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1、第 18 课Little Zeke Sends an Email教学设计定稿时间: 执教时间: 执教人: 年级 五学科英语主备人审核人教学目标1. 知识目标:学习掌握本课新单词:oclock,yours,lunch,us,everyone,sock,gift掌握利用计算机发送E-mail的方法;学会故事,理解故事内容,能就故事进行描述和问答,并学会复述课文;学生能用自己的语言表演故事。2. 能力目标:通过学习,培养学生主动探索、敢于实践、勇于发现、合作交流的能力。形成自己发送E-mail的能力。3. 情感目标: 通过本课的学习,让学生端正自己的学习态度,同时增强利用信息技术学好各门功课的信心。

2、学习任务培养学生利用各种教学资源的能力。能够利用计算机发送E-mail。教 学 环 节启智探究1. Leading in(1)教师让学生借助对话表演回顾前面所学内容的同时,为新课的教授做铺垫。(2)教师通过向学生提问的方式,引导学生自然进入如何用英文写明信片上的地址。合作交流2. Presentation. T: We know Li Ming, Jenny and Danny are in Beijing. Theyre having fun. Look! What are they doing? But now Jenny is sad. Why? Because Jenny misses

3、 her mother very much. She wants to say hello to her mother? What does she do? 3.引入故事猜谜:computer T:Do you like to play computers? S: yes! T: (出示幻灯片)with computers, we can play games, we can study, we can watch a mo vie. And we can also send an e-mail. Look! Danny, Jenny and Li Ming are here. What ar

4、e they doing?S: They are sending an e-mail. T: Excellent! Now, lets learn a story “ Little Zeke sends an e-mail”. Who is Little Zeke? Look ! thi s is Emma and Little Zeke. Little Zeke is Emmas friend. They want to send an e-mail to Emma. But what happened? Watch the video and answer the two question

5、s. Where is Emma live? Who gets the e-mail? Are you ready? Watch the video.(看动画,回答问题) Now, open your book and read th e story. Then do the practice. Understand? Ready, go! T: lets check the answer together. (通过文本整合,小组分角色朗读,上台展示等多样化的教学活动,激发学生学习兴趣) 4. Homework. Little Zeke makes a mistake. Please writ

6、e an e-mail to him and give him some suggestions. Then send it to me. computer反馈研讨进一步复习,巩固如何发送电子邮件。通过复述表演等方式进一步加深对故事的理解,从而达到灵活输出故事内容的目的。提升拓展电子邮件格式:先写日期,再写称呼,再写正文,最后署名。检测一、读单词,判断每组单词中划线字母的发音是否相同,用或表示。1. dear pear ( )2. Thursday day ( )3. have can ( )4. come welcome ( )二、我给单词排排队。1. he, computer, does,

7、 a, have ( ? )_2. write, e-mail, I, an, a, on, computer ( . )_三、读下面的对话,根据内容,从所给的七个选项中选出正确答案,填在横线上。A: _? Does the hotel have a computer?B: Yes! .A: Here it is!B: .A: May I send my friend an e-mail?B: .1. Excuse me2. Hi3. I can give you4. Great5. Yes, for two yuan6. No, for two yuan四、阅读理解。I have a fri

8、end in the U.S.A. I want to send him an e-mail. I asks the waiter if the hotel has a computer. He tells me that there is a computer. He show me. I give him five yuan, so I can send my friend an e-mail.1. Where does my friend live?A. China B. USA C. Canada D. France2. Does the hotel have a computer?A. YesB. no C. maybe D. the test doesnt tell me3. How much for sending an e-mail?A. two yuan B. three yuanC. five yuanD. ten yuan作业1)读熟背熟本课课文2)send an email to little Zeke。3)基本功第18课实效反思本课通过故事呈现了前几课所学内容,将本单元知识融合在故事中,帮助学生复习,故事的趣味性与学生自主学习,老师讲解相结合,让学生感觉不到疲倦,从而提高了学习英语的兴趣。


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