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1、PEP小学四年级英语上册第二单元教学设计 Unit 2 My Schoolbag一、教学内容与目标:教学内容:1. Lets learn,Lets do教学目标:1. 能听、说、认读单词:Chinese book,English book, math bookStory-book, notebook, schoolbag.2. 能听懂Lets do 口令并作出相应的动作;以及掌握under, on, in, near的运用和判断。二、教学重、难点重点:听、说、认读Chinese book,English book, math book, Story-book, notebook, school

2、bag.难点:根据指令熟练地做出相应动作,以及掌握under,on,in,near的运用和判断。三、课前准备1.教师准备语文书、数学书、英语书、笔记本、故事书各一本,一个书包。2.教师准备关于美术书的图片以及个别学习用具。3.学生准备好自己的书包、各类书和文具,本课要学的单词卡。四、教学步骤和建议1. Warm-up(1) 日常口语练习,内容:After saying Good afternoon classes, the teacher should ask the studentsT: How are you?S: Im fine, thank you, and you?T: Im fin

3、e too.2. Presentation(1) Presentation of new words.利用书包,各种个样的书等实物来讲解单词老师从书包里面一本本的拿出书,然后同学回答“语文书,数学书,英语书,故事书,笔记本,文具盒etc.”引出课题My Schoolbag.以及本课的新单词Chinese book,English book, math bookStory-book, notebook, schoolbag.播放幻灯片让学生认识到这些单词,跟着录音读,并且要注意每个单词的发音,尤其是Math book.教师要注意提醒学生th咬舌尖。(2) Practice the new wor

4、ds通过游戏来联系这些新单词,加强学生对单词的理解和记忆。Game:find the right friend.(The rule of the game: give out the word cards to the students before the class, Chinese book, English book, Math book, notebook, picture book, story-book and schoolbag .When T say the first letter, the Ss who holds the right card with the firs

5、t letter the same with the teacher said, that S must show the card quickly.)师生一起找到正确的单词之后,把单词卡贴在黑板上。(3)Presentation of the new phrases在学生已经充分掌握新词的基础上,教师运用图片来示范新动作put。需要特别注意的是事物间的方位关系以及介词的用法:in,on,under,near。然后让同学们根据录音来练习。之后让学生跟随教师的动作示范,在理解的基础上做出相应的动作来区别借此的用法。(4)Game: Loudly and Lightly, English and

6、ChineseLets play a small game to remember the words and sentences we studied this class. When T say a word or sentence loudly, Ss should say it lightly, when T say it lightly, Ss should say it loudly. When T says it in English, Ss should say it in Chinese, When T says it in Chinese; Ss should say it

7、 in English.通过这个简单的游戏回顾本节课所学的知识,让同学们更进一步的加深了对单词的认识以及对方位介词的了解。3. Consolidation and extension(1) 听第一部分Lets learn的录音。(2) 参照Lets do学会用介词来说句子,表达不同的方位。说句子给家长听。(3) 完成活动手册配套练习;板书设计:Unit 2 My SchoolbagHow many books do you have? On: 在。的上面Chinese book English book in: 在。的里面Math book Story-book under: 在。的下面Schoolbag notebook near: 在。的旁边


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