译林版五年级英语下册Unit 3 Asking the way随堂练习.docx

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1、5B Unit 3 随堂练习(二)一、选择题( ) 1. Wheres Mr Brown ? - Hes _ the bus stop .A . in B. on C. at( ) 2. _ can I get to the cinema ?A. How B. Where C. What( ) 3. How can I _ No.2 Hospital ?A. go B. get to C. get to the( ) 4. Theres a bookshop _ the street . My home is _ it .A. in , next B. on , next to C. on ,

2、 next( ) 5. Excuse me , _ is the zoo ? - Go _ this street ,its on your right .A. what ,along B. which , away C. where , along( ) 6. Turn right _ the traffic lights , the middle school is _ your right .A. on , on B. at , in C. at , on( ) 7. Get _ the metro _ Park Station . You can see the bookshop .A

3、. off , at B. on , in C. in , in( ) 8 . My sister and I want _ a new film . Well go to the cinema _ bus .A. see , by B. to see , by C. to see , buy( ) 9. The bus is _ . We cant get on now .A. big B. full C. new( ) 10.How do you go to school ? - I usually _ .A. walk there B. by a bus C. walk to there

4、( ) 11. Excuse me , can you tell me the way _ the cinema ?A. of B. to C. in二、根据中文意思完成句子1. 那位客人正在问杰克怎样到达那儿。The visitor is asking Jack how _ _ there .2. 在第二个公交车站上车。Get _ the bus at the _ bus stop .3. 为了早点到达那儿,你可以乘出租车。To get there _ , you can _ a taxi .三、句型转换1. Can you tell me the way to the post offic

5、e ? (改为同义句)How can I _ _ the post office ?2. He is on my left . (改为同义句)I am on _ _ .3. The middle school is on Nanjing Road . (对划线部分提问)_ _ the middle school ?四、改错(圈出错误的并在横线上订正)1. Turn right on the traffic lights . _2. Hi , how can I get to the bookshop ? _3. You can by the metro to my home . _4. The hospital is at your left . _5. The bus is full . They cant get in . _


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