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1、 七年级下册教材全解各模块单项选择1. - _ black crayon is this?- Its Linglings.A. Who B. What C. WhoseD. Where2. There _ a ruler and two pens on the chair.A. is B. are C. am D. be3. I cant wait. Im _.A. in hurry B. in a hurryC. on hurryD. on a hurry4. - Do you eat _ vegetables every day?- Yes, I like them.A. a lot; a

2、 lot of5. There are _ students in Grade One in our school.A. hundreds B. hundred C. hundreds of D. hundred of6. Some students often _ their homework at home.A. lose B. forget C. leave D. look7. He_his pen in the pencil box, but he cant _ it.A. look for; find B. looks for; finds C. finds; look for8.

3、Can you help me _ some cleaning?A. do B. does C. in D. for9. Mary cant find her English tapes. Thats _ she looks sad.A. what B. why C. when D. how10. Please be careful _ my iPhone 6S! Its very expensive.A. by B. at C. on D. withB. a lot of; a lotC. a lot of; a lot ofD. a lot; a lotD. looks for; find

4、1. - Are you _ at dancing?- Yes. I can dance really _ .A. good; good B. well; wellC. good; wellD. well; good 2. Who can play _ piano in your school?A. aB. theC. anD. /3. - _ can you do, Linda?- I can play football.A. WhenB. WhereC. WhoD. What4. Good food and exercise make us _.A. health B. healthy C

5、. to be healthy5. Jim is always ready _ us. Its kind of him.A. helping B. to help C. helps D. to helping6. They would like _ to school by car.A. go B. to go C. going D. are going7. Mrs Li teaches _ English. We like _ very much.A. we; his B. we; her C. us; her D. us; him8. Toms father enjoys _ Englis

6、h songs.A. listen to B. listening C. listening to9. Our cleaning monitor promises_ our classroom clean.A. finding B. to make C. making D. to findD. to be healthD. to listen to10. - What about _ a boat to go there?- Great idea!A. to takeB. takeC. takesD. taking1. - When are you going to New York?- _

7、December 29 .thA. At2. - Would you like to go out with us?- _, but I must finish my homework first.B. InC. OnD. For A. Of course not3. Shes going to _ her lessons tomorrow morning.A. put on B. go over C. get off D. look after4. There _ two football matches tomorrow.A. is going to have B. is going to

8、 be5. We are not going to the Great Wall tomorrow, _ Uncle Li is going to visit us.A. because B. so C. and D. but6. He is look forward to _.B. Thats all rightC. Id love toD. Yes, I doC. are going to haveD. are going to beA. have a picnicB. going sightseeingC. do some sightseeing D. watch TV7. I hope

9、 _ the guitar.A. you to playB. you can play C. playingD. to playing8. - What are you going to do next week?- We _ a picnic in the park.A. have9. What are you plans _ the weekend?A. for B. in C. with D. to10. Please wait a minute. I have _ to tell you.B. be going to haveC. are going to haveD. hasA. o

10、ther something B. something other C. else something D. something else1. Mr Green is kind to us, _ we all like him.A. but B. or C. so D. because2. Lucy isnt a student _.A. much more B. no more C. some more D. any more3. Alice enjoys drawing pictures with _.A. penB. ruler C. pencilD. chalk 4. Not only

11、 Mary, but also you _ right.A. be B. am C. is D. sre5. Mr Smith and his wide go to the supermarket _ bus every weekend.A. on B. in C. with D, by6. You need _ early tomorrow.A. comesB. to come C. coming D. came7. Everything _ OK. Dont worry.A. are B. is C. am D. be8. I think students _ their homework

12、 to their teachers _ email in the future.A. will send; in B. will send; by C. send; withD. send; by9. I like the movie. Its so _.A. interesting10. My father will be back _ two days time.A. at B. in C. for D. afterB. interestedC. interestD. boring1. Im looking _ clothes _ my daughter.A. for; for B. a

13、t; at C. of; for D. in; for2. - Can I help you?- _. Do you have a yellow T-shirt?A. Yes, please3. One of the boys _ from America.A. am B. is C. are D. be4. These clothes are _ sale.A. on B. at C. of5. I want _ eggs, please.B. No, pleaseC. No, Im notD. Sorry, I dont knowD. in A. two kilosB. half a ki

14、loC. two kilo ofD. half a kilo of6. Dont worry. We have _ water in the glass.A. a little7. I dont have _ to tell you.A. something B. nothingB. fewC. manyD. a fewC. everythingD. anything8. - These shoes are nice. May I _?A. try it on B. try on it C. try them on9. How much will you pay _ the house?A.

15、for B. to C. on D. about10. Online shopping usually _ a little time.A. spends B. takes C. pays D. pays forD. try on them1. You can see most _ the city from here _ a clear day.A. of; in B. about; on C. with; at D. of; on2. _ you walk along the street, the bookshop will be on your right.A. Before B. A

16、s C. After D. Because3. - Im going for a summer camp in Qingdao next month- _ !A. Excuse me4. - What can I do for you?- I hope I have a nice house _ a big garden.A. of B. with C. from D. aboutB. You are welcomeC. Dont worry D. Have a good time5. - _ , can you tell me the way to the post office?- _ ,

17、 Im new here, but you may ask the policeman over there.A. Excuse me; Excuse meExcuse meB. Im sorry; Im sorry C. Excuse me; Im sorry D. Im sorry; 6. The park is far. You can _ to get there.A. take a bus B. take bus C. by a bus7. Steven, we should _ the bus at the next shop.A. get up B. get off C. get

18、 to D. get in8. - Mum, may I play football?- Certainly, but you should finish _ your homework first.A. do B. doing C. does D did9. After _ the museum, we will go to the restaurant.A. visit B. visiting C. visits D. to visit10. Just walk down and turn _. The market is _.A. the left; left B. left; on t

19、he left C. the right; right1. Im sorry I cant go with you, because I have so much homework _ today.A. doing B. do C. to do D. to doing2. The people there are _ to us. We all like them.A. friendly B. busy C. afraid D. bored3. He was born _ 2 November, 2005.D. by busD. right; the rightndA. inB. on C.

20、atD. with4. I _ born in a small city _ Zhejiang Province.A. am; in5. - _?- She is nice.B. are; atC. was; inD. were; atA. Whats your sisters name B. What is your sister likeC. How old is your sister D. Whats your sisters first school6. Mary has nothing to do. She is _.A. tired B. interesting C. bored

21、7. Our English teacher is strict _ us.A. to B. with C. about D. forD. boring 8. China is a country _ a long history.A. to B. with C. about D. for9. It is easy _ English well.A. learn B. to learn10. Betty was good in class _ Adam was difficult.C. learnsD. learningA. so B. or C. becauseD. but1. _ wate

22、r, animals cant live.A. Under2. Once upon _ time, there was _ old man at the foot of the mountain.A. a; an B. a; a C. the; the D. the; an3. The house was so dirty. We decide _ .B. WithC. InD. WithoutA. to clean it upB. clean it up C. clean up itD. cleaning it up4. - When did you _?- I came back yest

23、erday.A. cry B. jump C. return5. Do you know a girl _ Zhang Jing?A. call B. called C. callingd. sitD. called6. Dont point _ others. Itd not polite.A. at B. in C. on D. for7. When I cant fall _, I often read a book. It helps me a lot.A. sleepB. sleepingC. asleepD. to sleep8. Please _ the door before

24、you come in.A. knock at B. knock C. knock toD. knock with9. There is a picture is on the ground. Please _ .A. pick up it B. pick it up C. picked it up D. picked up it 10. They looked _ . They wanted to find a hotel to spend the light.A. back B. around C. at D. for1. He became famous _ .A. in 1990s B

25、. in 1990s C. in the 1990s2. Teachers Day is _ .A. in September B. On September C. in November3. Most people still enjoy _ the plays written by Shakespeare.A. watching B. watched C. to watch D. to watching4. My favorite book is Tom Sawyer, _ the famous writer, Mark Twain.A. as B. in C. by D. on5. St

26、even decided _ a teacher when he was fifteen.A. to is B. being C. to be D. be6. I love Shakespeares _ very much, _ Hamlet and Romeo and Julie.A. work; for B. work; as well C. works; like D, works; as well as7. Lao She is the _ of Teahouse 茶馆.A. doctor B. actor C. scientist D. writer8. Joy _ David in

27、 1996.A. got married B. got married to9. _ comes before September but after July.A. June B. August C. April D. DecemberD. on 1990sD. on NovemberC. got married withD. married with10. - Guess what? The great movie is on in the cinema.- Nothing new. I _ it with my parents last week.A. saw B. see C. wil

28、l see D. have seen 1.- When do you plan to go _?- Next month.A. at the holidayB. on holiday C. in holiday D. with holiday2.- When did you leave Bettys party yesterday evening?- Im not sure. We stayed _ the party was over.A. soB. and C. till D. but3. Would you like to do some _ with me?A. shop B. sho

29、pping C. shoping D. shopped4. Today is a holiday, _ well go to the zoo.A. but B. or C. so D. till5. When we heard the _ news, we felt_.A. excited; excited B. excited; exciting C. exciting; excited D. exciting; exciting6. You can go to that small island _.A. by boat7. They swam _ the Pacific Ocean _

30、Santa Monica.A. in; on B at; in C. in; at D. on; in8. Ill tell him about it when I _ there.A. get to B. arrive at C. arrive in9. That store _ school things _ the students.A. sell; to B. buy; for C. sells; for D. buys; from10. It takes me three hours _ to the World Park.A. going B. to go C. go D. wen

31、tB. on boat C. take the boatD. by a boatD. arrive 1. Chinese girls like walking arm _ arm _ their friends.A. in; with B. with; on C. in; on D. of; with2. - Are these boys _ ?- No, they arent. They are from _.A. American; Russian B. American; Russia C. America; Russian D. America; Russia3. I dont lik

32、e the picnic_.A. after all4. Its important _ careful when you are in the lab.A. be B. being C. to be D. being to5. In Russia, people _ each other three _ when they meet.A. kiss; time B. kisses; time C. kiss; times D. kisses; timesB. a littleC. at all D. not at all6. - You were late for school this m

33、orning.- Thats _ my bike was broken.A. so7. This place is not interesting. Lets go _.A. something else B. somewhere else8. He told his mother he went to school. _ , he went skiing with his friends.A. First of all B. In fact C. Wait a minute D. from now on9. Chinese people usually _ when they meet.B.

34、 whyC. but D. becauseC. else somethingD, else somewhereA. shake handsB. kiss C. touch noses D. hug10. _. A car is coming.A. Ill take itB. Be carefulC. Have a nice dayD. Youre welcome1. Nanjing is a beautiful old city _ the Changjiang River. A. under2. _ Tom _Jim likes music. They often go to the con

35、cert at weekends.A. Both; and B. Either; or C. Neither; nor D. Not only; but also3. The music made me think of the _ of a running stream.A. shout B. noise C. voice D. sound4. This is my _ brother. He is two years _ than I.A. older; elder B. elder; older C. older; older D. elder; elder5. Jenny made m

36、e _ for a long time.A. wait B. waiting C. to wait6. You can fin the answer _ the question in this book.A. of B for C. to D. withB. onC. overD. atD. waited7. - What music do you like?- _.A. Its so beautiful8. The beautiful song _ You and me.A. calls B. is calling C. called9. The classical music is _ John. Hes so great.A. at B. of C. by D. with10. I like pop music because its _.A. live B. living C. aliveB. Hes not a music fanC. I like pop musicD. Its so noisyD. is calledD. lively


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