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1、精品文档北师大版高中英语必修 4Unit10 教学设计福建省晋江市磁灶中学 李一萍教材及单元教学内容分析ObjectivesRead magazine and newspaper articles, and adverts.Practise shopping, bargaining, complaining and selling.Listen to a radio programme, shopping dialogues and a song.Write an advert.Learn about quantity words and expressions as well as infi

2、nitives.学习者特征分析由于所在学校为农村学校,学生的整体英语基础薄弱,尤其是听、说的能力最为薄弱。 单元教学目标分析1. To review and practice using countable and uncountable nouns and the use of determiners: all, none, both, neither, another, other.2. To practice the language of shopping and bargaining.3. To practise using the infinitives1. To use -ed

3、and -ing adjectives.1. To use linking words: also, either, plus, too.教学重点及难点1. To review and practice using countable and uncountable nouns and the use of determiners: all, none, both, neither, another, other.2. To practice the language of shopping and bargaining.3. To practise using the infinitives

4、1. To use -ed and -ing adjectives.1. To use linking words: also, either, plus, too.教学方法与策略任务学习法、小组合作学习教学过程单元整体教学中的“听”的活动设计1. listen to the cassette you will know why there are such people that dontwant to be a millionaire.Then ask the students to answer the question.1. Do the exercise 4.Now lets lis

5、ten to an interview about where you can bargainDo the exercise 5Now lets listen to part. Maybe you can learn some strategies of bargains.Do the exercise 6We can bargain in the market in Chinese freely. If one day you go abroad do you know how to bargain? Now let listen to the cassette you will learn

6、 how to bargain in English.Do the exercise 7Intonation can express one s good manners. Being polite is very important in精品文档精品文档communication especially in business. Now listen to thefirst part of the dialogue again. The underlined expressions have a rising intonation. This sounds polite 单元整体教学中的“说”

7、的活动设计1. Look at the list below, what is important to you? Tell the class.To have lots of money/ a good job/ a big carTo be healthy/ with my family/ with my friendsTo help other people/ to do well in exams2.Make up a new dialogue about buying a silk blouse (15)Salesgirl: What can I do for you?Custome

8、r: Id like a silk blouse.Salesgirl: What kind would you like?Customer: One of these , perhaps? Ah, that will do nice. Can I try it on? Salesgirl: CertainlyCustomer: How do I look?Salesgirl: It looks good on you.Customer: How much is it?Salesgirl: 15Customer: Oh, it is a bit expensive, though I like

9、it, It is at most worth13 pounds. Salesgirl: It is very popular and good quality, pure silk made in China.The color suits you well.Customer: But it seems to be bigger, besides I havent much more money on me. Salesgirl: Ill take 14.Customer: Ok, one last offer, 13.5 pounds.That s fair, or else I have

10、 to try somewhere.Salesgirl: 13.5 pounds, cash, And thats itCustomer: Ok , Ill take it .Ask students to make up dialogue about bargain with their partners单元整体教学中的“读”的活动设计1. Read the article. Decide if the statements below are true (T), false (F) or there is no information (NI)2. Read the text aloud

11、then answer the questions2. Whats the price of the product? (fill in the table)name of the product price of the product(1) walkabout headphones 80. 45(2) micro camera 199.99精品文档精品文档(3) earplug earrings 19.50(4) feline floor cleaners 5.99单元整体教学中的“写”的活动设计1. Do you have aplan for the use ofyour pocket money? Write about what you do with the money.2. Take out a gadget, then try to describe it. Think out of the disadvantages and advantages of it and write them down.教学反思由于学生的整体英语基础薄弱,尤其是听、说的能力最为薄弱,因此本单元在说的方面设计 还不够具体,今后应根据学生的实际情况进行更合理的设计,如:对话操练前的示范设计, 任务的分解和简化,鼓励性教学用语的使用等。精品文档


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