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1、politics and the overall situation, implementation, results. Second, the target. According to provincial and municipal, and Municipal Government of decision deployment, lock established 2 a provincial technology poverty model County, and 4 a provincial technology poverty model Township, and 10 a pro

2、vincial technology poverty model village and 1 a city level technology poverty model district, and 2 a city level technology poverty model Township, and 5 a city level technology poverty model village and the five a a technology precision poverty special action of target task, pour row duration, and

3、 charts combat, set time, and set task, and set measures, and set personnel, and set responsibility, ensure quality completed technology precision poverty task. Third, focused. Should focus on the essential . Financial technology project management account project undertaker according to key node ta

4、sks with regular invoices for funding, funding by the Department of science and technology, the financial sector, and resolutely project funds were diverted and misappropriated by interception,. Third, we must strengthen supervision of technology projects. Department of science and technology to str

5、engthen the project inspection or spot checks, poor implementation of the project to strengthen supervision, to entrust the project undertaker rectification of irregularities. To establish a science and technology projects blacklist system, project implementation quality bad credited to blacklist, p

6、eriodic or permanent cancellation of its application, eligibility for provincial and municipal science and technology projects. Four financial management training to be carried out. City Branch knowledge to active cooperation with the financial sector, not organize project undertaker held technology

7、 project management training, State, provincial and municipal scientific and technological projects related to financial management policies, financial approval standard, medium supervision, budgeting, review of the points system training and other key content, ensuring that legitimate security use

8、of project funds. Thank you very much! For implement implementation Central, and province, and city, and County on grass-roots party work of major decision deployment, solid advance county police organ party work, further strengthened Party Secretary tube party rule party responsibility, according t

9、o Communist xuchang County Organization Department on issued straddling County straight organ party debriefing comments assessment work implementation programme of notification requirements, according to Council party work arrangements, today, organization held county police organ Party Secretary ca

10、ught grass-roots party work debriefing comments will. This is Secretary of the party organization of party responsibilities effective measure, and study and carry out the 18 session of the plenary session of the party spirit, to grasp party building under the new situation rules, advancing party con

11、struction services necessary for public security centres. Just now, 3 units debriefing the party, following my reviews each report for 3 party. Branches of the Department on the bright side: the first is to strengthen the ideological and political work, pay close attention to implementation of the w

12、ork. Department party branch in strict accordance with the request of the Bureau, with three-three special education as the main line, take effective measures, pay close attention to implementation of the ideological and political work, strengthen the小儿推拿保健师试题(高级B)本试卷满分 100 分;考试时间:120分钟;考试方式:闭卷题 号一二

13、三四五六七总 分核分人题满分得 分一、A型题(单选题,每题1分,共30分)1.中医学的基本特点是A.五脏为中心的整体观 B.阴阳五行和脏腑经络C.整体观念和辨证论治 D.望闻问切和辨证论治E.辨证求因和审因论治 2、 阴阳的概念是A指日光的向背,向日为阳,背日为阴 B代表白昼和黑夜C相互对立的两个食物 D相互关联的食物和现象对立双方属性 概括3、 根据五行的相生规律 ,属于脾之“子”的是A肝 B心C肺 D肾4、五色中属水的是:()A、青B、黄C、白D、黑5.与精神意识思维活动关系最密切的脏是A. 心 B.肺 C.脾 D肾6、 无阳则阴无以生,无阴则阳无以化”说明阴阳的:A. 交互感应 B.对立

14、制约 C.互根互用 D.消长平衡 7、小儿”稚阴稚阳”学说,是指其生理状态为A阳常有余,阴常不足 B脏腑娇嫩,形气未充C生机蓬勃,发育迅速 D脏气清灵,易趋健康8、 胃 的经络名称是A 手阳明 B手太阴经 C足少阴 D足阳明经9望小儿食指指纹,指纹淡滞的意义是A分表里 B定虚实 C辨寒热 D.测轻重 E. 估预后 10小儿睡眠露睛,多由于A脾胃虚衰 B津液不足 C肝风内动 D肝经风热 E.肾经耗竭 11某患者咳嗽,痰稠色黄,鼻流浊涕,舌尖红,脉浮数,证属A风热犯肺 B热邪壅肺 C暑热犯肺 D痰湿阻肺 E燥邪犯肺12.湿热蕴结在肠,其大便可见 A.下利清稀,完谷不化 B泻下不爽,粪质腥臭 C.

15、溏结不调,时干时稀 D五更泄泻,泻后痛减 E便次增多,便质稀薄13小儿推拿手法特点强调 A轻快 B柔和 C平稳 D着实 E以上都是14与手太阴肺经互为表里的经络是A足阳明胃经 B手少阴心经C足厥阴肝经 D手阳明大肠经15、下列骨度分寸法除哪项外都是正确的A 前发际到后发际是 12寸 B天突至胸剑联合是9寸C肩胛下角相当于第8胸椎 D肘横纹至腕横纹是12寸16、诊断小儿疾病,尤为重要的是A按诊 B脉诊 C闻诊 D望诊 E问诊17旋推法主要应用部位是 A头面部 B胸腹部 C腰背部 D手指指面 E下肢部18掐法操作时,着力部位是 A拇指指甲 B拇指指腹 C拇指指间关节突 D拇指桡侧缘 E以上都不是1

16、9按法在临床上很少单独运用,多配合应用 A摩法 B推法 C揉法 D掐法 E运法20水底捞明月的功效是 A健脾消食、温中理气 B清热凉血、宁心安神 C开胸顺气、退热通便 D养阴清热、退热通便 E退热镇静二、B型题(从列出的A、B、C、D、E五个备选答案中,为下列每题选择一个正确答案。每个备选答案,可以选用一次,也可选用多次,也可以一次都不选。每题1分,共20分)A开天门 B推坎官 C拿肩井 D拿风池 E揉耳后高骨 1能宣通气血,发汗解表,多用于治疗结束手法是2、常可配合掐揉二扇门,发汗解表力强的是 A 清肺经 B补肾经 C清小肠 D补大肠 E补脾经3、小儿肝经穴宜清不宜补,肝虚应补时,应取什么代

17、之4、小儿肾经宜补不宜清,如有小便赤涩,小便不通时,应取什么代之A小横纹 B四横纹 C掌小横纹 D大横纹 E以上都不是5、治疗小儿疳积的要穴是6、善治口舌生疮、喘咳的效穴是A.上午 B.下午 C.中午 D.前半夜 E.后半夜7.属于阳中之阴的是8.属于阴中之阳的是A.心 B.肺 C.脾 D.肝 E.肾9.与水液代谢关系最密切的脏是10. 与血液生成关系最密切的脏是 A术者用拇指指面由小儿拇指根部沿手掌边缘经小天心推运至小指根 B术者用拇指指面由小儿小指根部沿手掌边缘经小天心推运至拇指根 C掌心四周,以内劳宫为圆心,从内劳宫到中指三分之二为半径作圆,术者用拇指指面做运法 D术者用拇指桡侧面,以较

18、快速度自小儿头颞部向脑后作单方向推动E术者以食、中二指同时按揉患者鼻孔下缘11运水入土的操作方法是12运土入水的操作方法是13运内八卦的操作方法是14黄蜂入洞的操作方法是A四横纹 B小横纹 C掌小横纹 D大横纹 E肾纹15掌面食、中、无名指、小指掌指关节横纹为16手掌面,小指第二指间关节横纹为17手掌面,小指根下,尺侧掌纹头为 A补脾经、补大肠、推三关、推上七节骨、揉龟尾 B(清)补脾经、清大肠、退六腑 揉中脘、揉板门、运八卦、摩腹 揉龟尾 C清脾经、清胃经、清大肠、清小肠、揉天枢、清天河水 D补脾经、补大肠、揉外劳、推三关、推上七节骨 捏脊 揉龟尾 E补脾经、补肾经、补大肠、揉外劳、推三关、

19、推上七节骨 按揉百会18治疗伤食泻的推拿处方是19治疗脾虚泻的推拿处方是20、治疗寒湿泻的推拿处方是三、X型题(多选题,每题2分,共10分)1旋转方向操作的手法多为 A揉法 B运法 C按法 D摩法 E擦法 2下列常用直推法操作的穴位有 A攒竹 B三关 C腹 D坎宫 E箕门 3下列属于线状的穴位有 A三关 B六腑 C太阳 D天河水 E箕门4下列有化痰作用的推拿法有 A按揉天突 B揉膻中 C揉乳根 D揉乳旁 E搓摩胁肋5能健脾和胃,理气消食,临床常用治疗消化系统疾病的有 A揉中脘 B拿肚角 C摩腹 D揉丹田E分腹阴阳四、填空题(每空0.5分,共10分)1.阴阳偏胜的治疗原则是_;阴阳偏衰的治疗原则

20、是_。2、阴阳是对自然界( )的事物和现象( )的概括3、脾统血的机制,主要是【 】4、脾为【 】,【 】5正常小儿食指络脉色泽 ,隐隐显露于 之内。6进行小儿推拿操作时,常用滑石粉、按摩膏等介质,以 , ,提高治疗效果。7按弦走搓摩又称 ,能理气化痰, , 。8推、刮天柱骨具有 、 的作用,可以治疗恶心、呕吐等症。9七节骨是指第四腰椎到尾椎骨端(长强穴) 成一直线,推上七节骨能 ,推下七节骨能 。10小天心与内劳宫均能清心经之热,镇惊安神,但内劳宫 力强,小天心偏于 。五、名词解释(2分*5=10分)1、经络 2、五行 3、腑三关一法: 4、推七节骨:5、 水底捞明月:六、简答题(第1、2题

21、每题6分,第3题8分,共计20分)1简述小儿指纹纹色变化及主病规律。2 试比较掐揉四横纹、揉掌小横纹、推小横纹三种操作功效异同点。7、 案例分析题 1、患儿,3岁2个月 ,反复咳嗽一月余,干咳少痰,久咳不止,伴手足心热,午后潮热,口渴咽干,食欲不振,形体消瘦,倦怠乏力、舌红少津,脉虚弱,指纹紫滞。请写出该患儿所患疾病、分型、治则及小儿推拿处方。答案:选择题 一:15CDCDA 610CBDBA 1115ABEDC 1620DDACB二:15CDBCB 610CBEEC 1114BACE 1517BEC 1820 BDE三:1 ABCD;2ABE 3ABDE 4ABCDE 5ABCE四:填空题1

22、:实者泻之 虚者补之2:相互关联 双方属性 3:气的固摄作用4:先天之本 气血生化之源5:淡紫 风关6:增强疗效 减少皮肤摩擦7:搓摩胁肋 除胸闷 消积聚8:降逆止呕 祛风散寒9:温阳止泻 泻热通便10:清心经 镇静安神五:名词解释、1:经络是经脉和络脉的总称,血液运行的通道,沟通脏腑形体官窍,沟通上下内外,感应传导信息的通路系统。2:五行指:金、木、水、火、土。认为大自然由五种要素所构成 3小儿寒热夹杂,以热为主,退六腑三数,推三关一数,即3比1推之,通常称为退三推一。4术者用拇指桡侧面或食指、中指指面在小儿第四腰椎至尾骨端,自下而上或自上而下直推 100300次,称为推七节骨。5是复式操作

23、法的一种,术者以左手将患儿四指握住,再以右手食指、中指固定患儿拇指,然后用拇指自患儿小指尖,推至小天心处,再转入内劳宫,称为水底捞明月。六 简答题1小儿指纹纹色变化主要有红、紫、青、黑、白等色变化。纹色鲜红多属外感风寒;纹色紫红,多主热证;纹色青,主风证、痛证;纹色青紫或紫黑,是血络闭郁;纹色淡白,多属脾虚。2掐揉四横纹、揉掌小横纹、推小横纹均能清热散结,而掐揉四横纹生和气血,消食积,是治疗疳积的要穴;揉掌小横纹主清心、肺之热结,治疗肺部湿性啰音;推小横纹主清脾、胃热结,调中消胀,治疗肺部干性啰音。七 案例分析病名:咳嗽 症型:内伤咳嗽治则:养阴清肺 润肺止咳 健脾化痰处方: 开窍手法 三补两

24、清 运内八卦、推揉膻中、揉乳根、乳旁、揉中脘、揉肺腧、按揉足三里 各100次,拿肩井关窍。ideological education of party members and police, improve the ideological and political awareness of civilian police, as a solid foundation for the healthy and smooth development of public security work. Second, strict management, boost team morale. Stri

25、ctly police thought dynamic analysis on a regular basis, to grasp the persons state of mind, strict implementation of the performance appraisal system, strengthen the teams day-to-day management; cash rewards and punishment, continue to boost troop morale. Third, strengthen the training of civilian

26、police, and improve police actual combat skills. Serious organizations are active in a series of training activities and the learning activities of the College of Henan public security network, so that the majority of the civilian police in the political quality, quality, service quality, improve po

27、lice skills. Four are from the police preferentially, warm the hearts unite police. According to the Bureaus Party Committee Requirements, and actively carry out personnel management work done within policy, and help police solve practical difficulties make police work and devotion. Five is to step

28、up publicity and promote integrity. Around the center of public security work, to do publicity, fully demonstrated the public security troops good spirit. Six are in compliance with the party responsible, pays special attention to education and management of the party. Improve and perfect the three

29、lessons, members of democratic appraisal, commendation and reward systems, enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the branch. Problems: one is the ideological and political work cannot adapt to the new situation and new task needs, form a single, innovative enough, appeal of

30、 lack of education, learning effects of education needs to be improved, administrative departments should strengthen the grass-roots units of instruction. Second branch of the Organization will be implemented is not good enough, to play a lead role. Police Brigade branch of good practice: first, gra

31、sp the system of the party construction implementation, strengthening branch team cohesion and combat effectiveness. Brigade branch always hold on to the party like grim death, seriously carry out their duties, strictly implement the system of democratic life meeting, developed a branch of learning

32、plan, all equipped with notebooks or experience and organization check learning on a regular basis, to ensure that the learning plan and implement and effective. Second, carry out the three-three education. Developed a special educational programme, convened a focused learning forums will be consult

33、ed and all levels of party branch, in charge of the Deputy Director, group leader for the party members and police on the party lecture, deployment of the oath again, visiting Yang Shui Memorial, learning advanced figures such as Yan Zhenchang, micro-party lecture features such as attention and lear

34、ning activities, problems and measures to remedy. Third, emphasis on party building work in police work. Brigade branch always will party work throughout Yu 9.3 security, and national civilization city review, and Shang collection Organization Conference security, and focus illegal investigation, an

35、d sword, and anti-storm fear, and insurance security, and five a wave times, and camp turned non-bus, and big received ring, the focus work in the, timely carried out has pre-war thought mobilization, and wartime dynamic judge, and post-war recognition award, series work measures, team members always fighting in


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