人教版英语九年级全册Unit 11 Section A (3a-4c)同步习题(有答案).docx

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1、【基础训练】.要点词汇1. 国王2. 权力;力量3. 银行家4. 王后;女王5. 检查;检验6. 王宫;宫殿7. 财富8. 柠檬9. 使人不舒服的. 翻译短语10. 召来;叫来11. 既不 也不12. 起初;开始时.根据汉语意思完成句子13.一天,一个医生被召来给国王检查。One day,a doctor was to examine the king. 14.别担心我的安全。我会小心的。my safety.I will becareful.15.起初,天空多云又阴沉。,it was cloudy and grey.【综合运用】.用所给词的适当形式填空1. Though I have a lo

2、t of power,it doesnt make me (feel)happy.2. The king told the general (go)out and find a happy man.3. The old woman sleeps (bad)and doesnt feel like eating.4. I am always (worry)about failing in the test. 5.Neither you nor I (be)a student.单项填空6.How does your mother like your presents for Mothers Day

3、?Well, this sweater that one is fit for her.Theyre too big.A.both,and B.either,orC.neither,nor D.not only,but also7. I hear our teacher will be back three weeks time. A.at B.in C.for D.after8. Snowy days children happy.A.give B.make C.let D.send9.Today was an unlucky day. ,I lost my wallet.A.To star

4、t with B.At lastC.Begin with D.To start from10.Neither my father nor my mother rock music.They think that its too noisy.A.dont like B.likeC.doesnt like D.likes.翻译句子11.他从来没有睡不好。(sleep badly)_12.医生发现他的身体有毛病。(something wrong)_13.他和大卫都不为失去权力或财富而担心。(neithernor)_14.他常为荣誉而担心,因此他总是面如死灰。(worry about)_15.第二天他

5、被告知去代替银行家的职位。(take the position of)_【参考答案】【基础训练】.1.king 2.power 3.banker 4.queen 5.examine 6.palace 7.wealth 8.lemon 9.uncomfortable.10.call in 11.neither nor 12.to start with.13.called in 14.Dont be worried about 15.To start with 【综合运用】.1.feel 2.to go 3.badly 4.worried 5.am.6.C 7.B 8.B 9.A 10.D.11.He has never slept badly. 12.The doctor found somethingwrong with his body. 13.Neither he nor David worried aboutlosing power or wealth. 14.He often worries about his fame,sohis face is always pale as chalk. 15.He was told to take the position of the banker the next day.


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