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1、参考医学高中英语表达转折的常用连词及万能句型-However:We will never countenance violence, however serious the threat against us. 不管威胁多么严峻,我们永远不会容忍暴力。rather than:Because love consists of accepting other person as he or she is rather than regulating her or him.爱一个人就是接受他原来的样子而不是重塑他(以成为你期望的样子)。instead of: She frittered away h

2、er time in going to the cinema instead of studying. 她不把时间花在学习上,而是浪费在看电影上了。But: On the one hand I admire his gifts, but on the other I distrust his judgment. 一方面我羡慕他的才华,而另一方面我却怀疑他的判断力。Yet:Although I have not read through the Book of Persons, yet I will try to read it in every sense. 尽管我还没有读完这本“人之书”,但

3、我会一直努力从各个方面去阅读。on the other handBut on the other hand there is a wounded child inside you who wants recognition and appreciation from the outside world. 但另一方面在你心中又有一个受伤的小孩想要来自外在世界的认同和欣赏。On the other hand, users gather in this community and have fun. 而另一方面,用户们也快乐的扎堆在这个社区里。Unfortunately:Unfortunately

4、we do not have that luxury: we have only one planet. 但不幸的是,我们没有这种奢侈:我们只有一个地球。(环保加分句)Whereas: Arid uplands are irrigated and planted with leafy gardens, whereas, on fertile plains, the parks are paved with stone. 在干旱的高地上引水灌溉,种植阔叶园林;然而在肥沃的平原上,公园里铺着石头。presumably1. 表示可能和推测的常用连词及句型Presumably:No reply fro

5、m him yet; presumably he hasnt received my letter. 他没有回信,想必没有收到我的信。Presumably you could tell that by looking at her body, as well? 你也可以通过看一眼她的身材便推测出她的年龄吗?Probably:He will probably come in for a good sum of money when his uncle dies. 他叔叔死时他可能会得到一大笔钱。Perhaps:Straighten him out; he perhaps misunderstoo

6、d what I said. 向他解释清楚,他也许误解了我的意思。Perhaps I shall come across him in France. 也许我会在法国遇见他。表示举例列举的连词短语及句子for example For example, I have problems with proofreading. 举例来说,我在校对方面有问题。for instance For instance, I hate cleaning my kitchen, but I do it because I like the sight of a clean kitchen. 举例来说,我讨厌清洁厨房

7、,但我还是因为喜欢看到一个整洁的厨房而做了。such as:I like drinks such as tea and soda. 我喜欢诸如茶和汽水之类的饮料。take for exampleLet me take Edison for example. 让我以爱迪生为例。except (for)Except for writing with his toes, he was completely unable to do anything in his life.而他自己除了能用脚趾写字,其他的生活琐事完全不能自理。to illustrateI can cite quite a few i

8、nstances to illustrate. 我可以举出好几件事来说明。2. 表对比的常用连词及句型by contrastThose that do not, by contrast, run the risk of serious brand damage. 对比而言,不这样做的企业就会有严重破坏品牌形象的风险。on the contraryOn the contrary, I admire her intellectual honesty and her pursuit of self-knowledge. 相反的是,我欣赏她充满智慧的直白和对自我认识的追求。whereasHe had

9、never done anything for them, whereas they had done everything for him.他从未为他们做过任何事,反之他们却为他做了所有事。on the other handOn the other hand, it just works. 另一方面,这种方法的确有效。unlikeUnlike my uncle, I likely like that bike (bicycle). 我不像叔叔,我很可能喜欢那辆自行车。insteadShe frittered away her time in going to the cinema inste

10、ad of studying. 她不把时间花在学习上,而是浪费在看电影上了converselyConversely, if you turn off your creativity, then your life will turn into torture. 相反的,如果你放弃创造力你的生活将变得痛苦。different fromAnd yet our case was so different from that of Europe. 然而,我们这边的情况和欧洲是那样地不同。in contrastIn contrast, some humans are delighted by the n

11、ew warmth. 相反,某些人却因为这新的温暖而高兴。3. 表达让步的常用连词及万能句型4. although 虽然,尽管5. He went through with his plan although all his friends advised him to abandon it. 尽管他所有的朋友忠告他放弃他的计划,但他坚持完成了该项计划。6. after all 毕竟;终究7. After all, no one knows me better than me. 毕竟,没有哪一个人比自己更了解自己。8. in spite of 尽管;不管,不顾9. In spite of th

12、e material benefits wealth provides, I believe one should abandon the pursuit of materialism and instead concentrate on the pursuit of happiness. 但是尽管财富提供了物质上的利益,我相信一个人应该放弃追求唯物主义,而应该把注意力集中到追求幸福上去。10. despite 尽管11. Despite their efforts the project collapsed. 虽然经过他们努力,这个规划还是失败了。12. even if 即使13. Even

13、 if we cannot slow down every day, at least slow down on Sunday. 即使我们不能每天都慢下来,至少可以在星期天慢下来。14. even though 虽然15. Even though we may have a hundred and one things in our to-do list, not all of them have the same importance. 虽然我我们可能会有一百零一件事情陈列在我们的工作清单上,但不是所有的都一样重要。16. though 尽管5. 表示比较的英语连接词和句型:likeWe h

14、ave to compete with our rivals like all our competitors . 我们必须跟对手竞争,就像所有竞争对手一样。similarlySimilarly , not everyone is the enthusiastic type that falls in love with their work . 同样的,对待自己的工作,并不是每个人都属于充满激情的那种类型。likewiseLikewise , poor nutrition can lead to dental problems . 与之相反的,营养不良也会引起口腔问题。in the same

15、 wayWith humans , smiles work in the same way . 对人类而言,笑容也有着同样的功效。in the same mannerAs you would that others should think about you , think you about them in the same manner . 就像其他人应当怎样看待你一样,你需要用同样的方式去看待他们。equallyAll systems of time are equally possible and you can choose any system you wish.所有时间系统都同

16、样的可能性,进而你可以任选其一。17. Though he had a good start, I rowed him down at last. 虽然他开始时划得很好,但最后我还是赶过了他。18. admittedly 诚然19. Admittedly, it is a huge challenge for many people,but it is a fact of working life. 诚然,对于许多人来说,这是一个巨大的挑战,但这就是现实。20. whatever may happen 无论发生什么事21. Whatever may happen, we are determined to do this work. 无论发生什么事情,我们下定决心去做这项工作。(注:表格素材和资料部分来自网络,供参考。只是收取少量整理收集费用,请预览后才下载,期待你的好评与关注)


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