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1、小故事The Best Thing In The WorldOnce upon a time, there were four brothers who lived in a far awayland. Their father was an old king. One day he said, I will not live longnow.Today you must start out intotheworld. In a year,bring backthe best thing you have found. The one who can pick the best thingsh

2、all be the new king. The first brother said, I will look in every city ortown.IwillbuythebestthingIcanformyfather.Thenexttwobrothers said, We will both go on fast ships over the sea. We will findsomething better. The last brother said, I am going to ask the peoplehereinourownlandtotellmethebestthing

3、.Theotherthreebrothers began to laugh. Then you will never be king! They said.Thelastbrotherstartedoff.Whenhehadgoneaboutsixmiles,hemet a man. What do you carry in those bigbags? he asked. Thebest thing in the world, said the man. These are full of the good nutswhich fall from my five nut trees. I d

4、ont think that would work, saidthe brother to himself, I must try again. The brother went on anotherseven miles. He found a small brown bird. It had been hurt, so he putit in his coat where it could keep warm. As he went on, he saw a littlegirlcrying.Herantomeether.Whyareyoucrying?heasked.Iwantto ge

5、t somewater from thewell, shesaid. Weuse so much.We drink cold water. We wash the clothes clean with hot water. But I The Best Thing In The Worldpage 2donotknowhowtopullitup.Pleaseshowme.Thebrothersaid,HoldthisbirdandIwillhelpyou.Itdoesnotflyaroundanymorebecause it got its wing cut. Thank you. What

6、a pretty bird! she said.I wish you would give it to me. If you will let me keep it, I will alwaysbe very kind to it. I will take care of it myself. I will make it grow wellagain. Yes, you may have it, said the brother. So he gave her thebird and went on.Atnight,hewenttosleepunderaroundyellowhaystack

7、.Whenitwas light again he walked on. Every day he would walk eight or tenmiles. He asked the people about the best thing in the world. Somesaid it was best to sing. Some said it was best to run and jump andplay.Somesaidthegreengrasswasbest.Somelikedtheredandblue and white flowers best. One man said

8、the best thing was to rideablackhorse.Healwaysstoppedtohelppeoplewhoneededit.Soon he made many friends. All the people began to like him. Theywould say, See there goes the kings son. He would be just the rightkind of king forus.Every door wasopentohim.The peoplewouldcall to him to stop. They would a

9、sk him to come and eat with them.Afterheate,hewouldsitdownandreadtothechildren.Afterheread, he showed them how to draw and write. Months went by. Hestill had no beautiful thing to take to his father. Just before the yearwas done, he went home again.The Best Thing In The Worldpage 3The time came when

10、 the king called his sons together. What did youbring?Heaskedthemall.Theotherbrothershadmanybeautifulthings. And what did you bring? said the king to the last brother. Thisistoofunny!saidtheotherbrothers.Hehasnothing!Butthekingwas kind to the last brother. What did you bring me? the king askedagain.Ibringonlythefriendshipofyourpeople,saidthelastbrother. That is the best thing! cried his father. You shall be the newking.The End3基础教育a


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