人教版英语七年级下册教案Unit 10 Section A (Grammar Focus~3c).docx

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1、Unit 10 Id like some noodles.Section A (Grammar Focus3c)教学目标【知识与技能】1. 继续练习运用如何订餐或叫外卖等的用语。2. 根据所提供的材料能运用所学的知识来补全对话。3. 总结复习订餐时所用句型结构。【情感、态度与价值观】体会学习英语的乐趣,做到“在用中学”“,在学中用”。养成一个良好的饮食习惯。 教学重难点【教学重点】1. 总结订餐所用语言及句子结构;2. 学习理解情态动词 would 的用法;3. 通用所学的知识在实际情境中订餐。【教学难点】1. 在较为真实的订餐语境中会运用学过的语言知识来补全对话。2. 能掌握订餐的用法,并在

2、实际情境中运用。教学过程Step 1Grammar Focus1. Ss read the sentences in Grammar Focus.2. Ss finish off the sentences and check the answers by themselves.Step 2PracticeWork on 3a.1. Tell Ss to complete the conversation with sentences on the right.2. Ss work by themselves and complete the conversation.3. Check the

3、 answers with the Ss.4. Let Ss practice the conversations in pairs.Work on 3b.1. Tell Ss to write questions and answers using the words in the brackets.Give a model to the Ss. What kind of noodles would you like?2. Practice the conversation with your partners.Step 3Survey1. Look at the pictures. The

4、re are four kinds of special foods. Who would like them, please make survey of you classmates. 2. Give Ss a model:S1: Anna, What would you like?S2: Id like beef noodles with cabbage.3. Write the result on a piece of paper and write a report.4. Read your report in your group.课堂作业1. Remember the sentences in Grammar Focus.2. Make some conversations to ask your friends what food they would like. Write a short conversation.教学反思


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