高中英语必音标 教案.docx

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《高中英语必音标 教案.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语必音标 教案.docx(12页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、英语 24 字整体教学法江南中学英语学科教学设计课题英语国际音标授课人课时安排2 课时课型Revision授课时间11.12-11.13课标依据教材分析学情分析三维目标了解语音在语言学习中的意义;了解英语语音包括发音、重音、连读、语调、节奏等内容;在日常生活会话中做到语音、语调基本正确、自然、流畅;根据读音拼写单词和短语。音标的学习在中学生英语学习的过程中是非常重要的。英语音标是学好英语 的第一步,也是必不可少的一步。音标的学习一方面可以让学生发音更标准, 这也是提高学生英语听力的基本途径;另一方面音标可以帮助学生轻松记忆 单词,让学生根据音标划分音节去记忆单词,这种记忆方法更加灵活。学生 只

2、有先学好了音标,才能从根本上提高听、说、读、写等综合语言技能。高一 2 班部分同学在课堂上表现得较积极,能够自主回答问题,积极思 考,大部分同学英语底子较差。学习方法存在不当之处。通过课堂互动环节, 发现学生基础差,所以在教授环节应该采取有效措施,激发学生的学习兴趣. 更多的让学生参与到课堂当中。同时部分学生自制力较差,预习准备工作很 差,所以教师应该严格要求也培养他们的自主学习能力。个别学生上课不能 遵守课堂纪律,教师也要加强管理。高一 3 班部分同学在课堂上表现得较积极,能够自主回答问题,积极思考, 虽然课堂上同学们能积极参与课堂活动,但老师在教学过程中要进一步严格 要求学生,紧抓纪律,集

3、中学生的注意力,紧抓学生的学习习惯和学习方法 的养成。有的同学英语底子较差,不敢单独表达自己的想法课堂参与度和积 极性比较低,因此在课堂上需要老师进一步引导与鼓励,增强学生的自信心, 同时通过列举生动有趣的例子来调动学生的兴趣,改变沉闷的课堂现象。知识与能力1. Let students know and learn the 48 English International phonetics.2. Let students know how to pronounce the vowels and consonants correctly and名校名师整理 助你一臂之力1教学重难点教法与学法

4、教学资源英语 24 字整体教学法accurately.3. Let students grasp the rules of spelling and pronunciation of phonetics.过程与方法1. Task-based teaching and learning2. Pair work&group work情感态度与价值观1. Stimulate studentsinterest in learning English.2. Cultivate their spirit of group work.教学重点1. Let students know how to prono

5、unce the vowels and consonants correctly and accurately.1. Let students grasp the rules of spelling and pronunciation of phonetics.教学难点1.How to pronounce the vowels and consonants correctly and accurately. 2.How to master the spelling rules of vowels and consonants.1. Task-based teaching and learnin

6、g2. Self-learning3. Group workThe video from the internet; multimedia resources信息技术应用分析知识点学习目标媒体内容与形式 使用方式媒体来源音标拼读音频播放下载教师生活动设计意图批注学Period 1活Step1.Free talk动1.Greetings.设2.Have a free talk with students. 计名校名师整理 助你一臂之力In order to have a close relationshipwith students.2英语 24 字整体教学法Step2. Presentatio

7、n Let students know1.Show students the 20 vowels of somebasicInternational phonetics.(1)Long vowels: /i:/ /:/ /u:/ / :/ /:/ (2)Short vowels:/ / / / / /e/ /(3)Diphthongs:/e/ /a/ / / /a/ /e/ /knowledge aboutvowels, especiallythe spelling rulesof those vowels,they canpronounce thoseGive some examples a

8、bout these phonetics vowels correctly. which will be helpful for students tomemorize the new words.2.Tell them the pronunciation rules of thosevowels and lead them to read.3.Show them some words pronouncing thosevowels.i: she, three, meeti: big, pig, fish u:do who two: :watermelon water: word world

9、Worker : basketball faste: bed, egg, manyToconsolidateStep3.Practice1. Read aloud by themselves.2. Read in groups.thosepronunciation,they will master3.Ask some of them to read in class,others them easily. will help them to correct their pronunciationmistakes.Step4.Homework名校名师整理 助你一臂之力3英语 24 字整体教学法R

10、eview and read those vowels after class.Period 2Step1.RevisionR eview those vowels and ask some students to read one by one.S tep2.PresentationTo consolidatewhat they have1.Show students the 28 consonants of learned. International phonetics.2. Tell them the pronunciation rules of those vowels and le

11、ad them to read.3. Show them some words pronouncing those consonants.Put, push, spell bus, ball, boat Two, tooth,tomb door, dog, duck Kite,key,ketch girl, goose, good Foot,fruit, food vet, victory, very Three, threat, throw those, these, this Skirt, school, soup zoo, zero, eraserLet students knowsom

12、e basicknowledge aboutconsonants,especially thesssssssssssssssttttttttttttttt ,Cats,pets,boats beds, birds, cardsShirt,shoes,dish usual,decision, vision Chat,chart, china giant, garage, jeans Trousers,tree,truck driver, dry, drawtheypronouncecorrectly.can名校名师整理 助你一臂之力4Horse, house,hot room, ruler, r

13、awMoon, move, mouse nose, noon, niceYes,yellow, yet ant, angle, youngWolf, wood, wet long, lunch, lose Step3.Practice1. Read aloud by themselves.2. Read in groups.3. Ask some of them to read one by one in class,others will help them to correct their mistakes.Step4.HomeworkReview and read those conso

14、nants after class. Practice英语 24 字整体教学法makes当堂检测有效练习作业布置板书设计perfect, they canmaster thosepronunciationeasily.It has been done step by step in class.1. Review and read those vowels after class.2. Review and read those consonants after class.长元音:/i:/ /:/ /u:/ /:/ /:/短元音: / / / / / / / /e/ /双元音:/e/ /a/

15、 / / / /a/ / / /e / / /清辅音:/p/ / t/ / k/ /f/ / /s/浊辅音:/b/ /d/ /g/ /v/ / /z/名校名师整理 助你一臂之力5教学反思英语 24 字整体教学法第一节课:音标教学要注意相对集中,分散巩固,先易后难,难点分 散,字母,音标,单词三结合。从归纳字母读音开始,使学生初步分清开, 闭音节和长短音,教学过程中随时总结读音规则以及字母结合,重读,连 读,浊化,失去爆破等知识。对于江南中学的学生来说,单词的拼读是难 点,而词汇是英语学习的基础,熟练地掌握音标的拼读对于学生的自主学 习是有很大帮助的,帮助学生拼读词汇并且积累词汇,增加学生的自信, 提高学生学习英语的兴趣。教学反思第二节课:,我告诉他们刚刚读的就是我们第一课的新单词,老师没教 你们,是你们自己读出来的,以后你们可以自己学单词了,学生一脸惊讶, 他们简直不敢相信转为自豪的表情我至今记得。学生通过分音节的训练, 已经养成很好的读单词的习惯,教师只要提示学生把不规则的发音用红笔 划好,这个单词就很容易记住了。老师们还采用游戏教学活动使学生渐渐掌握发音规则。学生过了单词记忆关,英语学起来就有劲了。英语基础不好的,因为会读单词了,会拼单词了,也开始对英语感兴趣了名校名师整理 助你一臂之力6


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