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1、1,大学英语第一册 Unit Seven The Sampler,2,Attention ,please!,教学重点:,教学目的:,了解 “good intentions along are not enough”的含义,从一个侧面引导学生认识西方社会文化,如老人对 怜悯的反应及其原因,3,Information related to the text Study of the words and phrases Difficult sentences Writing style and techniques Questions for consideration and discussion

2、,学习内容,4,The Christmas season,For Christians , the Christmas season lasts from Christmas Eve till after New Years Day or , especially in England, Epiphany (on the 6th of January). Commercially, the period is much longer. Stores usually begin to decorate their departments and to promote a sales campai

3、gn for Christmas in late November. Special attention is paid to the shop windows designed to attract Christmas shoppers.,5,Does everyone enjoy the happiness of Christmas?,Christmas is a time for the family to get together: to talk, to eat, to sing, to exchange presents. Just as this is the most exci

4、ting festival for most families, it is equally the most depressing for those without a home or for those with serious family problems .,These problems manifest themselves in several ways. Statistics show, for example, that the highest number of suicides occur at this time. Hardly a year goes by with

5、out a tragic murder or suicide committed in the home of a poverty-stricken, often chronically-unemployed, family.,6,Old people in the West,Most people retire from work between the ages of 60-65. This has two main consequences, one economic and the other psychological.,Economically: Although retired

6、people receive a pension from the government and /or from their past employers, it is often significantly less than they earned when they were working. Unless people have managed to save money during their years at work, their standard of living may decline dramatically when they retire.,Psychologic

7、ally: Old people in Western countries are generally considered useless, a burden on their families and on the public purse. They are hardly held in respect. On the other hand, most of them, so used to focusing on work, simply do not know how to relax or pursue another interest now that they have tim

8、e to do so. They feel they “should” be working and contributing , because work was where they were respected and their skills recognized. As retired people, their self-confidence is diminished. The longer they are away from the work place, the keener grows a sense of being superfluous.,7,Free sample

9、rs,Stores use free samplers as a “come-on” in competing for customers. If a store provides free samples of some of their products, it is likely that more people will shop there.,Samplers, usually of new foods and drinks, are given with the understanding that if you like them, you will buy them. It i

10、s not socially acceptable to continue to sample the same product time and time again without making a purchase.,8,Study of the words and phrases,Intention,Advantage,Suspect,Prosperity,Purchase,purpose,sth . useful or helpful,feel doubt about ,mistrust: guess,state of being successful or rich,buying,

11、try it,dont be shy!,9,Intention,目的,意图,打算,Intend v.打算,意欲 Intended a.打算的,计划的,习惯搭配,intention of doing sth,I came with the intention of staying ,but now Ive decided to leave.,我来时一心想留下,但现在我已决定离开。,Intentional a.存心的,故意的 Intentionally ad.故意地,典型考题,Tony has not the least of giving up his research work.,A.inte

12、rest B.intention C.wish D.desire,答案为B。译文:托尼一点也不想放弃他的研究工作。,Interest ,wish 和desire 的习惯搭配分别为,have (an) interest in sth, have a wish for sth/ to do sth, have a desire for sth/ to do sth.,10,Advantage,益处,利益,优点,advantageous a. 有利的,有益的 advantageously ad.有益地。,习惯搭配,take advantage of,They took full advantage

13、of the natural resources.,他们充分利用自然资源。,The agreement is to our advantage.,充分利用;乘之机,to sbs advantage,对某人有利,协议对我们有利。,11,Suspect,怀疑,不信任,猜测,Suspect n.嫌疑犯,习惯搭配,suspect sb of sth ./doing sth,你凭什么怀疑是她偷的?,Suspicious a.可疑的,典型考题,A.doubled B.suspected C.questioned D.inquired,正确答案:B. 译文:医生怀疑听摇滚乐会造成青年人的听觉丧失。,Susp

14、ect ,doubt和inqure 的区别,Suspect 怀疑,含有肯定的意思; double 怀疑,含有无把握之意; inpuire 询问,What made you suspect her of having taken the money ?,Doctors_ that listening to rock-and-roll music may cause hearing loss among young people.,Suspicion n.疑心,猜疑,怀疑某人做过某事,12,Prosperity,成功,富足,Prosper v . 生意兴隆 Prosperity n .成功,Pro

15、sperously ad.成功地,兴旺地,典型考题,He wished the young couple a life of happiness and _ .,A.prosperity B.prospect C.protest D.process,正确答案为A. 译文:他祝这对年轻夫妇生活幸福、万事如意。,Prospect ,protest 和process的习惯搭配分别为,Prospect 前景,期望; Protest 抗议;process 过程,程序,13,Purchase,购买,Vt. buy sth .购买 Purchase price 买价,考点,Purchase 是正式用词,通常

16、指购买大件或贵重物品,purchase a new car, purchase a house,Purchaser n. 买主 Purchasing power 购买力,典型考题,The company spend a lot in expansion including the _of a lot a big warehouse.,A.preview B.pursuit C.pretension D.purchase,答案为D。译文:这家公司化了很多钱来进行业务拓展,还购买了一个大货仓。,Preview ,persuit和pretention 的区别为,Preview 预演,预展。 Purs

17、uit 所求,寻求。 Pretension 自负,炫耀,标榜。,14,Difficult sentences,I have often wondered whether some people,who had no intention of making a purchase,would take advantage of this privilege. ( 11.5-6),我常常想,会不会有一些根本无意购买的人利用这一优惠趁机占便宜。,Who had no intention of making a purchase.是非限制性定语从句,修饰some people ,对其作进一步说明。非限制

18、性定语从句拿掉之后其他部分仍然可成立。,例:She was very fond of speaking French,which indeed she spoke well.,她很喜欢讲法语,她的确讲得好。,15,Difficult sentences,I hope there are a lot more stores where he can go and get his share.(11 .12-13),我希望能有更多的商店可以让他进去,并得到一份食物品尝。,A lot 用在 more 前面起加强程度的作用。可以修饰形容词比较级的词或词组还有much,far,even,hardly a

19、ny,lots, a little,no,rather,somewhat 等。,例:a.This term his behavior has become even more annoying .,这学期他的行为变得更加讨人嫌了。,b.There have been many more burglaries this year.,今年的入室盗窃案多了许多。,16,Writing style and techniques,本文是记叙文,叙述视角是第一人称,叙述时间顺序为顺叙。 本文在人物外貌和行为描写方面很生动,如:写到老人品尝布丁时,有这样的句子 。 “The elderly gentlema

20、n,who was poorly but neatlydressed ,accepted the spoon and began eagerly to sample one after another of the pudding ,only breaking off occasionally to wipe his red eyes with a large torn handerchief.”(11.21-24) 这个句子把一个穷困潦倒的老人面对一排美味诱人的布丁时急切的神情栩栩如生地展现在读者面前。另外当“我”提出给老人买布丁时,“He jumped back as if he had

21、been stung, and the blood rushed into his wrinkled face.”生动地展现老人受到震惊和感到羞辱时的神态。,17,Writing style and techniques,本文中使用了对比的手法,将老人与其他购买圣诞礼物的人相对比,更突出了老人的穷困和孤独 . 这个句子在文章的第33行: “Amidst the crowd of happy, prosperous looking Christmas shoppers, the little black figure fo the old man seemed pitiful and out o

22、f place.”,18,What do you think of the old man? Give evidence to support your conclusion? Is he typical in the West? Do you know anything about old people in the West?,The young man was trying to help the old man by offering to buy him a pudding. But his kind behavior was regarded by the old man as a kind of insult. To save his face, the old man was forced to buy an expensive pudding which he could not afford. The young mans kind intentions had produced unintended and unpleasant results.,19,Bye-bye,素材和资料部分来自网络,如有帮助请下载!,


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