【最新】5B unit7 第四课时课件.ppt

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《【最新】5B unit7 第四课时课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【最新】5B unit7 第四课时课件.ppt(15页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit7 Chinese festivals,Period 4 Sound time& Checkout time & Ticking time,I can name the months of the year.,I know the sound of “th”.,I can talk about some Chinese festivals.,Chinese festivals,What festivals are they talking about?,Spring Festival January/February Get together with families Have a

2、big dinner and eat dumplings,Dragon Boat Festival May/June Have dragon boat races Eat rice dumplings,Mid-Autumn Festival September/October Look at the moon Eat moon cakes,Double Ninth Festival October/November Visit parents and grandparents Climb mountains Eat rice cakes,Ask and answer,Whens the Spr

3、ing Festival? Its in,What do people do at this festival? They usually,What do people eat at this festival? They eat,Think and write,My favourite festival,My favourite festival is Festival. It is in or . At this festival, people usually,They eat . I like this festival because .,Rules(规则):,1、全班大声朗读旋转的

4、节日 2、找到每个节日的时间和活动 3、迅速举手抢答,Spring Festival,Dragon Boat Festival,Mid-Autumn Festival,Double Ninth Festival,birthday,May 12th Sunday,thirty-three,What are they doing?,May 12th Sunday,birthday,songbirds (鸣鸟),How many songbirds are there in the tree?,Thirty-three songbirds Sitting in the tree. Thirty-th

5、ree songbirds Singing songs to me. Today is my birthday Im happy as can be.,Lets read,认真思考字母组合“th”的发音,th /,Tip:的发音方法 用上下齿轻咬住舌尖, 吐气,声带不震动,你知道th /发音的单词吗?,两人小组 根据所学尝试朗读新单词,youyouth(青年) toothbooth (电话亭) rowthrow (扔) twelvetwelfth(第十二),12th,May 12th Sunday,1.Find more words with sound of “th”. 寻找更多含有”th“发音的单词 2. Introduce Chinese and Western festivals to your friends and parents. 向朋友和父母介绍中西方节日。,Homework,Thank you!,


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