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1、01,考点梳理 知识归纳,一、词汇运用。 A)用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。,1.Mom always tells me,“A smile nothing,but gives much.” 2.To everyones surprise,their plan sounded similar to .,costs,ours,3.Im really to teachers who have given me help. 4.The price of house in Shenzhen is too high,so I even cant a small apartment. 5.I

2、think waste is one of the best ways to protect the environment.,thankful,afford,recycling,B)阅读下面短文,然后根据括号内所给汉语意思写出单词的正确形式,每空限填一词。 We can reuse buildings in the same way as we can reuse things like cars and clothes.In this article youre going to read about three wonderful buildings.They started their

3、 6. (生命) with very different uses from those they have today.,lives,The Taj Lake Palace hotel in Udaipur,India,looks like its floating(漂浮) in the 7. (中心) of a lake.However,it started its life as a palace called Jag Niwas.Now it is a very 8. (舒服的) hotel.Jag Niwas was built by Prince Maharana Jagat Si

4、ngh more than 270 years ago.It has been a hotel for more than 9. (四十) years now.Some scenes of the James Bond movie Octopussy were shot there!,middle/center,comfortable,forty,In Rosario,Argentina,there is a busy restaurant called Don Ferro.It is 10. (特别地) famous for its meat and fish dishes.But a fe

5、w years ago,it was a train station!The station was 11. (建造) in 1860 and was the first train station in Argentina.A lot of work was done to the building before it could open as Don Ferro.Now it is even 12. (可能的) to have dinner on one of the station platforms(站台).,especially,built,possible,The Attenda

6、nt,a very popular little cafe in Central London,13. (服务) drinks and local food.The Attendant is quite long and thin.Does it remind you of anything?Yes,this cafe started its life as a mens 14. (公共的) toilet!The toilet was closed in the 1960s and the building was unused for more than 50 years.After two

7、 years of planning and hard work,the old toilet was 15. (变成) into a cafe.,serves,public,turned,二、语法填空。 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。 Foreign waste banned 减少环境污染,跟“洋垃圾”说拜拜! Together with her mother and baby sister,a girl is sorting(分拣) waste by hand.The waste in front of 16. (she),mainly plast

8、ic bottles and metals,looks like a small mountain.,her,This is a scene in the town of Guiyu,Guangdong Province.Workers there recycle millions of tons of imported(进口的) waste (also called “foreign garbage”) every year. 17. (deal) with the wastemuch of which is toxic(有毒的)has led to illness,the Economic

9、 Information Daily reported.,Dealing,But this 18. (expect) to change.China has banned(禁止) solid waste imports since the 19. (begin) of this year.The ban includes 24 kinds of waste,such as plastics and unsorted paper.These materials come from countries like the US and the UK.,is expected,beginning,Ch

10、ina began importing solid waste in 1980 20. the country didnt have enough raw materials(原材料),China News Service reported.Each year,about 45 million tons of waste arrives 21. China.After being processed(加工),it can be turned into materials that can be used 22. (make) products,such as chairs and bags.C

11、ountries that send such waste to China pay the country about $25 to $50(158 to 316 yuan) per ton for recycling.,because,in,to make,However,importing this waste has brought more risks than benefits(益处).Waste that cant be used is either burned or buried.Water 23. is used to wash the waste is allowed t

12、o flow into nearby rivers.This has polluted the air,soil and water,posing a risk to public health.,that,In addition,24. amount of waste produced by China itself has increased 25. (rapid).More Chinese recycling companies are finding ways to recycle this waste and get more raw materials,China Daily no

13、ted.,the,rapidly,考点一:辨析bring,take,carry与get(金华/丽水:2018.20;温州:2017.50) Mmm,I think simple things like bringing a bag to go shopping can help.嗯,我认为一些简单的举动就能减少污染,像购物时随身携带购物袋。(九全Unit 13 P98),1.Please the empty cup away and bring me a cup of tea.Im so thirsty after walking a whole day. 2.Granny Li,let me

14、 help you the big box!Its too heavy for you. Its very kind of you.,take,carry,3.If we keep our hearts open,we can experience the happiness friendship us. 4.Im sorry.I left my homework at home.Shall I go and it? No,you neednt.Bring it here tomorrow.,brings,get,考点二:afford的用法(丽水:2017.54) Yes,we cant af

15、ford to wait any longer to take action!是的,我们等不起了,要马上采取行动!(九全Unit 13 P100) afford用作动词,表示“承担得起(后果);买得起”,常与情态动词can/could一起使用,后可跟名词、代词或不定式作宾语且常用于否定句。 如:She can not afford a new dress.她买不起一条新裙子。,I couldnt afford to buy such an expensive watch at that time.那个时候我买不起那么昂贵的手表。 拓展:afford侧重于“经济能力”,近义词为buy,但buy侧

16、重于“购买行为”。 如:The family cant afford to pay for their three childrens education.这个家庭负担不起三个孩子的教育费用。 I bought some food and drinks in the supermarket.我在这家超市买了一些食物和饮料。,5.(2018天津)I am afraid we cannot (付得起) to take a taxi.Lets go by underground instead. 6.I really fall in love with a car like this,but I c

17、ant a one now. 7.(2017南通)They cant (have enough money to pay for something) to go on vacation this year. 8.I couldnt afford (stay) in the hotel,so I had to camp in my car for the rest of the trip.,afford,afford,afford,to stay,考点三:辨析hear,hear of与hear from You have probably never heard of Amy Hayes,bu

18、t she is a most unusual woman.你大概没有听说过艾米海耶斯这个人。但她是一个很不寻常的女士。(九全Unit 13 P102) (1)hear意为“听到”,强调听到的结果或内容;hear sb. do sth.。 听到某人做某事(强调全过程);hear sb. doing sth.听到某人正在做某事(强调动作正在进行)。,(2)hear of意为“听说”,强调间接的听说或得知,相当于hear about。 (3)hear from意为“收到某人的来信”,相当于get a letter from。 拓展:感官动词see,watch,hear,notice,look at

19、后面都可以加do sth.或doing sth.做宾补;但是hear/see/watch/notice/look at sb. do结构变成被动语态时,do sth.的前面一定要加上to。,9.Have you a cool washing machine called Bicycle Washing Machine? Yes,its a new invention by a group of Chinese university students. 10.Im looking forward to my pen friends in America. 11.Im sorry,I didnt

20、you clearly.Would you say it again?,heard of,hearing from,hear,12.Listen!I hear someone (sing) in the classroom. 13.Mary was heard (cry) just now.What happened? Joe was telling her some jokes. 14.(2017白银)The old couple heard from their son yesterday and they were very happy.(改为同义句) The old couple th

21、eir son yesterday and they were very happy.,singing,to cry,received/got a letter from,考点四:辨析separate与divide(温州:2017.47;绍兴/义乌:2017.47) Although you have to go your separate ways now,I hope that in a few years time,youll come back to visit our school.尽管你们现在不得不各奔东西,但是我希望几年后你们能回母校看看。(九全Unit 14 P110),15.(2017绍兴)The students were (分成) into four groups before doing experiments. 16.It is impossible to (分离) Diaoyu Island from China.,divided,separate,17.Cows do have best friends and feel stressed when they are . 18.I had my finger cut when I the watermelon into pieces.,separated,was dividing,


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