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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全大学英语四级分类模拟题498大学英语四级分类模拟题498Part Writing问题:1. For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Nothing Succeeds Without a Strong Will by commenting on the humorous saying, Quitting smoking is the easiest thing in the world. Ive d

2、one it hundreds of times. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.答案:Nothing Succeeds Without a Strong WillIt is known to us all that where there is a will, there is a way. A person can probably accomplish nothing without a strong will. We cant deny that sometimes people can r

3、each a goal by playing tricks; however, that definitely wont last long. People with strong wills cannot be defeated by difficulties easily and they will never give up until they succeed. Take Nobel, the inventor of explosive, as an example, before inventing explosive he took thousands of explosion e

4、xperiments. We can name quite a lot of famous people like Nobel, but we can also list some people like the smoking quitters. To them, making a plan is so easy as they dont have to keep it. Therefore, they will never realize it. To sum up, a strong will is an important character people should cultiva

5、te since it plays a key role in peoples success. The resolute make resolutions once and for all; the irresolute keep making resolutions all for once. To be the winner, try to be the resolute. Part Reading ComprehensionPassage One Until the invention of the modern washing machine, most people washed

6、their clothes by hand. In the 20th century, however, washing machine became common, and washing clothes became much easier. Washing machines, though, have some serious disadvantages. One is that they need a great deal of clean water. Another is that, in many countries, hot water is used in the machi

7、nes. This consumes a lot of energy. In the United Kingdom, for example, about one-third of household energy is used for heating water, including that used to wash clothes. Now, a British company has invented a washing machine that solves these problems by using small plastic beads to absorb dirt and

8、 clean the clothes. First, a little water is added to the clothes to get them wet. Then, the beads are mixed with the clothes until they have taken away all the dirt and stains. When the process is over, the little beads are removed by the machine, and the clothes are left almost dry. Because the be

9、ads can be used over and over, the machine costs very little to operate. The new machine is based on the research of Stephen Burkinshaw, a chemist at the University of Leeds in the U.K. For a long time, Burkinshaw has been studying ways to make plastic materials a different color. A few years ago, h

10、e noticed that many kinds of plastic, especially nylon, attract dirt in warm and wet conditions, the surface of the nylon remains clean. For this reason, beads made of nylon can be used repeatedly until they are completely full of dirt. The new washing machine can save households a great deal of the

11、 money they spend on water and energy. At the same time, the machines are very good for the environment. The United States, for example, uses 1.25 billion metric tons of water on washing clothes every year. If the new machines were adopted there, 90 percent of this water could be saved. The saving o

12、f electricity, meanwhile, would help decrease the amount of carbon dioxide produced by power plants. For these reasons, the company is hoping that its new waterless washing machines will be widely used in the future. 1. What is one problem with the washing machines used in many countries?A.Many peop

13、le de not have enough money to buy one.B.They consume one-third of the water used in homes.C.A lot of energy is required to heat the water they use.D.They do not get clothes as clean as washing by hand.答案:C解析 细节题。根据文章第一段中.have some serious disadvantages. One is that.Another is that, in many countrie

14、s, hot water is used in the machines. This consumes a lot of energy. 可知洗衣机有两个主要缺点:一个是需要大量水资源,另一个是在很多国家,洗衣服要用热水,这就需要消耗很多能源。故选C。2. The small plastic beads used by the new washing machine _.A.are separated from the clothes when the cleaning process has finishedB.contain enough water and energy to wash

15、the clothesC.stop the clothes from being damaged while they are being washedD.must be taken out to be cleaned each time the machine is used答案:A解析 细节题。作者在文中第二段倒数第二句提到When the process is over, the little beads are removed by the machine即洗衣过程结束后,beads会与衣服分离。故选A。3. What did Stephen Burkinshaw learn abou

16、t nylon?A.It absorbs dirt from other objects in certain conditions.B.It causes other plastic objects to stick to wet clothes.C.It can be made into clothes that can be washed very easily.D.It changes color when it comes into contact with dirty clothes.答案:A解析 细节题。文章第三段指出.nylon, attract dirt in warm an

17、d wet conditions.故答案为A。4. What is one reason the new washing machines may be good for the environment?A.People who use them would wash their clothes less often.B.They could reduce the amount of carbon dioxide being released.C.The plastic beads from them can be used for other purposes.D.The water in

18、them is recycled over and over until it is dirty.答案:B解析 细节题。短文最后一段指出The saving of electricity, meanwhile, would help decrease the amount of carbon dioxide produced by power plants. 即这种新型洗衣机节约电能,这样发电厂排出的二氧化碳就会减少,从而保护了环境。故答案为B。5. Which of the following statements is true?A.Burkinshaws research has alr

19、eady helped the United States to save a lot of water.B.Burkinshaws research was originally about ways to change the color of plastic materials.C.The new machines can wash clothes more quickly than ordinary washing machines.D.The new machines are better at washing nylon clothes than those made from o

20、ther materials.答案:B解析 细节题。根据短文第三段中Burkinshaw has been studying ways to make plastic materials a different color可知选项B正确。根据最后一段If the new machines were adopted there, 90 percent of this water could be saved. 可知选项A不正确;选项C、D在文中没有提及。故选B。Passage Two Most people dont leave their front door unlocked, and th

21、e same is true of their home Wi-Fi networks. But some believe that preventing access to your wireless Interact actually does more harm than good. Peter Eckersley of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, an organisation devoted to defending digital rights, is calling for an Open Wireless Movement and e

22、ncouraging people to be socially responsible by sharing their connection. Eckersley compares the current situation of locked-down networks to finding yourself thirsty while everyone around you is sipping from nice tall glasses of iced water, and offers a technological solution. We restrict access to

23、 our networks for two reasons: to prevent other people from using up our bandwidth, and to ensure our security. He suggests we can still protect ourselves from both problems by using routers (路由器) that share a certain amount of bandwidth in the open while also providing an encrypted (加密的) connection

24、 for personal use, but such technology already exists, and people arent choosing to use it. Perhaps the problem is not technological, but legal, as home users dont want to be responsible for the activities of others on their network. Quite understandable, really. But Eckersley says that individuals

25、can enjoy the same legal protections against responsibility as any other Internet access provider, but the law is far from clear in this area and differs from country to country. In a footnote on his article, Eckersley says US law may offer protection, but that didnt prevent a man who left his netwo

26、rk open from being called a paedophile (恋童癖者) by armed police in his living room this past weekend. Courts in Germany have previously ruled that people can be fined if they allow unauthorised users to access illegal materials through their connection, while in the UK disputes over recent changes to

27、the law leave the matter uncertain. Perhaps these legal concerns can be overcome by turning to an unlikely role-modelEstonia, where access to the Internet is a legal human right. The country is blanketed in a network of free Wi-Fi access points in cafs, bars and other public locations, allowing peop

28、le to easily get online almost anywhere. So who wants to open up their network first? 1. What does the author say about the Electronic Frontier Foundation?A.It encourages people to share their networks.B.Its work is about protecting digital rights.C.It is advocating an Open Wireless Movement.D.Its m

29、ain business is trading electronics.答案:B解析 根据题干中的the Electronic Frontier Foundation将本题出处定位于第1段第3句。该句中两个逗号之间的内容为Electronic Frontier Foundation的同位语,是对其的解释说明,其意思是说Electronic Frontier Foundation是一个致力于保护人们数字权利的机构,B与此同义,故为答案。A、C是埃克斯利鼓励人们应该做的,D文中未提到。2. One reason leading most people to lock their network i

30、s_.A.their lack of social responsibilitiesB.the lack of technological supportC.their concerns about securityD.the slow speed of the shared network答案:C解析 根据题干中的reason和lock their network将本题出处定位于第2段最后一句。该句中的restrict access to our networks与题目中的lock their network同义。该句提到,人们限制其他人使用其网络的原因有两个:一是为防止他人用光自己的宽带流

31、量,二是确保自己的隐私和安全。C(担心安全和隐私)是其中的一个原因,故为答案。3. What can be inferred from Eckersleys words individuals.Internet access provider (Lines 2-3, Para. 4)?A.Laws protect home users of Internet from responsibilities.B.Internet access providers take no responsibility for their users illegal activities.C.Home user

32、s enjoy the same rights as Internet access providers.D.It is Internet access providers who should be responsible for their users activities.答案:B解析 根据题干中的“individualsInternet access provider”(Lines 2-3,Para.4)将本题出处定位于第4段。该段第1句提到,网络的家庭用户不想为使用其网络的人的活动承担责任,最后一句引号中埃克斯利提到,个人可以享受和其他网络接入提供者一样的法律保护,而不必承担责任,由

33、此可知,网络接入提供者是不会为其使用者承担法律责任的,B与此意一致,故为答案。4. What information can be got about Estonia from the passage?A.It restricts free access to Internet.B.Free Wi-Fi is set up all over the country.C.It is impossible for other countries to follow its suit.D.Its people can get free Wi-Fi access almost everywhere.答

34、案:D解析 根据题干中的专有名词Estonia将本题出处定位于倒数第二段。该段第1、2句提到,在爱沙尼亚,访问互联网是一项合法的公民权利,这个国家被咖啡店、酒吧和其他公共场所内的免费无线网接入点覆盖,这使得人们几乎在任何地方都能轻松自由地上网。由此可知,在爱沙尼亚,人们几乎在哪儿都可以使用无线网络,D与此意一致,故为答案。A与文中提到的“在爱沙尼亚访问互联网是合法的公民权利”不符。根据第2句前半句可知,无线网络主要设置在公共场所,故排除B。C是对文中an unlikely role-model的错误理解。5. What does the passage mainly talk about?A.

35、The benefit of sharing networks with other users.B.The best way to protect ones security on shared networks.C.Should you share your Wi-Fi connection with others?D.Why do home users need legal protection against responsibility?答案:C解析 第1段提出人们不愿分享自家无线网络的现象,并提到一些人认为锁住无线网弊大于利。第26段介绍埃克斯利所认为的开放无线网络的好处,并提出解

36、决人们不愿开放自家网络问题的建议,最后一段提出:那么谁愿意第一个开放网络呢?由这些可知C(你应该开放你的无线网络吗?)最能概括文意,其他几项都是文中提到的部分内容,不能概括全文。Part Translation问题:1. 十二生肖 十二生肖(the twelve Chinese Zodiacs)是中国传统文化的重要组成部分,它们源于自然界的11种动物和一个民族图腾(totem)。十二生肖代表动物的性格特点各不相同。到了龙年或虎年,人们常说“生龙活虎”;马年人们会说“马到成功”;猪在中国人的眼里是“宝”的意思;牛是勤劳(diligence)的象征,这一点在鲁迅的诗句“俯首甘为孺子牛”中有着完美的

37、体现。 答案:The Twelve Chinese Zodiacs The twelve Chinese Zodiacs, including eleven animals in the nature and a national totem, play an important role in the Chinese traditional culture. The twelve symbolic animals have their own characteristics. In the Year of Dragon or the Year of Tiger, people will sa

38、y shenglonghuohufull of vim and vigor; in the Year of Horse, people will say madaochenggongto gain an immediate success. In Chinese eyes, pig is a treasure. Ox is a symbol of diligence, which is well presented in the verse by Lu Xunan outstanding writer in China, head bowed, like a willing ox I serve the children. 12 / 12


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