人教版九年级英语下册《nit 12 You’re supposed to shake hands.Section A》课件_14.ppt

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《人教版九年级英语下册《nit 12 You’re supposed to shake hands.Section A》课件_14.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版九年级英语下册《nit 12 You’re supposed to shake hands.Section A》课件_14.ppt(21页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、,Review words and expressions,2021/6/8,预习检测,. 单词填写 1. custom(n. ) _ 2. bow(v. 其中to为动词不定式符号, 后接动词原形。 (2)be supposed to do sth. 相当于should do sth. , 意为“应该做某事”。 (3)be not supposed to do sth. 相当于shouldnt do sth. , 意为“不应该/不能做某事”, 表示命令和禁止。,【学习归纳】 expect是及物动词, 意为“预料, 盼望”, 它有以下常见用法: (1)expect+n. /pron. 预计可能发

2、生; 期待某人或某物 (2)expect+to do sth. 料想做某事 (3)expect sb. to do sth. 期望某人做某事 (4)expect +从句预计/料想,*I expect to get a birthday present from my dad. 我期待着收到一件来自父亲的生日礼物。 *Do you expect him to teach you English? 你希望他教你英语吗? *I didnt expect that you uld get there so soon. 我没想到你会这么快就到达那里了。,Greeting customs,2021/6/8

3、,Youre supposed to shake hands.,Unit 6,c,b,a,b,a,1b Listen and check your answers in 1a.,Pair work,Talk about what people in different countries do when they meet for the first time. Talk about the countries listed above or other countries you know about.,A: What are people in Korea supposed to do w

4、hen they meet for the first time? B: Theyre supposed to bow.,2a Maria is an exchange student. Last night she had dinner at an American friends house. Listen and check () the mistakes Maria made.,2b Listen again. Fill in the blanks.,Maria was supposed to arrive at 7: 00, but she _. 2. In Marias count

5、ry, when youre invited for 7:00, youre expected to _. 3. When Maria met Pauls mom, she was supposed to _. 4. Maria should ask what she is supposed to _ if she is invited to a party next time.,arrived at 8:00,shake hands,wear,come later,1.Who is Sato? 2.What did John do when he met Sato? 3.What did K

6、atie do When she met Marie? 4.How did Katie feel when Marie kissed her on both sides of her face? 5.How are people in France expected to greet each other ? Is it polite if you dont do the something?,2D:Read fast and Answer the questions:,Read it and Translate,Find out important phrases and sentences

7、,Recite the dialogue,. 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. Social_ (custom)are different from country to country. 2. Hello, Bill. Did you go to Anns birthday party? No, I wasnt_ (invite)at all. 3. You are_ (suppose)to bow when you meet someone for the first time in Korea. 答案: 1. customs 2. invited,3. supposed,4. She fel

8、t sorry because she_ (greet)Mr. Green the wrong way. 5. To my surprise, she_ (take)a small present to her cousin that she disliked. 答案: 4. greeted 5. took,. 完成句子 1. 我们应该用恰当的方式问候别人。 We are_ _ greet others the_ way. 2. 在大多数西方国家, 人们初次见面时应该握手。 In most Western countries, people are supposed_ _ _ when the

9、y meet for the first time. 答案: 1. supposed to; right 2. to shake hands,3. 你不应该问这样一个问题。 You_ _ such a question. 4. 你不应该那样对她说话。 Youre_ _ _ talk to her like that. 5. 不要担心出错。那没关系的。 Dont worry about_ _ . It doesnt matter. 答案: 3. shouldnt ask 4. not supposed to 5. making mistakes,完成句子 1. 在大多数西方国家,人们初次见面时应

10、该握手。 In most Western countries, people _ _ _ _ _ _ when they meet for the first time. 2. 我们怎样才能用正确的方式与美国朋友打招呼? How can we _ American friends _ _ _ _?,Exercise,are,supposed to shake hands,greet,in,the / a right way,3. 你应该问一下该带什么礼物。 You should _ what gift to take with you. 4. 如果你被邀请参加会议, 你不应该去晚了。 If you are invited to the meeting, you _ _ to _ late.,ask,arent,supposed,be,5. 在日本,你应该鞠躬而不是握手。 You are supposed to bow _ _ _ hands in Japan.,instead of,shaking,


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