人教版七年级英语下册《nit 2 Where’s the post office.Section B》课件_9.ppt

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《人教版七年级英语下册《nit 2 Where’s the post office.Section B》课件_9.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版七年级英语下册《nit 2 Where’s the post office.Section B》课件_9.ppt(24页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2,Where is the post office? Section B,Watch a video !,What place can you see in the video?,Do you notice them?,signs,a crossing,1a. Match the words with the signs.,a. go along b. turn right c. turn left,1._ 2._ 3. _,a,c,b,Game Show,1. Do as I say (跟着我做),2. Respond quickly (快速反应) When I give you

2、 orders(口令), you must respond quickly.,hotel,supermarket,post office,library,restaurant,bank,phone,Listen and draw the signs,hotel,supermarket,post office,library,restaurant,bank,phone,Listen and draw the signs,2b,Anna,John,Lisa,neighborhoods,Anna,John,Lisa,Key words: A zoo, Bridge Road,2b,Key words

3、: Near a supermarket, A big park across from the supermarket Center Street,Key words: A post office between my house and a clothes store, North Road,2c. Read carefully and answer the questions.,1. What does Anna like doing in the zoo? 2. Does Anna think monkeys are like people? Why? 3. What does Joh

4、n like to do at the park? 4. John thinks the best things do not need money. Do you think so, too? 5. How does Lisa get to the library from her home?,While-reading,1. What does Anna like doing in the zoo?,She likes watching the monkeys climbing around.,2. Does Anna think monkeys are like people? Why?

5、,Yes. Because she thinks that when the monkeys are fighting, they look like her friends fighting.,3. What does John like to do at the park?,He likes to exercise at the park.,4. John thinks the best things do not need money. Do you think so, too?,Yes. I agree with John.,5. How does Lisa get to the li

6、brary from her home?,Go down North Road and turn left. The library is across from the park.,Think about our neighborhood !,Do you know,how to show the way now?,No. 12 Middle School,The Peoples Square,Do you know,how to show the way now?,NO.12 Middle School,The Peoples Square,NO.12 Middle School,The

7、Peoples Square,Event: have a trip to the Peoples Square 2.Time: this Friday night, 7:009:00 3. Way: a better way to get there 4. Activities: what we can do there,Write a poster(宣传贴)!,JOIN US,JOIN US,The beginning(开头): _ _ The body(正文): _ _ _ The end(结尾): _ _,Work in groups and share it with us!,Even

8、t: have a trip to the Peoples Square 2.Time: this Friday night, 7:009:00 3. Way: a better way to get there 4. Activities: what we can do there,Write a poster(宣传贴)!,JOIN US,The beginning(开头): Hello, everyone! Good news for you. We will have a trip to the Peoples Square this Friday night. We will set

9、out(出发) from our school at 7:00,and come back at 9:00. The body(正文): Its easy to get there We can do a lot there The end(结尾): Do you want to join us? If you come with us, you will have a good time there.,Lets enjoy our life in Shantou and make Shantou a better place !,Make your poster better after c

10、lass and share together!,Homework,Thank You!,1c. Listen again and fill in the blanks.,A: Excuse me. Is there a _ around here? B: Yes, there is. Just go _ Bridge Street and turn _ When you see the library. Go along Long Street and its on the _. Its _ _ the supermarket and across from the _. A: Thanks! And is there a restaurant near the _? B:Yes. _ along New Street. _ right at the first crossing and the restaurant is on your left, _ _ the pay phone. A: Thank you very much. B: Youre welcome.,hotel,along,left,right,next to,bank,hotel,Go,Turn,across from,


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