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1、新目标八年级上册 Unit6 I m going to studycomputer science.知识点归纳及测试【重点短语】1. grow up 成长1. computer programmer 计算机程序设计员2. a basketball player 篮球运动员3. study computer science 学习计算机科学4. take acting lessons 上表演课5. The old man and the sea by Hemingway 海明威所写的老人与海6. become a writer 成为一位作家7. keep (on) doing 坚持做某事8. be

2、 sure about 确信;对有把握9. make sure 确保;查明10. take singing lessons 上音乐课11. go to a cooking school 去烹饪学校12. send them to magazines and newspapers 把它们寄给杂志社和报社 send to 把 . 发送到 . / 把 . 寄 .13. learn to play the piano 学习弹钢琴14. make the soccer team 组建足球队15. get lots of exercise 多锻炼16. take guitar lessons 上吉他课17

3、. learn another foreign language 再学一门外语18. take piano lessons 上钢琴课19. make resolutions 下决心;制定计划20. be able to do 能够做某事21. a kind of promise 一种承诺22. make promises to sb. 向某人保证/承诺23. tidy my room 清洁我的房间23. write down 写下;记下24. get back from school 放学回来25. a time for making resolutions 制定计划的时间26. at the

4、 beginning/start of the year 在新年刚开始的时候27. improve our lives 改善我们的生活23. write down 写下 / 记下24. resolutions and plans for the coming year 对来年的计划或打算23. some people.others 一些人另一些人23. different kinds of 不同种类的24. have to do with 关于;与有关系25. make yourself a better person 使你自己成为更好的人34. take up 学习做;开始做35. make

5、 a weekly plan 制订每周的计划34. have .in common 有共同点35. too+形副词+to do 太.而不能.34. for this reason 由于这个原因35. the meaning of . 的意思 / 含义34. make your life easier 使你的生活更容易【重点句型】1. What do you want to when you ?当你长大的时候想当什么?2. I want to be a我想成为一个电脑编程员。3. My parents want me to be a doctor, but I not that. 我的双亲想要我

6、当医生,但我还不确定。4. are you going to do that? 你打算怎样做呢?5. I practice basketball every day.我打算每天练习篮球。6. are you going to study? 你打算什么时候去学习?7. I know why you re so good at .我知道你为什么如此擅长于写故事。8. I m going to writing stories. 9. Not everyone what they want to be.不是每个人都知道他们想当什么?我打算坚持写故事。10. Just you try your best

7、. 只要确信你尽了最大努力。 11. Then you anything you want.那么你就可以当你想当的了。12. For this reason, some people say the best resolution isno resolutions! 由于这个原因,最好的决心就是没有决心。13. My New Year s resolution is good grades.我的新年决心是取得好成绩。【重点单词】1. d kt (r) n. 医生2. end n r n. 工程师3. va l n st n. 小提琴手1. pa l t n. 飞行员1. p n st n. 钢

8、琴家2. sa nt st n. 科学家3. k l d n. 大学4. ed uke n n. 教育5. medsn n. 药,医学6. ju n v rs ti n. 大学,高等学府7. rt kl n. 文章,论文12. send n. 邮寄,发送13. 长大 成长14. 计算机管理员15. 确信16. 确保17. rez lu n n. 决心,决定18. f r n adj. 外国的19. eb l adj. 能够20. d sk s v. 讨论,商量21. pr m s v./n. 承诺,诺言22. b n n. 开头,开端23. m pruv v. 改进,改善24. f z kl

9、adj. 身体的,物理的25. self mpru vm nt n. 自我改进,自我提高 26. h bi n. 业余爱好27. o n a. 自己的,本人的,拥有28. p rs nl adj. 个人的,私人的29. r le np n. 关系【重点词语 / 短语用法解析】1. want to be/become + ( 职业 ) 名词: “想要成为 . ”I want to be (be) a scientist when I grow up.2. write stories写故事tell stories 讲故事3. keep on doing sth. keeping doing sth

10、.继续做某事(表动作的反复) 保持做某事(表动作或状态的持续)4. be sure about + 名/ 代/V-ing肯定, 对某事有把握Are you sure about that?make sure (that)+ 从句“ . 确保 . ”Make sure that both doors are closed when you go out.5. learn sth. We must learn English every day.learn to do sth. I am going to learn to play ( play) the piano.6. discuss v.讨

11、论;商量名词是 discussiondiscuss with sb.与某人讨论:Discuss this question with your partner.Let s discuss this problem.让我们讨论一下这个问题。All we need now is action, not discussion. 我们现在需要的是行动,不是讨论。7. be able to do sth.能够做某事( 1 ) can : can+ 动词原形,无人称和数的变化。只能用于一般现在时和一般过去 时,不能用于将来时。be able to + 动词原形,有人称和数的变化,可用于多种时态。( 2 )

12、 can 常指客观上能够; be able to 更侧重于经过努力、克服一定困难有能 力做成某事。He will be able to( 能够 ) speak English next year. (在此不能填 can )8. promise n. 承诺;诺言v. 许诺;承诺;答应make a promise(to sb)(对某人)许下诺言keep a promisebreak a promise遵守诺言违背诺言promise (sb) to do sth. 许诺某人干某事promise (sb) +that从句He promised to help me.他许诺过要帮助我。I promise

13、d that I study hard from now on.9. have to do with 关于;与有关系 have nothing to do with 与没有关系我承诺从现在起努力学习。The book has to do with computers.那本书与计算机有关。10. take up sth./doing sth. (尤指为消遣)学着做;开始做I am going to take up cooking next year.明年我将要学煮饭。11. Sometimes the resolutions may be too difficult to keep.too+ 形

14、容词 / 副词to+ 动词原形,表示“太 . 而不能 . ”如:The kid is too young to play this game.12. one s own + 名词 “某人自己的东西”, my own book 我自己的书本这个小孩太小,不能玩这个游戏。强调某物为个人所有puter programmer ; bus driver ; basketball player 【解析】drive v. 驾驶 driver n. 司机Mr. Green _(driver) his car to the office yesterday.【拓展】(1) 动词后加 erlistenlisten

15、er 听众 read reader 读者 teach teacher 教师clean cleaner 清洁工 singsinger 歌手 work worker 工人farm farmer 农夫 own owner 主人 play player 运动员(2) 以 e 结尾的加 rwrite writer 作家 dancedancer 舞蹈演员 drive driver 驾驶员(3) 在动词后加 orvisitvisitor 参观者 invent inventor 发明者 actactor 男演员1 Li Na is an outstanding tennis _. ( play)2 These

16、 _( read) are all from Xian ,Shanxi.14. violin violinist; piano n. pianist【拓展】 -ist 是一个名词后缀, 加在某些名词或动词后面,可用来表示“从事某种职业的 人“ piano pianist science scientist art artist 艺术家Why do you want to be a _(science)?( ) My brother likes math very much. He wants to be a _ when he grows up.A. piano B. driver C. pi

17、lot D. scientist【重点语法】一般将来时“ am/is/are going to + 动词原形”结构1. 基本形式否定式: am/is/are not going to + 动词原形一般疑问式: am/is/are + 主语 + going to +特殊疑问式:特殊疑问词 + 一般疑问式?He is going to spend his holidays in London.动词原形 + 其他?他打算在伦敦度假。Look at the dark clouds. There is going to be a storm. 下雨了。看那乌云,快要Is he going to coll

18、ect any data for us?他会帮我们收集数据吗?What are you going to do tomorrow?明天你打算作什么?2. 基本用法( 1 )表示事先经过考虑、安排好打算、计划要做某事。Dad and I are going to watch an opera this afternoon.今天下午我和爸爸打算去看歌剧。( 2 )表示根据目前某种迹象判断,某事非常有可能发生,表示推测。 Look! There come the dark clouds. It is going to rain.瞧!乌云密集。天要下雨了。答案:【重点句型】1. be/ become,

19、 grow up 2. computer programmer 3.am,sure about 4. How4. am going to 6. When 7.writing stories 8.keep on 9. knows10.make sure11. can be12.to have 13.to get【重点单词】1.doctor 2.engineer 3.violinist 4.pilot5.pianist 6.scientist 7.college8.education 9.medicine 10.university 11. article11. send 13.grow up puter programmer 15.be sure about16.make sure 17.resolution 18.foreign19. able20. discuss 21.promise 22.beginning23. improve24. physical 25.self improvement 26.hobby 27.own 28.personal 29.relationship


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