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1、英语冠词的常见用法归纳详解相信很多人在英语的学习中,语法是一个大问题吧!下面是 归 纳的一些关于冠词的常见用法,希望这些冠词英语语法能帮到大家!冠词分为定冠词the和不定冠词a/an英语冠词的常见用法归纳:不定冠词用法1.可数名词单数第一次提至限 She is working in a factory.2 .用于人名前,表示说话者对此人不认识或者表示与某名人有类 似性质的人或者事物。A Smith is asking for you outside,. 有位叫 Smith 的人在外面 找你。He wished to become a Newton.3 .用来修饰单位、速度、比率等名词,意为“每

2、一”和 per含义 相当。The car is running 80 miles an hour.4 .用在序数词前,表示“又一、再一”的含义。When I sat down, a fourth man stood up to speak.我刚坐下,又有一个人来跟我说话。5 .用在of+a(n)+n.可以限制类别或者数量的名次结构中,表示“同一、相同“ 时 =the same.We are of an age.=We re of the same age.6 .用在具体化的抽象名词前,表示“一个人”或“一件事”。My family is a failure in life.7 .用在表示世界上

3、独一无二有形容词修饰的名词前。Everybody wishes to live in a peaceful world.8 .当表示“季节、月份、日期、三餐”的名词前有形容词修饰时。We really had a wonderful breakfast this morning.9 .用于固定搭配,表示“许多、大量”have a cold/have a fever/all of a sudden/in a hurry/for awhile/in a word/have a gift for/have a word with/at a loss/once upon a time10 .有些不可数

4、名词,如 knowledge, collection, understanding 后面加of时,前面需用不定冠词a/an.Her new book is a collection of short stories.11 .so/as/too/how+adj.+a/an+ 可数名词单数She is as good a student as anybody else.He doesn’t know how precious a friend is.12.half/many/quite/rather/such+a/an+adj.+ 可数名词单数We have never seen su

5、ch a beautiful girl before.英语冠词的常见用法归纳:定冠词的用法1.用在姓氏复数前,表 示一家人。 The Greens are at table.2 .用在年代、朝代名词前或用在世纪或逢10的复数年代前。(在某人50多岁时用in ones 50s)A great many important events took place in the 1900s.The T ang Dynasty(唐朝)3 .用在表示计量单位的名词前。Apples are sold by thekilogram.但如果是单位名词的总称,名词前不用冠词,如:by weight; by time

6、; by lengthFruit is sold by weight.4 .特指双方都明白的人或者事物。Take the medicine.5 .指上文提到过的人或者事物。He bought a house. I’ve been to the house.6 .指世界上独一无二的事物。the sun, the Internet, the moon , 但 space 前没有冠词7 .与形容词或分词连用,表示一类人或者一类事物。the rich, the wounded, the new8 .用在表示乐器的名词前,但中国乐器前没有定冠词play thepiano, play erhu

7、9 .用在序数词、形容词最高级以及形容词only, very, same前面She is always the first to come and the last to leave.10 .动词+sb.+介词+the +身体的某一部位take sb. by the arm抓住某人的手臂 hit sb. in the face 打某人的脸11 .用在 the more…,the more…结构中,表示“越…… 越…… (more 指形容词的比较级)The harder you study, the better

8、 you will learn.12 .用在发明物的单数名词前,既表示特指又表示类别。Bell invented the telephone in 1876.13 .固定短语on the whole, in the way, go to the theatre/cinema, to tellthe truth, all over the world, in the distance, in the form of英语冠词的常见用法归纳:零冠词的用法1.不可数名词、复数名 词表示泛指,用零冠词Father went to his doctor for advice about his heart

9、 trouble.Horses are useful animals.2 .月、季、星期、节假、洲;呼语、头衔、职务前;三餐、球类, 惯用语;学科、棋类名词前用零冠词。He has no lessons on Sundays.It is usually very cold in winter in the north.(表示呼语、头衔的名词做表语、同位语、补足语时用零冠词)注意:如果表示“某个”应用不定冠词;表示特指应用定冠词。I am not exactly sure when he returned but I’m sure that he returned on a Mond

10、ay.The winter of last year was extremely cold.3 .在独立主格结构中“名词+介词+名词”中的名词前The teacher is standing in the front of the classroom, book in hand.4 .turn, go做系动词,表示“变为、成为 时,后接可数名词 单数做表语,不定冠词要省略。She turned teacher ten years ago.=she became a teacher ten years ago.5.1 n+书写工具或者颜料You can never write your comp

11、osition in red.6 .“零冠词+单数名词+as/though+ 主语+谓语” 虽然/尽管 ……,但是 ……Hero as he is, he has some shortcomings.7 .固定短语At home, at first, on condition that, in charge of, in danger, in spite of, out of breath英语冠词的常见用法归纳:冠词易混点1.抽象名词具体化时,被 具体化的名词与a/an连用。A heavy rain, a surprise, a success/failure2 .形容词比较级前加the表示“两者中较……的”形容词最高级前加a或者an ,没有比较含义Which is the larger country, Canda or America?It is a most useful book.3 . “the+序数词”表示排序“a/an+序数词”表示“又一、再一”Can you give me a second chance?information,4 .纯不可数名词,没有冠词。weather, fun, advice, word(news), progress, news 7


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