新冀教版三年级起点英语下册《unit 2 Animals at the zooLesson 12 The Clever Monkey》教案_22.doc

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1、Lesson12 The Clever Monkey教学设计一、 教学目标1. 知识与技能:学生能够在图片和老师的帮助下听懂、读懂、朗读和表演故事。2. 过程与方法:学生能够认真听讲,善于模仿语音语调,大胆说英语,并在小组合作中互相帮助。3. 情感,态度与价值观:学生要懂得害人之心不可有,防人之心不可无。二、 教学重难点 重点:学生能够读懂故事。 难点:学生能够表演故事。三、 教学方法本课运用听,朗读及表演,小组合作及自主探究来展开。四、 教学过程1. 问候:课前播放第一课的歌曲调动学生兴趣,并问候学生。2. 新授(1)依次出示猴子,羊和狼的图片,提问学生三种动物的英语名称。T: Today

2、well learn a story about a monkey, a sheep and a wolf. What happens? Lets have a look together.(2)让学生浏览八张图片并猜测发生了什么事;然后依次解释八张图片。P1:Where is the wolf?Where is the sheep?What does the wolf say?P2: What does the wolf want the sheep to do?Why does the sheep say no?What promise does the wolf make to the

3、sheep?P3: Do the sheep help the wolf?P4: What happens when the wolf is out of the hole?Who is crying for help now?P5: Who comes along now?P6: Whats the monkeys plan?P7: Where is the wolf now?What does the monkey say?P8: What happens in the picture?Do you feel sorry for the wolf?Do you think the monk

4、ey clever?播放录音,让学生跟读。教师放慢速度朗读故事,并辅助动作,让学生尽量也跟着做。师生一起来配音。3. 练习小组合作,在小组内轮流大声朗读故事。4. 拓展与巩固课本练习Read and number5.总结这个故事告诉我们:要学习猴子的机智,绵羊的善良,同时不要轻易相信别人,要用自己的智慧来做事。6. 作业三人一组排演故事。五、 板书设计Lesson 12 The Clever Monkey A clever monkey A wolf A sheep“He is a bad wolf.” “Help! “You will eat me!” Pull me out! ”六、 教学反思本课活动过于单调,趣味性不强,这是以后需要改进的地方。


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