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1、解除合同协议书Contract termination agreement甲方:XXXX公司Party A: XXXX Co., Ltd.乙方:XXXXX公司Party B: XXXXX Co., Ltd.甲方XXXX与乙方XXXX于20XX 年XX月XX日签订了 XXXX 项目销 售代理合同,原合同/协议有效期至2016年12 月31日,现因 XXXX项目 销售代理合同第11.1.4条之规定,乙方连续3月未能达成销售目标原因,致 使原合同无法继续履行,现经甲乙双方协商一致,达成如下协议:Party A XXXX Co., Ltd. And Party B: XXXX Co., Ltd. ha

2、d enter into force theXXXX Project Outsource Sales Agency Contract on 20XX XX XX.Original contract will expire on December 31,20XX, now because of the XXXX Project Outsource Sales Agency Contract provisions XXX, Party B failed to achieve the sales target in 3 consecutive month, the original contract

3、 cant continue to perform, through consultation between both parties, reached the following agreement:1、原XXXX项目销售代理合同自 年月日解除,自解除之日 起,原合同中约定的双方权利义务终止;1. Original XXXX Project Outsource Sales Agency Contract,shall be terminated from the date of , the rights and obligations of both parties agree with t

4、he original contract terminates;2、乙方应于合同终止三日内办理完毕移交手续、撤离售楼处。甲方在乙方 撤离后15天内结清所有销售代理费;2. Party B shall proceed with handover procedure and withdraw the sales office within 3 days after the contract is terminated. Party A shall settle all sales agency cost within 15 working days after Party B s withdraw

5、al from the service contract.3、本协议由甲乙双方签字盖章后生效,本协议生效之日,原 XXXX项目 销售代理合同解除,双方互不承担违约责任;3. This agreement shall become effective upon the sign and seal by both parties, from the date of this agreement comes into effect, the original XXXX Project Outsource Sales Agency Contract terminated, both parties b

6、ear not liable for breach of contract to each other party;4、本协议一式2份,甲乙双方各执一份,均具有同等法律效力。4. This agreement comes with two original copies, each party hold one copy, both have the same legal effect.甲方:乙方:Party B:Party A:精品资料代表:Representative:日期:Date:代表:Representative:日期:Date:Welcome ToDownload !欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!


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