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1、七年级上册部分重点句型短语填空练习预备级1.坐下 _ _ 2.起立 _ _ 3.用英语 _ _4.是的,当然 _ _ 5.Module1不用谢,别客气. _ _1.我是武汉人。 I _ _ Wuhan. 2.你呢? _ _ you?3.托尼是我的名字,史密斯是我的姓。Tony is my _ _ and Smith is my _ _.Module 21.她旁边的那位是我爸爸的姐姐,我的姑姑利兹.The woman _ _ her is my dad s sister, my aunt Liz.2.左边是我的外祖父母,右边是我的祖父母。My mums parents are _ _ _, an

2、d my dads parents are _ _ _.4.保罗前面的男孩和女孩是谁呀?Who are the boy and the girl _ _ _ Paul? 5.她和大明的妈妈在相同的医院。She and Damings mother are _ _ _ hospital.Module 31. 你们英格兰的教室是什么样子的?_ your classroom is England _?2. 在教室的最前面。_ the _ of the classroom3. 在北京你们班里有多少人?_ _ students _ _ in your class in Beijing?4. 有很多家具吗

3、? Is there _ _ _ furniture?5.餐厅,饭厅_ _ 6.实验室 _ _7.在学校的中间有一个大操场。 _ _ _ _ the school is a big playground.Module 41.什么种类的水果。_ _ _ fruit?2.好的. _ _ 3.有点累吗? _ _ tired?4.让我们去买写食物和饮料。Lets _ _ _ food and drink.5. 现在我们没有肉了。We _ _ any meat.6. 我们有很多苹果. Weve got _ _ apples.7. 买些橘子汁怎么样?_ _ some orange juice?8. 太多肉

4、对孩子没有好处。_ _ meat is not _ _ children.9. 太多的糖对你不好。Too much sugar _ _ _ you.10. 记住这句话很重要:吃得好,保持健康,不发胖!It is important to remember: _ _, _ _, and dont _ _.Module 51. 我喜欢历史课,而且我历史学得好。I love history and Im _ _ it.2. 周一到周五我要上学。I _ _ _ on weekdays.3. 我在早晨七点半起床,然后吃早饭。I _ _ at half past seven in the morning,

5、 and then _ _4.11 点钟课间休息,我们会到操场上去,我会和朋友们聊聊天。At eleven oclock, we _ _ _ in the playground and I _ _ my friends.5. 12 点半我们在食堂吃午饭。We _ _ in the _ _ at half past twelve.6. 3 点半我们放学回家。Then we _ _ at half past three.7. 晚上我看电视,和家人共进晚餐。In the evening, I watch TV and _ _ with my family. 8.我做作业,在 10 点上床睡觉。I d

6、o my homework and _ _ _ at ten oclock.9.开始睡觉,入睡 _ _ _Module 61.北京动物园有多种动物,例如熊、斑马、长颈鹿和熊猫。The zoo has many kinds of animals, _ _ bears, zebras, giraffes and pandas.2. 他们来自许多不同的国家.They _ _ many different countries.3. 看这只大象。 _ _ this elephant.4. 让我们去看看熊猫好吗? _ _ go and see them?5. 那边那只黑白相间的动物。Shes the bl

7、ack and white animal _ _.6. 它吃植物、树叶、竹子和一点水果。It eats plants, leaves, bamboo and _ _ fruit, but it doesnt eat meat.7.这只黑白相间的动物是全世界人的最爱。This black and white animals is the favourite of people _ _ _ _.8. 它吃植物、叶子和草为食。It eats plants and leaves _ _ _ grass9. 老虎居住在亚洲。Tigers _ _ Asia.10. 它体格健壮,以许多其他动物为食.Its

8、strong and catches _ _ _ _ for food.Module 71. 每个星期五晚上 _ _ _2. 最后,打开电脑。Finally, _ _ the computer.3. 他也常在电脑上与客户交流,也会上网查阅火车时刻表、旅行计划和购票。He also_ _ the Internet to check the times of trains, make travel plans, and buy tickets. 4.我用网络检索信息。On the Internet, I _ _ information.Module 81. 你能来参加我的生日聚会吗?_ you _

9、 to come to my birthday party?2. 通常周末在电视上看球。They usually watch football on television _ _.3. 收到你的来信很棒,但是恐怕我不能来。Its great to _ _ you Mike, but _ _ I can t come.Module 91. 我们现在正在参加学校的郊游.Were _ a school _.2. 我们非常喜欢学校的这次郊游活动.Were enjoying the school trip _ _.3. 王辉在拍照。Wang Hui is _ lots of _.请照些长城的照片。Ple

10、ase _ some _ of the Great Wall.4.好了,我该回学校了。Anyway, _ _ to _ _ to school now.5.玲玲在买一些礼品和明信片。Lingling is buying _ _ presents and postcards. 6.在商店里他们正在出售。Theyre _ _ at the shop.7.此时此刻,世界不同地方的人正做着不同的事情。_ _ _, in different places of the world, people are doing different things. 8.他们在等着公共汽车或火车。Theyre _ _

11、buses or trains.9. 有些人正从公共汽车或火车上下来。Some are _ _ buses or trains.10. 他们吃着汉堡或热狗,喝着咖啡和可乐。They are eating hamburgers or _ _ and drinking coffee or cola.11. 大明正边吃午饭边晒太阳。 Daming is having lunch and _ _ the sun. 12. 我们正在赶公共汽车。 Were _ _ a bus.13.在度假时,我通常给我的朋友寄明信片。 _ _, I usually send postcards to my friends

12、.Module 101.他还在上班.Hes still _ _.2.他们正在跟我的祖父学习舞龙。They are learning a _ _ with my grandpa. 3.你是不是在为春节做准备?Are you _ _ _ Spring Festival?4. 此刻你在做什么?What are you doing _ _ _?5. 她正在打扫房间,收拾东西。Shes cleaning the house and _ things _.6. 快来吧!_ _7. 我妈妈正在打扫房间,她是在扫除坏运气。My mother s cleaning our house and _ _ bad luck.8.对家人和朋友说圣诞快乐。Say _ _ to family and friends.


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