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1、研究生英语精读教程-课文,1,Menu,Translation,1To a great extent, of course, it is just a matter of taste. I am a highbrow for the same reason that I am an eater of strawberries. I enjoy the eating of strawberries and I enjoy the processes and experiences which are commonly qualified by the name of highbrow.,研究生英

2、语精读教程-课文,2,2Conversely, I am not a lowbrow*, because I do not enjoy lowbrow processes and experiences. Thus I derive a great deal less pleasure from jazz and thrillers* than from the music, let us say, of Beethoven or the novels, for example, of Dostoevsky;,lowbrow n. person having or showing little

3、 taste for or interest in intellectual things平民, 俗民, 庸俗的人 thriller n. one that thrills, especially a sensational or suspenseful book, story, play or movie惊险读物,Menu,研究生英语精读教程-课文,3,and the sex appeal of the girls on the covers of magazines seems to me less thrilling than the more complicated appeal to

4、 a great variety of feelings made by a Rubens, an EI Greco, a Constable, a Seurat.,Menu,Translation,研究生英语精读教程-课文,4,3Again, I find the watching of horse racing or football matches less agreeable as an occupation than the acquisition* and co-ordination* of knowledge. Reading seems to me more entertain

5、ing than bridge or cross-word puzzles*.,acquisition n. the act of acquiring or getting获得 co-ordination n. state of being brought or put into proper relation协调, 调和 cross-word puzzles puzzles in which words have to be written纵横字谜(一种填字游戏),Menu,研究生英语精读教程-课文,5,And the slaughtering* of animals for fun is

6、a pastime that leaves me either cold with disgust or hot with indignation.,slaughter vt. to kill cruelly or wrongly残杀, 屠杀,Menu,Translation,研究生英语精读教程-课文,6,4There is no disputing, says the proverb*, about taste - though, in fact, human beings spend at least half their leisure doing nothing else - and

7、if highbrowism and lowbrowism were exclusively (as it is certain that they are in great part) matters of individual taste, there would be no more to say about them than what I have said in the preceding lines.,proverb n. a short well-known saying in popular language格言, 谚语,Translation,Menu,研究生英语精读教程-

8、课文,7,5But more than mere taste is at stake; and, realizing this, the supporters of either party have rationalized* their preferences in terms of arguments that involve an appeal to more objective standards than those of a simple personal preference.,rationalisze v. treat or explain in a rational man

9、ner使合理;使合理化,Menu,Translation,研究生英语精读教程-课文,8,6Thus lowbrows are never weary* of condemning highbrows for their inhumanity*, nor of admiring themselves for being so admirably* human.,weary adj. (of)疲倦的, 劳累的 inhumanity n. harming other human beings残酷, 暴虐 admirable adj. very good; excellent极好的;可敬佩的,Menu

10、,研究生英语精读教程-课文,9,At the same time they argue that they must be in the right because they are so much more numerous than the highbrows. To the attacks of the lowbrows (attacks which have grown increasingly vocal* and violent in the course of the last few years) the highbrows generally reply in a tone

11、of patronizing* contempt.,vocal adj. with or using the voice有声音的 patronisze v. be condescending toward; act as patron towards对摆出屈尊俯就的样子;光顾, 赞助,Menu,Translation,研究生英语精读教程-课文,10,7They start, like the Pharisee in the parable*, by thanking God that they are not as other men are, and proceed to paint a p

12、icture of those other men, hardly more flattering than that which Swift painted of the Yahoos.,parable n. a short simple story which teaches a moral or religious lesson寓言,Menu,研究生英语精读教程-课文,11,Then explicitly* or implicitly*, they associate their highbrowism with virtue, and speak of their own learne

13、d refinements* as good and of their adversaries ignorance and crudity* as bad.,explicit adj. clear and fully expressed明确的 implicit adj. meant though not plainly expressed含蓄的 refinement n. the quality of being refined优雅,文雅 crudity n. the state or quality of being crude粗鲁, 粗野,Menu,Translation,研究生英语精读教

14、程-课文,12,8Each partys arguments seem to me equally futile* and each partys emotional attitude equally deplorable*. Thus the lowbrows appeal to numbers cuts no ice at all. In 1600 the earth was not the center of the universe because the majority then supposed it was; nor, because she had more readers,

15、 was Ella Wheeler Wilcox a better poet than Father Hopkins.,futile adj. useless无用的 deplorable adj. very bad可悲的, 不幸的,Translation,Menu,研究生英语精读教程-课文,13,9As for the lowbrows claim to be specially human, I for one have never been able to understand why it should be inhuman to use the faculties that disti

16、nguish us from pigs and geese and human to use those which we share with the lower animals.,Menu,研究生英语精读教程-课文,14,10The highbrows reverse the numerical argument and imply that, because they are so few, they must therefore be right. But where they chiefly offend is in their pharisaical* self-congratul

17、ation and contempt for others. In the past, the highbrows were alone in expressing a feeling of superiority; the lowbrows humbly accepted the position assigned to them.,pharisaic(al) adj. making a show of being good and religious(贬义)伪装虔诚的, 伪善的,Translation,Menu,研究生英语精读教程-课文,15,11Recently, however, th

18、ere has been a change, and lowbrows now adopt towards highbrows exactly the same attitude as highbrows have always adopted towards them. Each highbrow did and does congratulate himself on being unique in his unlikeness to other men; and conversely each lowbrow now congratulates himself on being in s

19、ome mystical way unique in his likeness - on being, so to say, outstandingly average and extraordinarily ordinary.,Menu,研究生英语精读教程-课文,16,The snarlings* of their respective egotisms* add yet another discordant* note to the contemporary babel*.,snarl v. to make a low angry sound while showing the teeth

20、咆哮, 嗥叫 egotism n. selfishness自我, 利己主义 discordant adj. not in agreement不和谐的 babel n. scene of noisy and confused talking混乱,Menu,Translation,研究生英语精读教程-课文,17,12In point of fact, the question of rightness or wrongness simply does not enter into the dispute. The difference between highbrows and lowbrows

21、is essentially quantitative, not qualitative. In certain respects (though not, perhaps, in others) the life of the highbrow is fuller than that of the lowbrow.,Menu,研究生英语精读教程-课文,18,13He is interested in a greater number and a greater variety of things; and his knowledge enables him rationally to co-

22、ordinate more facts of experience than the lowbrow can do. The lowbrow lives in a world where events are isolated and unconnected; the highbrow, in one where knowledge has fused these isolated happenings into what is at least a partially comprehensible whole.,Menu,Translation,研究生英语精读教程-课文,19,14In a

23、certain sense, even the works of art admired by highbrows are quantitatively more considerable than the works admired by lowbrows. A Dostoevsky novel contains, explicitly or by implication, all that a thriller contains, plus a great deal more.,Menu,Translation,研究生英语精读教程-课文,20,15The emotionalism* whi

24、ch makes popular music popular is there in the best music, but transformed, refined and given a general significance by its association with other things.,emotionalism n. the quality of feeling or showing too much emotion易动感情, 感情主义,Menu,研究生英语精读教程-课文,21,The works of art appreciated by highbrows are i

25、n general qualitatively superior to those appreciated by lowbrows; and the effort to comprehend qualitatively superior work leads to an enrichment*, a filling out of experience. 16But even if these works were not qualitatively superior, they would still contribute to a fullness of experience by bein

26、g quantitatively more substantial and extensive.,enrichment n. the act of enriching or the state of being enriched丰富,Translation,Menu,研究生英语精读教程-课文,22,17Now the fuller life is not, as such, good; nor, as such, is the emptier life bad. Any kind of life is only the raw material out of which individuals

27、 can make goodness or badness. Whether the relatively full life of highbrows is a more suitable material or of which to manufacture goodness than the relatively empty life of lowbrows, I do not know; but I think that, on the whole, it may be.,Menu,研究生英语精读教程-课文,23,18That its content, judged by aesthe

28、tic* and scientific standards, is intrinsically* richer and more significant than the content of the typical lowbrow life, seems to me to be unquestionable*.,aesthetic adj. concerned with beauty(艺术上的)美感的, 审美的;美学的 intrinsical adj. in itself内在的, 本身的 unquestionable adj. which cannot be questioned毫无疑问的,

29、毋庸置疑的,千真万确的,Translation,Menu,研究生英语精读教程-课文,24,19No less obvious is the fact there are great numbers of people so constituted or so brought up that they cannot get so much pleasure out of processes and experiences which result in a rich, significant life, as they can get out of processes and experiences resulting in a poorer life less full of meaning. 20We are back again where we started, among the tastes and capacities of the individual.,Menu,Translation,


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