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1、Unit 2Lessen 12: The Palace Museum一、教材分析1 教学目标语言知识(1) 掌握词汇 :camera,picture(2) 短语及句型:May I take your picture?语言技能能用英语准确地表达照相的意愿。情感态度学生对照相很感兴趣,愿意把自己照的“照片”和同学们一起分享,在课上模拟景点旅游,培养学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。文化意识了解北京及故宫的有关知识,通过在“景点”照相,培养环境保护意识。2 教学重点有关拍照的词汇及句型3教学难点学生们在有限的时间内,掌握照相时所必需的短语及句型。二、教学准备实物(照相机、胶卷、学生们自制的“照相

2、机”及“照片”) 、四张不同风景的张贴画、多媒体课件三、教学步骤Step I Class Opening ( 7 minutes )1 .Greeting2 .Ask and AnswerT:Today is sunny.Look at the screen.( 多媒体呈现春天的景象) What do you want to do inspring ?Ss: I want to g o to the park.I want to play a game.I want to go on a trip设计思路 : 播放关于春天的影片吸引学生们的注意力。一问一答的形式,可以让学生开阔思路,为下面的授

3、课环节作准备。 T: Go on a trip ? OK Let s go on a trip. Where do yon want tn gu ?S1: I want to go to the U.S.S2: I want to go to Beijing. 设计思路:出示中国地图,让学生们发散思维,选自己喜欢的地方,可提高学生们的思维能力。3.Look and GuessT: Look at the pictures and guess what they are.(CAI多媒体呈现北京景点的照片)设计思路:通过让学生以组为单位猜每幅图是哪个景点,可培养学生的竞争意识和合作精神,可以适当增

4、加一些词汇,在紧张的比赛中学生们既复习了旧知识,又扩充了单词量。Step II New Concepts (21 minutes )1.the Palace MuseumT: This is the Palace Museum.(CAI多媒体呈现故宫的照片 )What can you see ? What colour are the palaces ? And what colour is the sky?Ss: The palaces are red and yellow.The sky is blue.(Students read it.)设计思路:通过看图回答问题了解、学习故宫的情况,

5、学生回答问题的同时,可以掌握课文第二 部分的一些知识。T: Answer my questions. I.d 七 K.弋 础口 S Pi ISL?How old is the Palace Museum?Is it old or young?S1: It is 500 years old.S2: It is old.2.camera,film,take a pictureT:l: is very hcautifui.Let s take a piutjrc hurc. ttbdt do wc rued?Ss:胶卷,相机。T:Very good! Look here.This is a came

6、ra.Read after me camera,this is a camera.Show meyour cameras.(学生们展示自己制作的照相机”。)设计思路:实物出示,课件演示,加深了学生们对单词的理解及印象。按字母发音教授单词,使学生在不知不觉中了解字母组合的发音规律。1T:This is a film.Read after me. Film.Film goes in the camera.Ss: Film.Film goes in the camera.T: OK 1 put the film in the canner a. OK All dcac. Lot s take a p

7、icture Say,h c o s e!”设计思路:边说边做出微笑状,教师用形体语言教授效果很好,提高语言实践能力。T:Read after me,my children.Film goes in the camera.Put the film in the camera.Close thecamera.Take a picture.(将这些句子板书在黑板上,学生跟读。 )Ss : Film goes in the camera.Put the film in the camera.Close the camera.Take a picture.Step III Consolidation

8、9 9 minutes )T:Look! I have some pictures here.(课件展示同学们在北京的照片)Say something about it,OK?Ss: This is He is in The weather is The is very beautiful.设计思路:出示课件展示一些学生在北京照的照片。学生们看见自己及同学的照片都非常高兴,纷纷举手发言,在介绍照片的过程中锻炼并提高了他们的口语能力。1T:There are four posters about beautiful places on the wall.Guide,please lead you

9、r teamto take a picture there.(Students make groups and act to take pictures.)T:Show me your pictures.Come on,tell us about it.(Students go to the front and present their pictures.)设计思路:让学生们结组去完成这项任务,可以锻炼学生的合作能力,交际能力和而且学生们在完成任务的过程中不断应用与巩固所学词汇。Step IV Class Closing (3 minutes )T:These places are very beautiful,and they need us to protect.Think about something youcan do to protect environment.设计思路:让同学们思考如何保护环境,自己可以力所能及做哪些事情。引导学生增强环保意识。 3


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