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1、七年级英语重难点句型汇总复习要求:1.识记并正确区分下列句型的使用场合。 2能够模仿固定句型熟练造句。请把下列句型翻译成汉语1. how oldare you ?/whats yourage?_2. howare you ?/how is your mother ?_3. what /which class(grade/row/school) are youin?_4. which classare youin,class 1orclass 2 ?_5. whats oneand /plusone ? its two._6. whats oneminusone ? its zero._7. h

2、ow many story-booksdo you have ?_8. how much wateris there in the glass?_9. how muchis this pair of jeans?_10. whats the population ofchina?/how many people are there in china ?_11. how oftendo you take exercise ?twice a week._12. how soonwill you be back ?intwo weeks._13. how faris it from your hom

3、e to the school ? about 20 kilometres._14. how long does it take you toread english every morning ?_15. how longis the yellow river ?_16. how longis the summer vacation in your country?_17. there isa boyplayingbasketball on the playground ._18. thereis a penand some books on the teachers desk._19. t

4、hereare some booksand a pen on the floor._20. there is going to bea football game tomorrow._21. whatdoesyour fatherdo?/what is your fathers job ?/what is your father?_22. whats the weather like in spring in hefei ?/how is the weatherin spring in hefei ?_23. whatwillthe weatherbe likethe day after to

5、morrow?_24. what time is it,please? its9:30._25. whats the time, please?its9:15/31._26. whats the datetoday ? its april 11, 2009._27. its time toget up._28. its time fordinner._29. its time foryoutodo some reading._30. whats this / thatin english?its a dictionary._31. what are those / these in engli

6、sh ? they are castles._32. what colouris it ? its pink._33. what colourare they ? they arelight blue._34. whats yourfavouritemusic?_35. what subject do youlike best?_36. what can i do for you ?/can i help you ?_37. whereishefrom?/where does hecome from?_38. excuse me.where isthe nearest hospital,ple

7、ase ?_39. excuse me.how do i get tothe nearest hospital ?_40. excuse me.could you tell me wherethe nearest hospitalis?_41. excuse me.which is thenearestway tothe hospital ?_42. who isit / thatspeaking ? this /it isalice speaking._43. hold on. /hold the line._44. what are youlooking forward to?_45. h

8、ow do youget fromnew yorktobeijing?_46. will there beschools in the future? now,there wont ._47. itsone of the busiestinternationalairlines._48. whats your name ?_49. whatsthe name ofthe village ?_50. where and whenwereyouborn?_51. its not easy for some students to learn english well._52. how / what aboutlistening to musicto relax?_53. it tookme about nine hourstoget there._54. whatsyour first friendlike? he was very frendly but sometimes naughty._


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