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1、 精品文档跨文化交际学概论第七章 社会交往五、宴请招待 p132Case One: Setting Rules for a Guest American Hospitality案例:When Zhang Tao traveled in America, he lived in the home of his Americanfriend, Bill. Once after he had traveled back, he found Bill was in a bad mood. Whenhe asked what the problem was, Bill told Zhang Tao th

2、at his son Adam got furiousabout the noise Zhang made when walking upstairs and also because he was using toomuch water in the solar powered shower and Adam had to have his shower in coldwater. Bill told Zhang Tao that he should walk more softly in future, and have a fastshower to save water. Zhang

3、Tao felt uneasy. How could the host set such rules for hisguest!Question: Why did Zhang Tao feel uneasy?分析:1) In China, when people host someone, they put the guest in the place of honor toshow hospitality. They try to take care of the guest ,and try to make the guest feelcomfortable and at ease.2)

4、In America, people tend to give the guest great freedom and treat a guest morecasually, naturally and truthfully.3) Zhang Tao knew he was a guest, and thought in terms of Chinese expectations ofhospitality. He thought Bill should treat him courteously instead of setting rules forhim.4) Since Zhang T

5、ao lived in American surroundings, he should have known about thecustoms there sooner.Case Two:案例:Lin had traveled 20 hours from Beijing to New York. He needed a good meal.His American friend, Mike, met him. But Mike only offered him a plate of roastedchicken and a glass of orange juice. Lin was use

6、d to having a main course, and askedMike if he had any rice. Mike said he only had fried noodles, and Lin had to make dowith it. Though Lin knew Americans didnt care very much about what food they ate,he still felt surprised because he had taken Mike to the most famous duck restaurant inBeijing - Qu

7、anjude - when he arrived in Beijing.Question: Why did Lin feel surprised? Offer some advice to him about adjustingto his new environment in America.精品文档 精品文档分析:1) 0n the topic of hospitality, the Chinese stress on warmth and demonstratingfriendship. They take the guest to a famous or luxurious resta

8、urant to have a verygood (expensive) meal to show their hospitality. And the Chinese are used to having abig meal. The more dishes they put out ,the greater the warmth and friendship theyshow.2) In western countries, people stress on freedom. They give the guest greatfreedom to choose their own food

9、s. And westerners tend to have only one main courseand some juice or dessert,which is viewed as casual in the eyes of the Chinese.3) Lin lived in American surroundings and should have adjusted himself quicklyto the new world (lifestyle). He should have known the custom there first, and feltmore at e

10、ase in Mikes home.Case Three: Equality or Hospitality for Table Manners案例:Lin Hua has accompanied an American delegation to visit China. They haveexperienced the hospitality of the Chinese people. After returning to America, Linhuaonce visited them. They were so glad to meet again. Linhua offered to

11、 host the meal,but they refused. They ordered their own dish, and Linhua ordered her own. Whenfooting the bill, they only paid their part,and no one wanted to pay for Linhua.Linhua found them so inhospitable, though she knew the Americans would usuallypay for their own food.Question: Why did Linhua

12、find them inhospitable?分析:1) In China, to show hospitality, people tend to host the meal. And if they cannot dothis, they at least will struggle to pay for the guest.2) In America, people tend to pay for themselves to show equality and independence.3) Linhua knows this custom, but from a Chinese poi

13、nt of view, she still finds thishard to accept, and feels it a little inhospitable.Case Four:案例:I have an American friend. I have invited him several times, and at long last heinvited me to his home one day. He told me to get there at 3 p m. I thought we couldchat and have a meal together. I gave hi

14、m a Chinese calendar, a womans scarf and abottle of Chinese white wine. He only took out a dish of nuts, a plate of bread and abottle of wine. After two hours chat, I found there was no hint of a meal and saidgood-bye to him. He only gave me a box of chocolate as a present for the New Year.After I g

15、ot home, I found the box already been opened. I was very surprised,Question: What surprised me?精品文档 精品文档分析:1) In China, a visit to home always includes a meal. And the guest always bringsa relatively expensive present to the host. And the present should be well wrapped oruntouched.2) In the west, a

16、visit to home only means a meeting, not necessarily including ameal. And the present is treated not as importantly as it is in China.3) I acted in a way that was based on Chinese customs, so I felt the Americanway was very interesting (unusual).Case Five: Way of Entertaining Guests in China - Drink

17、more and more案例:Tom, an American, went to a Chinese home for the first time. He was offeredsome tea. Just when the first cup was about to finish, more tea was added. He drankthe second cup. Then the cup was filled the third time. Then he drank it, thenhe was quite full. Tom was totally confused by t

18、he way of entertaining.Question: Why was Tom totally confused?until分析:1) Traditional Chinese custom requires that during the course of entertaining, the hosthas to always pour more wine or tea to the guests glass or cup, and always adds morefood to the guests plate or bowl without asking whether its

19、 wanted.2) Chinese guests know how to respond to this type of hospitality. They simply leavethe wine, tea, or food in the container and stop having any more. But Tom, theAmerican guest in the case didnt know this.3) He followed the politeness rule of his culture: it s not good manners to leave foodi

20、n ones own plate at a dinner table. Therefore, without any knowledge of thedifferences between the two cultures, an American guest would very likely sufferfrom either drinking or eating too much in such a situation.Case SixAs a foreign student at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, Keiko Ihara(J

21、apanese) was on a strict budget. She had all her tuition and books paid for byscholarships and grants and until recently was comfortably housed in the dormitory.Wanting to live in the community rather than in the dormitory, she found a smallapartment to share with a friend. Her college friends, know

22、ing of her situation, offered精品文档 精品文档to round up some of the necessary items for apartment living. Keiko politely declined,saying she could manage. Wanting to help out her friends found some old but stillusable household appliances and furniture. Mary had an old desk that was in hergarage. Ed had s

23、ome chairs from his uncle, and Joe and Marion had a few extra dishes.They cheerfully brought them over one day. Keiko seemed very embarrassed, butgracefully accepted them, sincerely and profusely thanked them.The following week they were each presented with a gift from Keiko. Mary gotan ornate jewel

24、ry box, Ed a volume of woodcuts by a famous Japanese artist, and Joeand Marion a beautiful Japanese vase, all of which were of considerable worth andvalue, much more than the old things they had donated to her. They all protested thatshe could not afford to give such elaborate gifts; they really exp

25、ected nothing as thehousehold items were not really being used and they would rather have her use them.Keiko, however, insisted that they take the gifts. In the end, they accepted the gifts,although they all felt uncomfortable as they knew she was really sacrificing to givethem.Questions:1. What do

26、you think of Keiko insisting on giving valuable gifts to her collegefriends?2. Why did Keikos friends feel very uncomfortable when they received valuablegifts in return?分析:Keiko insists on giving valuable gifts to her college friends, because in countrieslike Japan, exchanging gifts is a strongly ro

27、oted social tradition. Should you receive agift, and dont have one to offer in return, you will probably create a crisis. If not asserious as a crisis, one who doesn t offer a gift in return may be considered rude orimpolite. Therefore, in Japan, gifts are a symbolic way to show appreciation, respec

28、t,gratitude and further relationship.Keiko obviously has taken those used items from Mary, Ed and Marion as gifts,for she probably doesnt know that Americans frequently donate their used householditems to church or to the community. Mary, Ed and Marion would never considerthose used household items

29、given to Keiko as gifts. No wonder they felt veryuncomfortable when they received valuable gifts in return.Case Seven精品文档 精品文档Selma, who is from the US, is in a student exchange program in Indonesia. Oneday, she was asked to attend a birthday party and she was delighted, for she wascurious to know w

30、hat an Indonesian birthday party was like. To her surprise, she wasthe only one that dressed in typically Western clothes. Although she had no strongreason to become uneasy, her uneasy feeling prevailed as the party was going on. Tomake herself feel better, she went to the food table and began to he

31、lp herself. But,upon leaving the table, she tripped on the leg of a chair and spilled her drink on thefloor. One of the girls stooped down to mop up the spill and everyone else laughed outloud. Selma, uncertain what to do next, quietly moved out of her way with her headlowered in shame.Questions:3.

32、What functions does laughing serve in similar situations in China?4. What should we do to help ourselves or other people out of embarrassmentcaused by cultural differences in laughing?分析:Just like smile, laughing does not always serve the same function in differentcultures. Interestingly, for us Chi

33、nese, laughing often has a special function on sometense social occasions. People may laugh to release the tension or embarrassment, toexpress their concern about you, their intention to put you at ease or to help you comeout of the embarrassment. In this case, the people there were actually wishing

34、 to laughwith the American rather than laugh at her. Their laughing seemed to convey anumber of messages: dont take it so seriously; laugh it off, itt hi nsgsnothing; suchcan happen to any of us, etc. Unfortunately the American was unaware of this. Shethought they were laughing at her, which made her feel more badly and angry, for inher culture laughing on such an occasion would be interpreted as an insultingresponse, humiliating and negative.精品文档


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