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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全大学三级(B)分类模拟228大学三级(B)分类模拟228Part Vocabulary and StructureSection A问题:1. I wonder why Mr. Brown hasnt showed up at the meeting yet. Im not sure, but he _ in a traffic jam driving here. A.could be stuckB.might stuckC.might have been stuckD.must have stuck答

2、案:C考点 动词时态及语态 解析 表示对过去已经发生事情的推测应该用情态动词的完成时形式,might表示的可能性不大;结合上下文的意思可以知道应该用被动形式。 问题:2. He was attending a meeting, _ he would have come to your party yesterday.A.unlessB.whenC.butD.or答案:D问题:3. I feel its a great honor for me _ to this party.A.to inviteB.inviteC.having invitedD.to be invited答案:D解析 被邀请

3、参加这个聚会,我感到非常荣幸。invite的用法为invite sb. to (do) sth. ,但选项中invite均无宾语,故推断“我”是被邀请的,要使用被动态。句中的it为形式主语,真正的主语是to be invited to this party。问题:4. A bottle weighs more after air is put in. proves that air has weight.A.WeB.WhichC.ItD.What答案:C解析 it的用法it在这里代表前面所提到的事实。故选C。注意区分A bottle weighs more after air is put i

4、n It proves that air has weight.(两个句子)与A bottle weighs more after air is put in,which proves that air has weight(一个句子)。问题:5. Force should not be _ to settle international disputes.A.appliedB.usingC.appreciatedD.approve答案:A问题:6. In the small village where I was born, it is always very _ at night.A.qu

5、ickB.quiteC.qualifiedD.quiet答案:D考点 句意解析 本句的意思是“在我出生的小村庄里,夜晚总是很安静”,根据这个思路,应该选择quiet。问题:7. It is in this log cabin _ the great musician was born.A.whereB.whichC.thatD.in which答案:C问题:8. To our great disappointment, we could not find a right place _.A.to liveB.for us to liveC.to live inD.living for us答案

6、:C问题:9. I hope youll advise me what _ after class.A.doB.to doC.doingD.to be done答案:B解析 本题考查动词短语。考查的短语为:advise sb. to do sth. 出,该句意为:我希望你对我课后做些什么给点建议。问题:10. _ everyone here, I wish you a pleasant journey back to your country.A.By means ofB.On behalf ofC.In search ofD.For fear of答案:B问题:11. I will have

7、 begun to do the work _ 5 oclock this afternoon.A.byB.atC.afterD.before答案:A解析 by的用法句中will have begun提供了一个关键的解题线索,表明应该表示“将来截止时间”的介词,在本题中只有by有这种用法。问题:12. He is the only one of the students who _ finished the task in time.A.isB.areC.haveD.has答案:D考点 定语从句 解析 由who引导的定语从句中先行词是the only one,关系代词在从句中作主语,所以动词应

8、该用单数形式,且应该是主动语态,故选D。 问题:13. Nobody but Tom and Mary _ the secret.A.knowB.knowsC.have knownD.is known答案:B解析 本题考查主谓一致的用法。主语是“nobody”,当后面跟有but,as well as,with,along with,together with,like,besides,except等词或短语,不能看做是并列主语,其谓语动词用单数形式。如:Zhang Ming as well as I agrees with them. Zhang Ming and I agree with t

9、hem.问题:14. It was _ that we couldnt go camping.A.so hot a dayB.such hot a dayC.so hot dayD.such hot答案:A问题:15. The corporation has _ financial difficulties.A.run out ofB.run intoC.run overD.run down答案:B解析 公司已经陷入财务困难。run into意为“陷入(危险)”。问题:16. We worked for more than four hours without _ a rest.A.to ha

10、veB.havingC.haveD.had答案:B问题:17. It was stupid _ them to leave their bicycles outside and have them stolen.A.ofB.forC.withD.about答案:A解析 他们真傻,把自行车放在外面以致被窃。此句中,带逻辑主语的动词不定式短语作主语,it作形式主语,即“it is+形容词+of+代词/名词+不定式”的句型,这类形容词有stupid,wise,wrong,rude,good等。问题:18. Have you visited the house _ the famous artist

11、was born?A.whereB.in thatC.thatD.which答案:A解析 本题考查的是定语从句。where引导的是地点状语。选项B that应改为which。问题:19. _ the hill, the city is really like a park.A.To see fromB.Seeing atC.Seen fromD.Being seen in答案:C问题:20. Was it in the small room _ they found the important document?A.whichB.in whichC.whereD.that答案:D问题:21.

12、You can _ him. He is reliable.A.believeB.believe inC.believe withD.believe at答案:B问题:22. _ swim to that little island in the middle of the lake and back again?A.Dare heB.Dare he toC.Dares heD.Will he dares答案:A解析 本题考查情态动词的习惯用法。dare(敢于)作情态动词时,没有词形上的变化。故选项A为正确答案。 选项B中的dare充当情态动词时,后面不能加to;选项C缺少疑问助动词,且不能直

13、接用dares提问,因为dare之后加了表示第三人称单数的-s,因此在本选项中是作为谓语动词使用,不能同时充当助词用来提问;选项D的错误在于表示将来的助动词will之后的谓语动词需要使用动词原形,因此这一选项也为错误选项。dare除可以充当情态动词外,还可以充当谓语动词,因此本题的另外一个正确答案是“Does he dare.”。 问题:23. _ is reported in the newspapers that the talks between the two companies have not made any progress.A.ThatB.WhatC.ItD.As答案:C问题

14、:24. Never _ to the U. S. A.A.I have beenB.do I haveC.have I beenD.have I do答案:C解析 词首为否定词或含有否定意义的词或词组,如seldom,little,hardly,rarely,never,by no means,on no accountin no case 等时,句子需要部分倒装,即将情态动词或助动词提前到主语之前。例如:Seldom did he do morning exercise before he entered the university(他上大学前很少晨练。)问题:25. The new l

15、ibrary is equipped with various protections _ fire.A.forB.ofC.underD.against答案:D解析 protection against为固定搭配,意为“预防的措施/设施”,也可以用protection from,结合选项可知,D符合题意。考点 固定搭配Section B问题:1. My suggestion is that we (send) _ a few people to help the other groups.答案:(should) send解析 本题考查的是表示愿望、请求、建议、命令等意义的名词之后的从句,谓语动

16、词为(should) do的形式。问题:2. (person) _ speaking, I dont agree with what you have said.答案:Personally解析 句子意为:就我个人而言,我不同意你说的话。personally speaking为固定用法,就我个人而言。问题:3. If you want to achieve your goal, you have to work (hard) _ than ever before.答案:harder解析 本题考查的是副词的比较级。hard既可容词,也可以作副词,在本句中是副词,意为“努力地”。本句中出现了比较级的

17、标志词than,所以空格处应填入副词hard的比较级形式harder。问题:4. When she returned home ,she found the door open and something(steal) _.答案:stolen解析 本题测试分词做宾补的用法。全句意思是:她回家时发现门开着,有东西被盗。find something done结构为固定搭配,done表被动。问题:5. Peter speaks to me angrily as if he (be) _ my boss.答案:were考点 虚拟语气解析 as if引导的从句所述事实不真实时,从句谓语动词用虚拟语气;如

18、果表示与现在的事实相反,谓语动词用过去式的形式,be动词一律用were。Peter不是“我”的老板,故句子应用虚拟语气;根据语境可知是与现在的事实相反,故空格处应填入were。问题:6. _ (necessary) is the mother of invention.答案:Necessity解析 需要是发明之母。necessity为名词,意为“需要,必要性”。问题:7. Is he really a murderer? In our eyes, he is such a (respect) _ man.答案:respectable解析 本句考查的是词性转换。句中空格的前面有such a,后有

19、man,可见所填的词应该是形容词,所以要把动词respect转换成形容词respectable,表示“受人尊敬的”,动词respect的另一个形容词形式是respectful,表示“尊敬的,有礼貌的”,词组be respectful to sb./sth表示“尊敬某人/某事”。所以根据句意,此处应填respectable。问题:8. If such a tragedy (悲剧) (occur) _, the damage would have been incalculable.答案:had occurred问题:9. All the dorms in the college (equip)

20、_ with air conditioners next term.答案:will be equipped解析 考查时态和语态。下学期是将来的概念,所以动词用一般将来时;dorm和equip之间的关系是被动关系,所以此题填动词equip的一般将来时的被动式。问题:10. The project is still under (discuss) _ , and practical solutions are expected to be found.答案:discussion考点 词性转换解析 under discussion固定搭配,意为“在讨论中”。Part Translation问题:1.

21、 An enterprise can get long-term profit only if it does not break the law.A.一家企业能够获得长期利润,只有在它遵纪守法的时候。B.企业只有不违法才能获得长期利润。C.这家企业真不该违法,它本可以获得长期利润的。D.企业只要不违法,就能获得长期利润。答案:B解析 本句是一个条件状语从句。only if意思是“只有”。A选项意思正确,但不太符合汉语的语言习惯;D选项混淆了必要条件和充分条件的关系,only if是“只有”而不是“只要”的意思。C选项的意思同原句则完全不符。问题:2. He is working for a

22、big firm and he has already visited a great number of different places in Australia.A.他正在为一家大公司工作,并且经常去拜访澳大利亚很多不同的地方。B.他正在为一家大公司工作,并且已经出差去过澳大利亚很多地方。C.他正在为一家大公司工作,并且已经去过澳大利亚的不少地方了。答案:C解析 从该句中的has already visited可以看出,后半句使用的是完成时态,表示动作已经完成,visit虽然有“拜访”的意思,但是在此句中译为“到地方去”较好。问题:3. The English comer in our

23、college is held mostly in favour of the freshmen.A.我院的英语角主要得到了大一新生的青睐。B.我院的英语角主要为大一新生开设的。C.我院的英语角主要是让有活力的人得到益处。答案:B问题:4. When the switch is off, the circuit is open and electricity doesnt go through.A.电路要在开关断开后才会有电流通过。B.当电源关闭时,电路就形成断路,电流无法传送。C.当开关断开时,电路就形成闭路,没有电压。D.当开关断开时,电路就形成开路,电流不能通过。答案:D问题:5. We

24、lcome to our gliding club. We often arrange flying for groups of friends, work parties, school parties, and others. These flying are usually held on a Tuesday or Thursday evening in the summer. Weekends are generally not available for groups because our club is only open to members. Visitors may use our barbecue and our bar after flying has finished.答案:欢迎来到我们的滑翔俱乐部。我们经常承接朋友聚会、工作聚会、校园聚会等集体滑行活动。这些集体滑行一般在夏天的周二或周四晚间进行。周末本俱乐部一般只对会员开放,故无法承办集体聚会。滑行后我方还提供烧烤和酒吧设施。解析 本题是一篇说明文,主要介绍了一家滑翔俱乐部的基本信息。翻译时注意not available for应结合语境翻译成“无法承办”,barbecue是“烧烤”的意思。 15 / 15


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