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1、代词练习一 . 根据括号中的要求给出下列代词的适当形式。1.it_ (形容词性物主代词)代词 )3.herself_ (复数形式)5.you_ (形容词性物主代词)2.my_ (名词性物主4.we_ (宾格形式)6.her_ (名词性物主代词)7. his_( 名 词 性 物 主 代 词 )8.you_ ( 宾 格 形 式 )9.he_ (宾格形式)10.their_ (形容词性物主代词)答案: 1 its 2. mine 3. themselves 4. us 5. your 6. hers 7.his 8. You 9. him 10. their二 . 选择填空1.Are they _r

2、aincoats or _?A. their, oursB. their, our C. theirs, ou r s D. their, us2.Help _ to some chicken, children.A. themself B. them C. yourselfD. yourselves3._ of my parents can take care of my little sister, so I will stay at home to take care of her.A. All B. Both C. None D. Neither 4._do you like best

3、, football., volleyball or baseball?A. WhoB. WhichC. What D. Why6.-What time is _? -_ s eight o clock am.A. this, This B. that, ThisC. it, ItD. it, This7.-May I have some socks , please? -Can I give you _ socks on the shelf?-No , thank you. I d like _socks there. They look comfortable.A. that, this

4、B. this, that C. those, these those8.-Three bottles of water .two cakes and a knife, please.D. these,-Is _all? A. it B. thisC. thatD. these9.-Would you like _wine? -No. thanks.A. someB. any C. no D. the10.Hello._is Susan speaking .Can I speak to Andy, please?-Hold on, please. A. sheB. thisC. that D. it11.There are _eggs in the bottle. I have to buy _.A. no, little B. a little, little fewC. few, someD. a few,


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