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1、 3.educationa(l adj). 教育的,有教育意义的(vt.)educate教育 (n.)education教育4. successful (a成dj功.)的(vt.)succeed成功(n.)success成功5.unlucky (ad不j.幸) 的,倒霉的(adj). lucky 幸运的(n.)luck 运气6. lose lost (丢v t失. )1.think o认f 为4. talk sho谈w话节目3.find ou查t 明;弄清楚6.soap oper肥a 皂剧 7.go on发生8. watch a movi看e电影10.try ones 尽be某st人最大努力1

2、2. have a discussion a就bout讨论15.dress u打p 扮;梳理16.take sb.s p代la替ce;替换 17.do a good j干ob得好 18.something enjoyab令le人愉快的东西19.interesting informa有ti趣on的资料 20.one of之一 21.look lik看e起来像22.around the wor全ld世界三用法集萃23.a symbol of的象征4.sth happen +时间、地点 某地、某事发生了某事6.How about doing做? 怎么样?8. try ones best to尽d力o

3、 做st某h.事mind 此处用作及物动词,意为“介意,反对”,通常用于疑问句,否定句或条件句中,其后可接名词,代词或动词-ing形式 。mind (sb/oneso)indg sth介.意(某人)做某事We dont mind this he我at们. 不在乎炎热。wish sb. to do s(th正确) Im looking for my bik我e在找我的自行车。B. find意为“找到”发“现”,强调“找”的结果,其宾语往往是某个丢失的东西或人。 如:Did you find Li Ming yeste?rd你ay昨天找到李明了吗?No ,we looked for him eve

4、rywh,erbeut didnt find him没有,我们到处找了.但没有找到C. find ou着t 重表示通过理解、分析、思考、询问等“弄清楚”查“明”一件事情,其后 的语常常是某个情况、事实。如:Stand 此处用作及物动词,意为“忍受”,通常与 cant连用,表达对某事物到了不能容忍的程度。cant stand doing 不st能h.忍受做某事。sth .+ happens to s某b.人发生了某事 A traffic accident happened to his elder brother yesterdsth .+ happens 地+ 点/时间,意为:某地/某时发生了

5、某事 An accident happened on Park Street.happen v,表示“碰巧”,主语可以是人,后常跟动词不定式 to do st表h 示, “碰巧做某事”.sb. + happens to do 某st人h.碰巧I happened to see my uncle on the street.take place 意为“发生,举行,举办”,一般指非偶然性事件的“发生”,即这种事件的发生一定有某种原因或事先的安排。例:Great changes have taken place in China. The meeting will take place next F

6、riday.5I hope to be a TV reporter one 我da希y.望有一天成为一名电视记者。one day 意为“有一天”。可以表示过去的某一天,也可以用于表示将来的某一天。One day I met my Chinese teacher on the有s一tr天ee我t.在街上遇到了我的语文老师。I hope that one day skipping will be an event of the Olympic Games.我希望有一天跳绳成为奥运会的一个项目。拓展some day 意为“某一天”,表示将来的有一天或日后的某一天。在表示将来某一天时可以与 one d

7、ay 互换。I will go to see you some日d后ay我. 会去看你的。6. serious ad严j.肃的,认真的 He is a serious man. Hes serious about selling his house.7.But one very famous symbol in American culture is a car但to是on美. 国文化的一个非常著的标志是卡通片。辨析:(1)b.e famous for,因为.而.出.名,后接闻名的原因,与 be well-known for同义。This place is famous for its 这co

8、个tt地on方. 以出产棉花而出名。(2)b.e famous as,作为.而.闻.名 ,后接表示职位、名称等的词,与 be well-known as同义.Jet Li is famous as a actor in th李e 连wo杰rl是d.世界上著名的演员。(3).be famous to为,.所.熟. 知,后接某部分人。跟不定时作宾语的动词有:打算 (intend计) 划(plan和) 期盼 (expect/desir假e)装(pretend喜) 欢(would like/love/pref表er祝) 愿(wish)决定(decide同) 意(agree来) 帮 助(help)设法(

9、manage)说服(persuade不) 拒绝(refuse好)像(seem/appear答) 应(promise做) 努力(attempt选) 择(choose询) 问(ask)多学习(learn告) 诉(tel失l)败(fai也l)付得起(afford)find/think/feel形+容it词+to do 结构(重点记)如:I find it difficult to lear我n 发En现gl学is英h.语很难。注意:否定形式为 not+ 不定式(to do)(拓展 1)在动词 remember, try, regret, forget, need/wa,nt/srteoqpu,irm

10、eean等后跟动名词 V-和不定式意义不同,巧记一句话(记住努力;后悔忘记;需要停止;很有意义),学习采用对比法1. remember to do someth记in着g 去做某事(现在还没有做)remember doing somethin记g 着曾做过某事(以前做过某事)2. try to do someth努in力g、尽力做某事1. The boy decided _in Shanghai, which made his father a little surprised.A. wanted4After he had worked several hours, he stopped _

11、a cup of coffee torefresh himselfA to drink B drinking C drink D drank5Although swimming is his favorite sport, yet he doesnt like _ todayA to swim B swimming C swim D to have swim六. another, other, the other, o与t h etrhse others的区别1.another指不定数目(三个或三个以上)中的“另一个;又一个”,用来代替或修饰单数数名词。如:Would you like ano

12、ther cup of你te想a?再来一杯茶吗2.the othe通r常指两个中的“另一个”,后也可接名词,常用的用法有:onethe other。如:She has two daughters. One is a teacher, the other is a doctor. 她有两个女儿。一个是教师,另一个是医生。3.other意为“另外的;其他的”,后接复数名词。如We study Chinese, math, English and other l我es们so学ns习. 语文、数学、英语和其他学科。4.other泛s 指“另外的人或物”常用的用法有:someothers。如:Some like swimming, others like boa有ti些ng人. 喜欢游泳。另一些人喜欢划船。5.the othe特rs指某范围内“其余全部的人或物”。如:There are forty books in the box. Ten are mine, the others are my fathers.箱子里有四十本书。其中十本是我的,其余的都是我父亲的。)1. When do your family watch _ news? We usually watch it before dinner. Of course. It is _ its Beijing duck.


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