodal displacements in x direction corresponding to nodes 1, 2 and 3 respectively. 1 v , 2 v and 3 v nodal displacements in y direction and 1 N , 2 N and 3 N are linear shape functions. x and y are the coordinates of corresponding nodes and e A is area of the element. In the finite element me

15、thod, nodal displacements are obtained from the solution of the linear system of equations, that is (5)where, K is stiffness matrix, u is nodal displacement vector, and f is nodal load vector. Stiffness matrix may be calculated as (6)where t is thickness of the element, (7)and differential operator

16、is, (8)and the elasticity matris is defined by (9)where E is modulus of elasticity and v is the Poissons ratio.2.2. Mesh Generation and RefinementUnstructured mesh generation procedure consists of some basic steps. These are the generations of boundary and interior nodes and connection of these node

17、s which has a specific name as triangulation for triangular finite elements. In this work, a random point generation scheme is used to form interior nodes that were explained by Fukuda and Suhura in detail 8. This procedure uses subsquares in which only one node is generated randomly. Although, here

18、, node generation is a random process, we can define some restriction on this generation. For example, we can say that the distance between any two nodes must not be less than a minimum value which can be taken as the width of a subsquare. In fact this random procedure is a time consuming procedure,

19、 but this is not too long for todays desktop computers for initial node generation. Other algorithms can be used in large scale finite element problems. For example, instead of generating interior nodes by random trials, a rectangular grid could be used creating one node in each rectangle. The width

20、 and height of the rectangles are in the ratio of 2/3 and they are placed in a zigzag manner and nodes are placed at the center of the rectangles. The ratio helps ensure equilateral triangles 9. Another node generation scheme in which imaginary horizontal lines cut the domain in an even number of po

21、ints could also be used.Interior nodes are generated on the horizontal line between the cuts according to a prescribed spacing parameter 10.For the triangulation step, a number of algorithms have been suggested by various authors. These techniques involve simple automatic triangulation methods 8,9,a

22、dvancing front methods 10,11, domain decomposition methods 12,13, and coordinate transformation methods 14. In the present work,triangular elements in the problem domain are obtained using a condition known as Delaunay or empty circle criterion 15-18. According to this rule, in a circumcircle of a t

23、riangle no node must exist in the problem domain (Figure 3). The nodes in the problem domain are scanned from the first node to the last node selecting three candidate nodes which will obey the empty circle criterion. This criterion is very useful to eliminate intersection check of the interelement

24、boundaries.Figure 3. A triangulation which obeys the empty circle criterion (a),triangulation which does not obey the criterion (b).Initially we could not know the necessary degree of smallness of finite elements to represent the stress distribution accurately. For that reason, a few numbers of init

25、ial nodes are used for triangulation giving an initial triangulation. Around geometrical discontinuities such as interior holes at shear walls and shear wall frame connection points, a local mesh refinement must be done by inserting new nodes and repeating the triangulation procedure. At this stage,

26、 a number of alternative algorithms could be employed to get a fine mesh where it is necessary. Those are, One point mesh refinement Line or polygon mesh refinement Central point mesh refinement and, Delaunay point mesh refinementIn FEM, all generated nodes and elements have some special id denoted

27、by numbers. When this number is known for a node, it is easy to search surrounding elements of this node. For the first algorithm mentioned above, once these elements are determined, they aregrouped forming first kind of triangles which are affected by refining. Some second kinds of triangles exist,

28、 which are the neighboring triangles to the first kind. According to the one point local mesh refinement algorithm, four new triangles are generated in the first kind of triangles and two new triangles are generated in the second kind of triangles and old ones are deleted (Figure 4-a and b). Line an

29、d polygon local mesh refinement algorithms also use the same logic which differs from the first one in such a way that, selected nodes make a line or a closed polygon. In the third refinement algorithm, a point is added into a triangle, using the geometrical center of apex nodes. The last algorithm,

30、 named the Delaunay point mesh refinement,adds a node into the triangulation at the center of the circumcircle of a selected triangle.Figure 4. First kind of triangles (a), second kind of triangles (b), and after refinement (c)selected point for refinement.A mesh smoothing process was made to improv

31、e the quality of triangles after triangulation. In any branch of mechanics, the shape of triangles is an important factor for finite element meshes. Especially in solid mechanics triangles are regarded as good if they are nearly equiangular 19. In computational fluid dynamics, problems concerning bo

32、undary layers and shocks, skinny and long triangles provide a better solution 20.In order to obtain well-distributed good quality triangles, here, we used a Laplacian smoothing method which uses neighboring triangles for node repositioning (Figure 5). This is an iterative method in which a node is m

33、oved to the centroid of the nodes to which it is connected 21. One or two iterations for moving the nodes are sufficient but iterations could be continued until each movement satisfies a convergence distance.Figure 5. Before smoothing (a), neighboring nodes (b), after Laplacian smoothing (c).The new

34、 coordinates defined as,(10)(11)(12)Where n represents the number of surrounding nodes and zero indices represent initial values.3. THE SHEAR WALL - FRAME PROBLEMA shear wall model with small window openings connected to a beam column system was considered to perform a FEM analysis using unstructure

35、d mesh generation with refinement. This shear wall frame structure was loaded as tip load but the loading was distributed to the nodes at the top of the frame. The necessary dimensions of geometry are given in Figure 6-a. Boundary nodes were generated in a direct manner using the width of a column a

36、s a spacing parameter. A few initial nodes were obtained using the random procedure given in section 2 (Figure 6-b). Line mesh refinement algorithm was used to refine the mesh at the beams and columns. One point mesh refinementalgorithm was used around sharp corners of window openings and beam shear

37、-wall connections, in order to get the final mesh (Figure 7). The deformed shape and stress distributions obtained using the final mesh is given in Figure 8.Figure 6. Example problem a) dimensions, loading and b) initial node generation.Figure 7. After mesh refinement.Figure 8. Graphical results aft

38、er analysis.4. CONCLUSIONSIn order to get an accurate solution for stress distribution at beam to column and beam to shear wall connections, we developed a finite element program in MATLAB environment. Although the geometry of the problem is quite complex because of interior holes, the problem domai

39、n was discretized with an unstructured finite element with refinement.1) The element mesh was refined employing small triangles at the regions of geometric discontinuities. Smooth transitions from small to large triangles were obtained. Good quality equiangular elements were obtained using empty cir

40、cle criterion and Laplace smoothing.2) A good agreement exists between ANSYS (PLANE2 elements) results and the work presented here in lateral displacements and shear stresses. Comparisons are given in Table 1 and Table 2 for lateral displacements and shear stresses respectively for a load value of P

41、=100N.Table 1. Lateral displacement of shear wall structure with openings.Location,Lateral disp. (m), Lateral disp. (m)ANSYS (PLANE2)Error (%)4.82.8: Nodes at 8 m height.: Nodes at 4 m height.Table 2. Shear stress, , values at some points given in Figure 5.LocationStress (Pa)Stress (Pa)ANSYS (PLANE2

42、)Error (%)P1205.6222.157.4P2189.25175.068.1P336.7540.138.4P4180.35164.389.83) The algorithm reviewed here falls into the semi automatic approach category. There is an automatic mesh generation for arbitrary domain with inner holes. A manual decision is required for the refinement regions.4) In fact,

43、 the work presented here provided us with a springboard for further developments to get an adaptive finite element procedure for shear wall frame structures.剪力墙框架结构中的应力分布 非结构细化有限单元网格法的计算摘要:本文通过有限元分析中的一个半自动运算法则来获得剪力墙中的应变和应力分布。在研究中, 用Matlab软件采用了六自由度的三角形常应变单元和网格的精细粗化运算法则计算。最初,被采用的运算法则在整个范围内自动生成粗化网格,然后用

44、户在需要精细网格的区域对这种有限单元网格进行细化,这些区域往往在几何不连续处。在一个例子中,分别列出了变形、正应力和剪应力,通过和用广泛运用的工程软件运算的结果的比较,其位移和应力结果大致相同。关键词:剪力墙;有限元分析方法;非结构网格;细化1. 引言在最近二十年,剪力墙成为了土耳其中高层民用建筑中的一个重要组成部分。作为抗震设计中的一部分,这些剪力墙被设置在建筑中以减少地震荷载作用下的横向位移,于是就有了剪力墙框架结构。自从19世纪60年代以来,许多方法被用来求解剪力墙框架结构的位移和应力分布,如连续介质法和框架分析模型法1-4。迄今为止,由于数值分析法的精确度以及在对剪力墙进行2D和3D分


46、状。为了解决这个问题,非结构网格就可用来离散有内部边界的复杂区域,如图1-b。尽管它是一种很费时的程序,非结构网格也依然适合局部网格的细化和粗化。这种工作的目标是为剪力墙框架几何形状得到一个优品质的非结构网格,在几何不连续处有更小的单元,而在其他区域内有更大的单元。图1 结构网格(a)和非结构网格(b)2. 三角形有限单元2.1 单元的公式表示几乎所有平面集合形状均可离散成三角形有限单元,这就是使用三角形有限单元的第一个优点。这种单元有6个自由度,每个接点处有2个方向的平移,如图2。由于3节点的存在,这种单元有着线形形状函数,单一化的数学处理,这就是使用三角形有限单元的第二个优点。然而,这些公

47、式导致单元内部的应变和应力为常量,在单元边界处应变和应力有跳跃变化。为了解决这个缺陷,在应力和应变变化迅速的区域,就必须采用更小的单元来划分区域。图2 常应变三角有限单元CST单元的位移函数和形函数如下:(1)(2)(3)(4)式中:、节点1、2、3在x方向的节点位移;、节点1、2、3在y方向的节点位移;、线性形函数;、相应节点的坐标;单元的面积。在有限元方法中,节点位移可通过解线性方程组得到,如下式。(5)式中:刚度矩阵;节点位移向量;节点荷载向量。刚度矩阵可通过下式计算。 (6)式中:单元厚度;(7)微分算子如下式。(8)弹性矩阵由下式计算。(9)式中: E弹性模量;泊松比。2.2 网格的生成和细化非结构网格法由一些基本步骤组成,即:边界和内部节点的生成,节点的连接。这种采用三角有限单元的方法叫三角化,Fukuda和Suhura详细介绍了这种方法,即选取一个随机点来生成内部节点8。其中只有一个节点是随机生成的。尽管节点生成是一个随机过程,我们依然可以对这种生成方式加以限制。例如,我们可以将两节点的距离定义一个最小值,以作为单元的宽度。实际上,这种随机生成节点的过程很费时间,但如今的台式电脑不会在初始节点的生成上花费很多时间。在大尺寸有限单


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