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1、英语中什么叫做物质名词这里需要把名词的分类跟您说清楚 ,您就明白了 . 名词可以分为专有名词(Proper Nouns)和普通名词(Common Nouns),专有名词是某个(些)人,地方,机构等专有的名称,如:Beijing, China等.普通名词是一类人或东西或是一个抽象概念的名词,如:book ,sadness等普通名词又可分为下面四类: 1 个体名词:表示某类人或东西中的个体, 2 集体名词:表示若干个个体组成的集合体, 3 物质名词 :表示无法分为个体的实物 , 4抽象名词 :表示动作,状态 ,品质 ,感情等抽象概念, 个体名词和集体名词可以用数目来计算,称为可数名词(Counta

2、ble Nouns),物质名词和抽象名词一般无法用数目计算,称为不可数名词(Uncountable Nouns).定义 有具体的存在,但是不可数却有固定形状的物件的(如气体、液体、 粉状或细粒状物体、 材料、 块状物体等) , 称为物质名词。 物质名词在使用上的注意事项如下: ( 1)物质名词因属不可数名词,所以不冠用 “a ( an) ” , 也没有复数。 例: Do you like to have a water?(X)(你要喝点水吗?把“联掉或改为“som省)例:Insummer we drink many waters.( x)(夏天我们喝很多的水。把“many water改为 “m

3、ucha lot of) water:)some和any的用法小结一、some和any作为形容词或代词,可以用来说明或代替复数名词或不可数名词,表示不定量,意为 “一些 ” ,其区别是:对其所说明或代替的名词持肯定态度时,用some;持非肯定(否定或疑问)态度时,用any。在以下句子中使用some:1 .肯定句(包括肯定的陈述句和祈使句以及反意疑问句中肯定的陈述部分) 。如:There are some new books on the teachers desk.We have a lot of sugar. Take some with you, please.He bought some

4、 bread, didnt he?2 .持肯定态度的一般疑问句。如:Are there some stamps in that drawer?Didnt she give you some money?3 .表示请求或建议的一般疑问句,通常都希望得到对方肯定的答复,所以也用some 如:May I ask you some questions?Would you like some tea?4 .特殊疑问句及选择疑问句。因为特殊疑问句和选择疑问句并不对 some 所说明或代替的名词表示疑问。如:Where can I get some buttons?Do you have some pens

5、 or pencils?在以下句子中使用 ANY :1 .否定句(包括否定的陈述句和祈使句以及反意疑问句中否定的陈述部分) 。如:I cant give you any help now.Do not make any noise.There werent any trees here, were there?2 .含有除not 以外的其他否定词或否定结构的句子。如:Jim hardly makes any mistakes in his homework.He went to London without any money in his pocket.She was too poor to

6、 buy any new clothes.3 .一般疑问句(持肯定态度的除外)。如:Did she buy any tomatoes yesterday?I want some paper. Do you have any?4 .条件状语从句。如:If you are looking for any ink, you can find it on my desk.If there are any good apples there, get me two kilos, please.因为条件句 如果”表达的也是不肯定的态度。所以,如果说话者持肯定的态度或期待得到肯定的答复时,则可以用some。

7、如:Bring me two pieces of paper if you have some.5 .whether/if (是否)引导的名词从句。如:It is still unknown whether they have found any proof.He asked if he could drink any cool water.二、some还可表示 某些”或用在单数名词前表示 某一个。any则可用于表示 “任何一些 ”或 “(至少 3个中)任何一个”,二者均可用于肯定或非肯定的句子中。如:I dont like some of them.He is working at some

8、 place in the north.Any criminal(s) will be punished.You can take any of these.三、some和any也可作为副词,用于比较级前,表示程度,意 为 “稍许,几分” ,用法与其作形容词或代词表示“一些 ” 时基本相同。如:He feels some better now.She was so tired that she could not go any further.some还可以用在数字之前,意为 大约”。如:He is some forty years old.四、由some而any-构成的复合不定代词和不定副词

9、,其用法区 另U多与some和any相同。如:Something is wrong with her eyes.There is not anybody in this room.Have you seen it anywhere?Havent you forgotten something?(持肯定态度练习请用 some或 any填空:1) Could you get me coffee, please?2) I heard that he would stay there for days.3) Dont take magazines out of the reading-room.4)-

10、Did he buy cakes or cookies?-Cookies, I think.5) If you have questions, ask me, please.6) schoolboy would know that, yet you dont.7) I wonder if students are still in the classroom.8) Havent you got stamps? May I use one?9) Is he going to visit places of interest there?10) of the books are not mine.

11、 Theyre Johns, I think.11) There is meat on the plate, isnt there?12) She has never eaten Chinese food before.13) person at the door is asking to see you.14) There are 100 workers in the factory.15) when will you buy him new clothes?16) Did he jump higher this time?时间状语前不用介词的几种情况介词是一种用来表示词与词、 词与句之间关

12、系的虚词, 英语中时间状语通常由in, on, at, for等介词引起,但有些情况下时间状语 前不用介词。现就这几种情况加以归纳。一 、 当 时 间 状 语 是 today, yesterday, tomorrow, tonight, yesterday/tomorrow morning(afternoon, evening)等时,其前不用介词。例如:There was a football match yesterday evening.昨天晚上有一 场足球赛。They will go to the zoo tomorrow. 明天他们将要去动物园。二、由this, that, these

13、, thos濡构成的短语前不用介词。例如:Ill visit my grandparents this week. 这一周我要去看望我的祖父母。They are picking apples on the farm these days.这些天他们在 农场摘苹果。三、由形容词 last, next 等指示代词修饰的名词词组用作时间状语时,前面的介词 at, on, in 一般省略。例如:I saw him in the street sometime last week.上周我在街上见过 他。Please come to school earlier next timer 次请早点来学校。但是

14、,如果不是介词at, on, in,而是其他类型的介词,一般不能省略。 如:I havent been to my hometown since last yeM去年以 来我就没回过家乡。四、在以 “the day (week, month, year)+before/after构成的时间状语前不用介词。例如:Where did you go the day before yesterday? 前天你去哪里了?Theyll have a party the day after tomorrow他们后天将举行一 个聚会。五、由every, eac僧表示频率的副词构成的短语用做时间状语时,其前不用

15、介词。例如:Do you watch TV every day? 你们每天看电视吗?They go to school by bike each day他们每天骑自行车去上学。六、由on引出的特定日子,可以省略介词 on。例如:I can see him (on) New Year s Day在元旦我可以看见他。七、 for 通常引出一段时间,当与表示静态的动词连用时可以省略。例如:I have stayed there (for) three hours我在那里已经呆了三个 小时。注意: 1.当与动态动词连用,或在句首及否定句中,介词 for不能省略。如: I havent heard fr

16、om him for three years. 我三年没有收到他的信了。2.当 walk, run, drive, travel 等动词连用表示距离时, for 可以省略。如:He ran (for) a mile in four minutes.他四分钟跑了一英里八、以 all 构成的短语做时间状语,如 all day, all the week, all theyear等前面通常不用介词。例如:My mother was busy all day yesterday天妈妈忙了一整天。The girl was ill in bed all the week. 这个女孩生病了,卧床整整一周。注意:以 all 开头的短语前,介词通常省略。如I havent seen her all da游整整一天没有看见他了。九、当at about表示时间时,介词at可以省略。例如:The sun rose (at) about six oclock today今天太阳大约在六点 升起。


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