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1、1、Seeing Life in a different Light 换个角度看生活An elderly eldli couple kpl had two daughters.The older daughter was married to a man who sold umbrellas mbrelz,while the younger jg one was married to a man who sold straw str:hats.一对老两口有两个女儿。大女儿嫁给了一个卖雨伞的,而二女儿嫁给了一个卖草帽的。Therefore f:,whenever it was a fine da

2、y,the mother would sigh sai:”Oh, its a bad day for my elder son-in-law.”所以,每当遇到晴天的时候,做母亲的就会叹气:“哎!大女婿的雨伞又卖不出去了。“But if it was a rainy day ,she would sigh as well:”Nobodys going to buy my younger son-in-laws straw hats.” So she was never happy,rain or shine.可遇到雨天,她又叹气:“哎!二女婿的草帽又没人买了。“所以,无论天晴还是雨天老太太都不开

3、心。But her husband saw the matter in a different light.He was happy,rain or shine.On sunny days.he would think that his younger son-in-law would sell lots of straw hats,and on rainy days he would think of his elder son-in-law doing well selling his umbrellas.可老大爷却恰恰相反,晴天时他想到二女婿的草帽会卖得好,雨天时他想到大女婿的雨伞会卖得

4、好,所以不论雨天晴天,他都很高兴。In realityrilti 现实,happiness is a kind of attitudetitju:d.It is never far from you,depending dipend on whether we you are contentedkntentid 满足的, 心安的 or not. 其实,幸福就是一种心情(或对事情的一种态度),它离你并不远,关键是看你是不是知足!(所谓知足者常乐!What are the odds dz 剩余的 so long as 只要的 you are happy.)2、Cao Cao Burns Lette

5、rs to play the Fool曹操烧信装糊涂In the year AD 200,Cao Cao(155-220)foughtf:t a famouse battlebtl with Yuan Shao(153-202) at Guan Du,in which the former f:m前者 defeateddifi:tid the latterlt 后者.From the letters he seizedsi:zd 抓住 from the enemyenimi,Cao Cao discovereddiskvd that many of his own generalsdenrlz

6、 had written to Yuan Shao in the course k:s of the battle to indicateindikeit 显示 their intentionintenn 意图 to surrendersrend 投降. 公元200年,曹操与袁绍决战官渡,最后曹操大败袁绍。后来,曹操从缴获的信件中发现了许多自己的将领战时写给袁绍的投降信。Insteadinsted of questioningkwestni these generals one by one,as conventionalknvennl 传统的 practice prktis 习惯,做法 wo

7、uld have requiredrikwaid,he was so shrewdru:d 精明的 that he burned all the letters,saying:”Yuan Shao was so formidablef:midbl 强大的 at that time ,even I was afraid of him ,let alone others.”按照一般人的做法,肯定要逐个追查写信给袁绍的人。可是精明过人的曹操并未这么做,而是一把火将信全部烧了,并说:“那时袁绍兵强马壮,连我都怕他,更何况其他人等呢!”On the surfaces:fis ,Cao Cao did a

8、 foolish thing , but actuallyktjuli he was intelligentintelidnt.He knew that with Yuan Shaos defeatdifi:t,if he had probedprubd furtherf: into the matter,he would have only heapedhi:pt worries on these generals and thus demoralizeddimrlaizd 意志消沉,动摇 his troopstru:ps,He would have stood to lose more t

9、han to gaingein.曹操看似糊涂,实则聪明。他清楚,袁绍已被打败,现在再进一步追查此事,只能使写信者心存疑虑,势必引起军心不稳,而得不偿失。(lose more than to gain)3、Zhang Dong Gives up Gold-diggingdigi to sell water张栋弃金卖水In 1938,the news that a gold depositdipzit had been found in a certain town in Xinjiang sweptswept across 席卷 the whole country.Many adventurer

10、sdventrz rushed there seeking gold.1938年,新疆某镇发现了黄金的消息传遍了全国,许多喜爱冒险的人,都蜂拥而至,都想实现自己的“黄金梦”。Among them was a 17-year-old peasantpeznt named Zhang Dong.But he found that the town was not litteredlitd with gold ore: everywhere as people had imagedimidd ,and almost nobody had actuallyktjuli struckstrk gold.

11、 Moreoverm:ruv,many people had fallenf:ln ill because of the hot and dry climateklaimit 气候 and lacklk 缺乏 of water.这其中就有一个叫张栋的17岁农民。可当他来到这个小镇后却发现,并不像传说中的那样遍地是金矿,也没有人真正找到什么黄金。而且,由于这里气候炎热干燥,又缺水,很多人都得了热伤风。Amidmid 在其中 peoples cursesk:siz 诅咒,Zhang Dong hit upon an idea.He left the crowdskraudz and found a

12、 water sources:s.He carried water to the miningmaini areari,selling water to those cray gold diggers at one yuan per bowlbul.In less than two months he made a considerableknsidrbl 可观的 sum of money.So by the time most others were leaving the place empty-hand,he was already quite well off.在人们的一片诅咒声中,张

13、栋却灵机一动,他离开了人群,去找水源。他把水挑到矿区,以每碗1块钱的价格卖给那些疯狂淘金的人,在不到两个月的时间里,他就积累了一笔相当可观的财富。当绝大多数人两手空空离开此地的时候,他却发了一笔不小的财。4、Zeng zi Slaughterssl:tz 屠杀 a PigZeng Zi was amongm Confucius knfju:is孔子的 best disciplesdisaiplz 弟子.One day his wife wanted to go to the market,but his youngest son clungkl to her leg,begging to go

14、 as well.His wife coaxedkukst him:”If you stay home,I promiseprmis to kill the pig to cook some pork for you.”曾子是孔子的高徒。一天,他的妻子要去集市买东西,临行前,她的小儿子哭闹着要跟她一起去。妈妈哄儿子说:“你乖乖待在家里,我回来就杀猪,炖肉给你吃!”So the boy stayed home. 孩子听说有肉吃,就很听说地回家等着。When his wife returned from the market,Zeng Zi started to slaughtersl:t the

15、 pig.His wife tried to stop him,saying that she had not been serioussiris,so why should he follow throughru: and act.妻子从集市上回来后,曾子就动手杀猪,妻子连忙阻拦说:“我不过是哄哄孩子的,你为什么要真的杀猪呢?”Zeng Zi said in all sinceritysinseriti一本正经:”You should never have cheated the child.He is too young to understand things.He learns eve

16、rything from the parents.So we should set a good example.You promised to kill the pig and cook some pork for him upon your return.If you do not keep your word,are you not cheating him? He will then cheat others in the future.This is not a good way to teach a child.”曾子一本正经地说:“绝不可以跟孩子开这样的玩笑。孩子还小,不懂事,一

17、言一行都是跟父母学的,所以我们应该以身作则。你告诉过他回来后要杀猪炖肉给他吃,如果说话不算数的话,这不是欺骗孩子吗?孩子将来也会学会骗人的,这不是教育的好方法。”His wife saw his point and joined him in slaughtering the pig.She cooked the pork as she had promised.妻子听了,觉得有理,就帮着曾子一起杀猪给孩子炖肉吃,履行了自己的诺言。5、The Emperor Who Advocateddvkeit,dvkit Frugalityfru:gliti 倡导简朴的皇帝Emperorempr Wend

18、i(541-604),who founded the Sui Dynastydainsti,was able to show considerationknsidrein for peoples sufferingssfris during the early periodpirid of his rule. When he was on an inspectioninspekn tourtu and somebody stopped his caravankrvn to make an appealpi:l,he would pause to hear them out.In 594,a s

19、everesivi droughtdraut hit the central part of Shaanxi.Locallukl people only had branbrn 糠 as food.The emperorempr showedud his food to the ministersministz and said in tears tis that it was duedju: to his own incompetenceinkmpitns 无能.He ordered a reductionridkn in his own food,abstainingbsteini fro

20、m meat and wine,while shipping food reliefrili:f to the affectedfektid areas.When articles:tiklz for palaceplis use became wornw:n out or broken,they were repaired for reuse.ri:ju:z,instead of being replaced with new ones.Palace maidsmeidz wore clothes with patchespts,and were seldomseldm given new

21、ones.He told his elder son:”If an emperor is extravagantikstrvgnt,his rule will definitelydefinitli not last long.This has been the case since ancienteinnt times.Never forget to lead a thriftyrifti 节俭的 life.”隋文帝杨坚(公元541-604)立国之初,能够体恤民间疾苦。他在出巡的路上遇到有人上表陈奏,便会让车队停下来,听个仔细。594年,关中地区大旱,百姓只能以糠为食,杨坚便将这些食物给群臣

22、们看,流着泪自责无能,下令裁减自己的饮食,不吃肉,不喝酒,并调粮救灾。宫中用物残损后,不买新的,经过修补后再重新使用。宫人衣服也是破了再补,少有新制。他对大儿子说:“自古帝王如果奢侈成风,政权必不长久,你一定要记住,生活要节俭。”Because of the emperors advocacydvksi of thrift,high officialsfilz and noblesnublz mostly wore ordinary:dnri clothes without gold or jadedeid ornaments:nmnts.A socialsul valuevlju: enco

23、uraginginkridi thrift was thus prevalentprevlnt 普遍的 in the early period of the Sui Dynasty. 由于隋文帝倡导俭朴,影响所及,达官贵人也多穿布帛制作的普通衣裳,不饰金玉,形成了隋朝初年崇尚节俭的社会风气。6、Mencius Mother Moves House Three Times 孟母三迁Menciusmenis (372-289 BC) was a famous Chinese thinker.His father died when he was still a boy, and his mothe

24、r made a living by weaving. At that time their home was near a graveyardgreivj:d and funeralfju:nrl 葬礼 processionsprsenz often passed by.Like other boys,he mimickedmimikt 模仿(活象) the trumpeterstrmpitz and weepingwi:pi women in the processionsprsenz.He also joined his pals in playing at the graveyardg

25、reivj:d.His mother fearedfid that the environmentinvairnmnt would impactimpkt,impkt 对.发生影响 negativelynegtivli on her son,so she moved their home to the State of Zou.孟子(约公元前372-289)是中国著名的思想家,他幼年丧父,靠母亲织布为生。当时,孟子家住在墓地旁边,送葬的队伍常常从门前经过。小孩子都有模仿的天性,孟子成日里学着送葬队伍中的吹鼓手和妇女们哭哭啼啼的模样,还常与小伙伴们一起在墓地边玩耍。孟母看在眼里急在心里,生怕孩子

26、受到坏影响,于是决心离开此地搬家到邹国去。But the new home was near a market.The boy was amusedmju:zd by对.觉得有趣 the shouting and wranglingrgli 争论 of the peddlerspedlz, so he began to imitateimiteit them with other boys .His mother decideddisaidid again to move.但是,他们在邹国的新家靠近集市,孟子听着喧闹的叫卖声,看着商贩们讨价还价,玩花招赚黑心钱,就又与小伙伴们学着做生意来。孟母

27、看到这种情况,决心再次搬家。This time,they lived near a school.Influencedinflunst 影响 by the school environmentinvairnmnt,he developeddivelpt a likinglaiki 爱好 for reading.His mother sent him to a privatepraivit tutortju:t 私塾老师 next door.这次,他搬到了学校附近,在朗朗的读书声的熏陶下,孟子渐渐地喜欢上了读书,孟母就送他去邻家教书先生那里学习。From then on,he studied hard and became a universallyju:niv:sli respectedrispektid man of great learning. 从此,孟子潜心钻研,成了人人尊敬的大学问家。


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