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1、外研版高一英语必修三Module3Culturecorner,Reading Earthquakes around the pacific,外研版高一英语必修三Module3Culturecorner,Key phrases in cultural corner,more than be situated in active earthquake region cover an area of in all take place in the whole of,超过,位于,活跃地震带,覆盖了-面积,总共,发生,在整个-地方,外研版高一英语必修三Module3Culturecorner,Read

2、 the article and answer the questions!,Fast reading,外研版高一英语必修三Module3Culturecorner,1. Where was the worst Chinese earthquake? 2. What was the most dangerous thing about the California Earthquake of 1906? 3. Is it possible that there could be another earthquake there?,It was in Hua County in Shaanxi

3、Province.,The fires that started.,Yes, it is.,外研版高一英语必修三Module3Culturecorner,Further information about Hua County earthquake,When Where Degree The damage,In 1556,Hua County Shaanxi province China,The most serious,affected_, Covered_ _of population were killed. In all, 830,00 people _,8 provinces in

4、central China,an area of 8,00 square metres,60%,lost their lives,外研版高一英语必修三Module3Culturecorner,Further information about The California earthquake,When Where Degree The damage,Struck at _a.m. of _ of April _,In the united States,worst earthquake,_ did most damage._ for _ days, _ a total of _ buildi

5、ngs. About _ people were killed in the city of San Francisco and _ were made _. The earthquakes and fires caused about _ deaths,5:15,18th,1906,fires,burned,three,destroying,25,000,500,250,000,homeless,3,000,外研版高一英语必修三Module3Culturecorner,more than, be situated in ,cover an area of, in all, take plac

6、e, in the whole of,The fete(义卖会) will _ on Sunday, rain or shine. The town _5 square miles Lets carry out the test with _ the sample copy.,take place,covers an area of,more than,选择方框中的短语,并用其正确形式填空。,外研版高一英语必修三Module3Culturecorner,more than, be situated in ,cover an area of, in all, take place, in the

7、 whole of,选择方框中的短语,并用其正确形式填空。,4. He visited, _, ten hospitals in China. 5. Even the car park will _ an orange grove (桔林) 6. The atmosphere of the festival is _ China.,in all,be situated in,in the whole of,外研版高一英语必修三Module3Culturecorner,“(嘉靖)三十四年十二月壬寅,山西、陕西、河南同时地震,声如雷。 渭南、华州、朝邑、三原、蒲州等处尤甚。或地裂泉涌,中有鱼物,或

8、城郭房屋, 陷入地中,或平地突成山阜,或一日数震,或累日震不止。河、渭大泛,华岳、终南山鸣,河清数日。官吏、军民压死八十三万有奇。”,1556 Hua County Earthquake,明史,外研版高一英语必修三Module3Culturecorner,1556 Hua County Earthquake,明史,外研版高一英语必修三Module3Culturecorner,Panorama of San Francisco in ruins,taken via kite photography approx.,外研版高一英语必修三Module3Culturecorner,Panorama of San Francisco in ruins,taken via kite photography approx.,外研版高一英语必修三Module3Culturecorner,Panorama of San Francisco in ruins,taken via kite photography approx.,


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