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1、一、问候语Hello,everyone大家好!Good morning ,kids.小朋友早。Nice to see you/glad to see you很高兴见到你。How are you today?你好吗?I am fine ,thank you .谢谢,我很好。二、组织活动Its time for class 上课时间到了Speak in english 用英语说Listen carefully 仔细听Whats in your picture.图片上你看到了什么?Put up your hands/hands up举手Look here ,please请看这儿Think it ov

2、er想一想Open your books打开书Close your books合上书Boys and girls,listen to me now孩子们,现在听我说。Let me tell you a story我来给你们讲个故事Do as I do,kids孩子们,跟我做Start with you 从你开始Time is up 时间到了Can you say that again?你确定吗?Well done!很好!You are clever!你真聪明!Is it right?对吗?You can do it well你能行Excellent /great 非常棒Do you under

3、stand?你明白吗?Please follow me 请跟我做。Please read after me 请跟我读。Lets sing it together 我们一起来唱。Who wants to try?谁想来试一试?Try again请再试一试!Who can try?谁能试一试?Put down your hands,please请把手放下Louder ,please!请大声点!Please think about it请想一想。Dont be shy!别害羞!Dont be nervous!别紧张!Say it again再说一遍No talking ,please请不要讲话。Sh

4、ow me your fingers伸出你的手指。Lets calp hands for him/her让我们为她/他鼓掌三、道别Time is up时间到了Class is over下课了Thats all for today今天就到这儿See you next time下次见一日七类常规活动渗透一、 入园问候Welcome to the kindergarten!欢迎来幼儿园!Welcome back!欢迎回来!Glad to see you 很高兴见到你I miss you very much我真想你呀二、晨间谈话Come in,please请进Sit down ,please请坐Ple

5、ase take off your coat请把外套脱下来Are you happy today?你今天高兴吗?Are you OK?你还好吗?Give me a kiss亲一下Give me a hug给我一个拥抱How is the weather?天气怎么样?Lets call the roll我们点名吧Is everyone here?都到齐了吗?Who is not here?今天谁没有到?Please stand up and say“here”.请喊“到”Lets count我们数一下Whos on duty today?今天谁值日?三、晨间锻炼Ok .lets go!好吧。让我

6、们走吧!Go this way ,please请从这边走。Are you ready?准备好了吗?Yes ,Im ready.是的,我准备好了。Look forward向前看March in your place,left,right原地踏步,左,右One by one,please.一个接一个No pushing,please,请不要推Please dont crowd不要挤Make two lines,please请排成两行四、游戏活动Lets go out to play,OK?让我们出去玩吧,好吗?Lets begin我们开始吧I want a car我想要一辆小汽车I want a

7、doll我想要一个洋娃娃Now ,we are going to play some games。现在我们做一些游戏。Please be kind to each other要友好相处Dont grab the toys.不要抢玩具Please take good care of the books要爱护图书Lets play together 我们一起玩吧Whats the matter?怎么了?What are you doing?你们在做什么?Good .please go on.不错,继续吧!Put the chairs along the wall,please.把椅子靠墙摆好 。M

8、ay I go pee_pee?我可以去小便吗?May I go poo_poo?我可以去大便吗?Please stand in a line请站成一排Make two lines.请排成两队Ready ?One,two,go!准备好了吗?齐步走!Lets play game我们做个游戏Turn left向左转Turn right向右转Make a big circle站成一个大圈Come on!加油!Hurry up!快点儿!Be careful!当心Safety first!安全第一!Are you tired?你们累吗?Lets have a rest我们休息一下Brave boy!你真

9、勇敢!Lets go back to our classroom我们回教室吧Please drink some water去喝水吧Come here过来No pushing不要挤Dont run around不要乱跑五、进餐Wash your hands洗手Dry your hands把手擦干Are you hungry?你饿吗?Yes ,Im hungry.是的,我饿了Lets time for lunch该吃午餐了Did you wash your hands?你洗手了吗?Let me have a look让我看一看Lts delicious真好吃Its yummy非常好吃No talk

10、ing while eating吃饭的时候别说话Piease wipe your mouth请擦嘴。六、午睡Time to take a nap该午睡了。Go to sleep去睡觉Please take off your clothes请脱掉衣服Please take off your shoes请脱掉鞋子No speaking 别说话Please close your eyes请闭上眼睛Get up ,everyone.起床了Make the bed 整理一下床铺Put your pants on穿上裤子Do you need help?要我帮忙吗?七、离园Who s that ?那是谁?Put on your coat穿上你的外套Its time to go home 该回家了See you tomorrom明天见See you later.回头见See you next week下星期见


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