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1、,1,Warm-up,2,Brain-storming,1. As a sophomore, what is your general impression of college? 2. Have you experienced anything different from your middle school life? 3. What changes have you made after one-year study in Zhejiang University of Technology?,3,There are four seasons in ones college years,

2、 representing different aspects of college life. What do you think the four seasons represent? Why?,4,5,6,7,8,Preview,9,Questions,10,developmental changes: a psychological term which refers to the physiological and behavioral changes throughout the lifespan identity: the qualities that make sb or st

3、h what they are who you are; what strengths and weaknesses you have; how you perceive yourself as well as how other people perceive you ( self image and the image you present to others) Erickson: The identity is “a subjective sense as well as an observable quality of personal sameness and continuity

4、, paired with some belief in the sameness and continuity of some shared world image.” Identity is highly relational. identity crisis: the difficulties, confusions and anxieties that one goes through when he/she is not sure who he/she is and what his/her purpose in life is,11,Check-on preview,12,Obje

5、ctives,13,Erikson and Developmental Stages,14,15,0-1.5,2-3,16,4-5,6-11,17,12-18,18-30,主要关心的是把别人对他们的评价与他们自己的感觉相比较,如何把各种角色及早期培养的技能和当今职业的标准相联系这个问题,为什么青年人在不能获得积极的同一性时要选择消极的同一性呢?埃里克森说,因为他宁可成为一个无名小卒,或者成为臭名昭著的大人物,或者成为某个的确已经死了的人-总之,它们是经过自由选择的角色-而不愿意成为一个不太象样的人,18,60-,30-60,埃里克森把自我完整定义为,只有这种以某种方式关心事物和人们的人,才能使

6、自己顺应形影相随的胜利和失望,顺应其他事物的创造者,或者说顺应各种产品和思想的创造者-只有在这种人身上,这七个阶段的果实方能日臻成熟。,只有回顾一生感到所度过的是丰足的,有创建的和幸福的人生的人才会不惧怕死亡。这种人具有一种圆满感和满足感。而那种回顾挫败人生的人则体验到失望。,没有产生繁殖感的人以停滞和人际贫乏为特征。 一旦一个人的繁殖比率比停滞高, 那么这个人会以关心的美德离开这个阶段。,19,Theme according to categorization: first, second, ; oneanother; in addition to illustration/example

7、2. Smooth transition Try to find some examples in the text.,25,Text analysis,26,Part I: diction,Dawn on/upon,27,Part I: writing device,Parallism Has it ever? Has it ever? Has it ever? To highlight the topic of discussion; To arouse the readers interest; To make the argument more convincible; ,28,Par

8、t I: discussion,What goals do you have for your growth and maturity during your college years?,29,Part II: diction,Para 2: go through; identity crisis; chance Para 3: independent from/of; yet; heighten; Para 4: functional independence; freedom/free from sth. ; stand back; Para 5: sexual identity; dr

9、ag ones feet; Para 6: come to; narrow; in a different way Para 7: internalize; model for; be equal to; ethnic; Para 8: personal value; Para 9: in a different light; community college,30,Part II: paraphrase,1. In fact, it may be heightened by their choice to pursue a college education. (para. 3) Actu

10、ally, if the students choose to go to college to continue their education, they will face an even more serious struggle between the desire to be independent and the need to depend on the financial support of their parents.,31,2. Fourth is freedom from “excessive guilt, anxiety, mistrust, responsibil

11、ity, inhibition, resentment, and anger in relation to the mother and father”. (para.4) guiltchildren think they have done sth. wrong anxietychildren are eager to please their parents mistrustchildren think their parents have not been fair responsibilitychildren feel responsibility to their parents f

12、or everything they do inhibitionchildren are afraid of not saying the right thing or not behaving properly All these make them angry with their parents or feel resentful. This reflect their emotional dependence on their parents.,32,3. College students need to stand back and see where they are in the

13、 independence/dependence struggle. (para. 4) (In the face of the arrays of challenges,) it is necessary for college students to avoid getting too emotionally involved in the struggle and try to get a clear idea of their situation.,33,4. Probably nothing can make students feel lower or higher emotion

14、ally than the way they are relating to whomever they are having a romantic relationship with. (para. 5) Perhaps nothing can make a student experience such a big emotional change except his/her relationships with his/her lover.,34,Part II: discussion,Explain the sentence “How people see themselves in

15、 both roles is unquestionably a part of their identity.” What does “both roles” refer to? 2. Give examples to show how identity is determined. 3. Did you experience independence/dependence struggle in your later adolescence stage? 4. Why does the author say it may be heightened by the students choic

16、e to pursue a college education? 5. What are the four distinct aspects of late adolescents psychological separation from their parents?,35,6. Why should college students stand back to see where they are in the independence/dependence struggle? 7. What is meant by “establishing their sexual identity”

17、? Why is it stressful? 8. How is para. 4 developed? 9. How does college students change the way they relate to others as they grow and reach young adulthood? 10. Give examples to show how the way you relate to others have changed since you became a college student?,36,11. What is meant by “internali

18、zing religious faith”? Do you think you have in some way internalized values and beliefs? What new insights have you gained in this respect? Did you ever question the values instilled by your parents in your adolescence? What new ways should college students develop in learning knowledge? Learning p

19、rocess: gather, process and apply New perspectives of knowledge: Whats the purpose of materials? Learn to be critical. Establish your own attitudes.,37,Why does the author think it is important to become a world citizen? Do you have a similar experience, that your interaction with people of other cu

20、ltures introduce you to new ways of interpreting life, new understanding of the world and of yourself?,38,39,Part II: writing device - antithesis(对比法),These are exciting times yet frustrating times. (5) - antithesis to give a focus to how college students are stressful in establishing their sexual i

21、dentity. Probably nothing can make students feel lower or higher emotionally than the way they are relating to whomever they are having a romantic relationship with. (5) he bounced into my office once with a smile on his face and excitement in his voice. That same young man came into my office less

22、than a week later, dragging his feet with a dismayed, dejected look on his face. sighed deeply (5) “Ive just had the best day of my life!” “Ive just had the worst day of my life!”,40,Part III: diction,For certain,41,Para III: discussion according to; sb. remarks/observes/comments/points out/defines

23、parallelism, e.g. words (para. 2): strengths and weaknesses phrases (para. 2): determined by genetic endowment; shaped by environment; influenced by chance events sentences (para. 1): 3 consecutive questions other techniques? Para. 3 is developed by _. Para. 4 is developed by _ & _.,parison2.category 3.quotation,45,


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