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1、 三年级英语下学期期中试卷姓名 分数一、找出每组单词中不属于同一类的那一项(分)( )1、A.rice( )2. A.noodles( )3. A.chicken( )4. A.five( )5. A.myB.milkC.popB.dumplingsB.pepperB.fingerB.itC. vegetableC.fishC.legC. his( )6. A.thisty( )7. A.breakfast( )8. A.redB.hungryB.foodC. eatC. lunchC. bananaB.green二、拼写单词并找出相应的中文意思(分)蛋糕 西瓜 口渴 十五 汤 吃 果酱 十四

2、 十一 喝e_eve_( )s_ _p( )f_ fteen(th_ _sty()f_ _ _teen (j_m(dr_ _k( )c_k_(_ _t()mel_ _())三.把 A 栏中与 B 栏相应的表达连起(分)AB.Whats for breakfast.How many bottles of water.How old are youone yuanYes,I like itfive bottlesyoure welcomeYes,please.Thank you.Would you like some tea.Do you like pepper.How much is thisn

3、ine years oldporridge四.选择题(30 分).you like banana?A.doesB.areC.do2.Im thirsty,I want_ .A.to eat a cake B.drink a cup of tea C.to drink a glass of juice3._sister is a teacher.A.sheB.herC.shes4.-_is the cake?-its eight yuan.A.How muchB.WhatC.how manyB.Thank you C.youre welcome5.-May I borrow your pen?-

4、_ A.sure1 6._evening,I eat supper.7.lets _lunch.A.onB.inC.atA.eatsB.hasC.have8.-thanks.A.O-_.B.sorryC.youre welcome9.This is ate,_is an English girl.A.sheB.HeC.It10.-Do you like hot dog?A.Yes,I dont- _.B.No,I dontC.No,I do五选择括号内恰当的词填空(16 分).(do,are)you like apples?2.(would,can) you like some tea?3.H

5、ow many_(bottle,bottles) of pop?4._(let,Lets) drink some water.5.Seven and eight is_(fifteen,fourteen)6.What_(colour,colours)is this?7._(How many.How much) is for donut? -two yuan.8.I_(not dont) like porridge.六.连词成句(18 分).food noodles my is favourite-2.namemyis ate-3.dont I chicken like_4.isfor lunch what_one for how hotdog5.much-6.I borrow may pencil your-2


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