译林版六年级英语上册U7Protect the earth 单元精品练习四.docx

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1、一、短语翻译。1、在地球上3、使用大量能源5、制作桌椅6A Unit7 Protect the Earth (四)2、节约能源 _4、来自树木_6、保持空气清洁_7、砍下8、塑料包_9、对有害二、用适当的介词填空。10、塑料瓶 _in with for from at of after on1、 Nancy comes_the USA.2、 There are many apples _the tree.3、 We often play football _our friends _school. 4、There is a big playground _front of our house.

2、5、 This is the first day _the new term.6、 Too much plastic is bad _the Earth.7、Earth Day is_22ndApril.8、They put the poster _ the school gate.三、用所给词的适当形式填空。1、 Water is very _(use). _ (not) waste water.2、 _( much) of our energy _(come) from oil and coal.3、 Trees _ (make) the air clean. We should _(pl

3、ant) more trees. 4、We should _ (protect) the earth.5、 In many places, there is not _( 太多) water.6、 We should not use _( 太多)plastic bags or bottles.7、 We should_(take)the bus to school. We should not_(drive)so much.8、 Last week, a young man_(cut) down a big tree.9、 We use water _(clean) things every

4、day.10、 There _(be) much water on the earth many years ago.四、找出错误的一项,并在横线上改正。( )1、Let me draw some bananas in the paper. _A B C( )2、I can reuse a paper to make a box. _A B C( )3、You should not littering here. _A B C( )4、Kate are doing a project. _A B C( )5、Every day she go to school by bike. _A B C五、按要求完成句子。1 、We can clean the desks to keep our classroom clean._ _ _ _ _ keep your classroom clean?2 、cut, too, many,dont,trees, down(.) (连词成句)_ _ _ _ _ _3 、box, to, reuse, make, paper, a, (.can,)I(连词成句)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _4 、They put it at the school gate.改为一(般疑问句)_ _ _ it at the school gate?


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