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1、Verb+toagree to the plan/the date/the solution/the deal 同意某事contribute to/make contributions to sth 对做贡献respond to sth回应,对作出回答look forward to sth/doing sth 期待eg. I look forward to hearing from attention to sth注意devote .to sth/doing sth把投入She devoted all her time to being a good housewife.ded

2、icate yourself/your life tosth/doings th献身于 (be dedicated to)eg. He dedicated all his life to helping others.get down to sth/doing sth着手做eg.I am going to get down to preparing for Toeic.lead to sth导致stick to sth/doing sth坚持,坚守stick to a promise/ones words/decision/principleeg. He stuck to writing al

3、l his lifeobject to sb/sth/doing sth.反对eg. I object to being spoken to like that.see to sth/doing sth办理,照料,照顾eg. I must see to cleaning the house every pare A toB把A比作Bset an example to sb给树立榜样turn a blind eye to sth/sb对视而不见turn a deaf ear to sth/sb对充耳不闻drink to/propose a toast to sth/sb为干杯pay a visi

4、t to sb/some place拜访help oneself to sth随便吃/喝resort to sth/doing sth求助于,依靠(不好的事情)eg. She resorted to stealing when her money ran out.refer to sb/sth谈到,参考belong to sb属于give rise to sth引起turn to sb转向,向求助noun+toexception to sth的例外solution/key/answer to sth/doing sth的解决方案/关键/答案eg. Science and technology

5、is always the key to developing a country.approach to sth/doing sth的方法eg. approach to learning Englishdevotion/dedication to sth/doing sth对的投入contribution to 对的贡献response to对的反应 adj+tobe/get/become used/accustomed to sth/doing sth习惯于eg. Old people are not used to getting up too given to sth/

6、doing sth 沉溺于Nowadays, many students are given to playing computer gamesbe related to sth与有关be admitted to被录取be familiar to sb为所熟悉(注意与be familiar with sth/sb区分)be similar to sth/sb与相似be good/bad for sb/sth对有益/有害superior/senior(地位,级别较高)/junior(地位级别较低)/inferior tobe attached to sb/sth附属于,喜欢,依恋be sente

7、nced to被判处thanks to/due to/ owing to 由于be identical to sb/sth与相同be known to sb为所知be devoted to ,be dedicated to sth/doingsth致力于,献身于,忠诚于be married to sb和结婚be exposed to sth暴露于,受影响be close to 几乎,将近be good/nice/friendly tosb对友好according to sth/sb根据with regard to sth关于when it comes to sth/doing sth当涉及到eg. I can use a computer, but when it comes to repairing computers, I know nothingthanks to/due to/ owing to sth由于because ofDue to poor management, the company went bankrupt. Thanks to your help, I finally solved the problem.4基础教育a


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