新人教版高中英语必修4Unit 5 Theme parks Grammar(含答案).docx

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1、高一英语同步练习:必修 4 Unit 5 Theme parks 第 3 课时 Grammar - Word Formation基础练习构词法的类型一: 拆分下列单词International= _+_ telephone= _+_Mankind= _+_ broadband= _+_Hi- tech= _+_ IT=_+_二: 总结构词法的类型:_实战演练一: 画出下列词中的前缀和后缀,并在词后括号中写出该词词性:International ( ) disappearance( ) interaction( ) freedom( ) disagreement( ) transportatio

2、n( ) illogical( ) farming( ) unexpected ( ) dishonesty ( ) unforgettable ( ) bloody( ) unsuccessful( ) strengthen( ) replacement ( ) successfully( friendship( ) assistant( ) popularity( ) anxious( ) classical ( ) enlarge( )scientist( ) farmer( )二: 结合上面练习,归纳拓展出不同词性常跟哪些词缀连用:名词词缀:_形容词词缀:_副词词缀:_动词词缀:_三:

3、下面动词是加-ion 还是-ation 呢?construct express celebrate combineconnect invent communicate admireattract product educate examineact protect graduate transportcollect suggestpollute exploredirect impress contribute imagine四: 请给下列名词加合适的后缀:-ant - ess -er-or -ist -ianassis politicsemploy sellvisit princedesign

4、 travelact drive)dive winwrite history explore worksing musicfarm comedydance scienceforeign librarypaint playteach managepiano cleanlead officecycle printspeak ownjournal directinvent performconduct inspectserve translate五: 给下列单词加合适的否定前缀:appear ability agreement capable convenient lucky correct fai

5、r usual mature expected willing smoker happy logical legal regular responsible familiar fold possible polite believable satisfiedDis- _In-(im-, ir-,il-)_Non-_Un-_六 : 根据所给前后缀含义选出所给单词英文含义Mis- = wrongex-= formerinter-= betweensub-= underUnder-= belowover-= too muchdis- = not-marine= seaa. not likeb. wo

6、rk too muchc. acting or having an effect on each otherd. put in the wrong placee. a ship that can travel underwaterg. former Presidentf. below the surface of the earth1. _ submarine2. _ underground3. _ overwork4. _ interactive5. _ misplace6. _ dislike7. _ ex-President七. 猜测下列单词汉意:1. _ Mum told me not

7、 to misbehave at my grandparents house.1. _The Chinese subtitles at the bottom of the screen help us understand films better.3._All your luggage will be transported to the destination by train.4._In many cases, the words “story” and “novel” are interchangeable.5. _People like to take the subway beca

8、use it is faster than buses and cheaper than taxis.6. _He looks very tired because he has been working overtime all week.7. _People will think you are mad if you walk in public in your underpants.八. 组合单词与词缀填空:Extra- Over-Under-Water ordinaryMis- Re-tellTele-communicationseas understand1. Her talent

9、is _, which is why many people admire her.2. The teacher asked her to _ the story in class.3. Modern _ technology, such as cellphones and the internet, has made the world much smaller.4. You have _ me. I didnt mean that.5. Zhang Yan, an _ student at Cambridge University, said she would return to Chi

10、na after graduation. 3. He is a good swimmer and he can stay _ for a long time.反馈检测一: 单项选择1. Two _ and three _ attend the meeting.A. Englishmans; GermenB. Englishmen; GermenC. Englishmen; GermansD. Englishmans; Germans2. In Britain _ are all painted red.A. letter boxesB. letters boxesC. letter boxD.

11、 letters box3. He found a lot of _ were _.A. passers-by; grown-upsB. passer-bys; growns-upC. passer-bys; grown-upsD. passers-by; growns-up4. She is the only one among the _ writers who _ stories for children.A. woman; writesB. women; writeC. women; writesD. woman; write5. My sister has two _.A. toot

12、h-brushesB. tooth-brushC. teeth-brushesD. teeth-brush6. We have two _ in our town and a new chemical _ is to open soon.A. iron works; worksB. iron works; workC. iron work; worksD. iron work; work7. She broke a _ while washing up.A. glass wineB. wine glassC. glass of wineD. glass for wine8. _ of the

13、students in our class are from the north.A. Two- ninethB. Two- nineC. Two- ninthsD. Two- nineths9. I have to write a _ composition every other week.A. two-thousand-wordB. two-thousands-wordC. two-thousand-wordsD. two-thousands-words10. Many students signed up for the _ race in the sports meeting to

14、be held next week.A. 800-metre-longB. 800-metres-longC. 800 metre longD. 800 metres long二. 用单词的适当形式填空:1. Annie Sullivan was a lively young woman with _(耐心)and imagination.2. Mikes family used to live in a _(欧洲的) country.3. I think you can sit on this newly bought chair very c_.4. Dont be frightened

15、by the television camera, Just speak _.(自然地)5. They quarreled once, but they were quite _(友好) now.6. Wang Yings father is a famous _(音乐家), and he teaches music in Central Music College. 7. Will it be _(方便) for you to start work tomorrow?8. After these days climbing, they reached the top of the mount

16、ain _(成功地).9. He wants to come but hes _(不能) to.10. Do you know about the _(非洲) history11. I want to be an _(工程师), when I grow up.12. We have a great _ (钦佩) for the peoples heroes.13. There will be an _(展览) next week in our city.14. Mr. Li studied law at college and became a _(律师) after graduation.

17、15. Madame Curie made an _(重要的) discovery.16. Poets often use their _ (想象力) to write poems17. He offered his _(祝贺) on our victory.18. On our _(毕业) from college, he entered the government office.19. The islands were _(发现) by an English Army Captain20. I was _ (震惊) at his conduct.21. His job is to do

18、_(科学)research.22. He has made several _(发现)in science.23. Her health is _ (逐渐)improving.24. Hard work leads to success and f_ lies in laziness.25. Water was found at a _(深度) of 25 feet.第 3 课时:基础练习:词的构成方法:一: 拆分单词:International= inter +nationaltelephone= tele + phoneMankind= man +kindbroadband= broad

19、+bandHi-tech= High + technologyIT= information + technology二: 构词法的类型主要有:合成法,转化法,派生法实战演练:一. 画出下列词中的前缀和后缀,并在词后括号中写出该词词性: international(adj.) disappearance(n.) interaction(n.)disagreement(n.) transportation(n.) illogical(adj.) unexpected (adj.) dishonesty (n.) unforgettable (adj.)freedom(n.)farming(n.)

20、bloody(n.)unsuccessful(adj.) strengthen(v.) replacement (n.) successfully(adv.) friendship(n.) assistant(n.) popularity(n.) anxious(adj.) classical (adj.) enlarge(v.) scientist(n. ) farmer(n. )二.结合上面练习,归纳拓展出不同词性常跟哪些词缀连用:名词词缀: -er -dom -hood - ing -ship -ance -ment -tion -ty -ant -ee -ness 形容词词缀: - c

21、al -ic -ful -ous -able -ed -ish -less副词词缀: -ly -ward动词词缀: -en -ize三. 下面动词是加-ion 还是-ation 呢?construction expressioncelebration combinationconnection invention communication admirationattraction production education examinationaction protection graduation transportationcollection suggestion pollution

22、explorationdirection impression contribution imagination四. 请给下列名词加合适的后缀:-ant - ess -er-or -ist -ianAssisant politician employer sellerVisitor princess designer travellerActor driverdiver winnerWriter historian explorer workersinger musicianfarmer comedistdancer scientist foreigner librarianpainter p

23、layerteacher managerpianist cleanerleader officercyclist printerspeaker ownerjournalist director inventor performerconductor inspectorservant translator五. 给下列单词加合适的否定前缀:Dis- : disappear disability disagreement dissatisfiedIn-(im-, ir-, il-):incapable inconvenient incorrect immature illogical illegal

24、 irregular irresponsible impossible impoliteNon-: non-smokerUn- : unlucky unfair unusual unexpected unwilling unhappy unfamiliar unfold unbelievable六. 根据所给前后缀含义连线1. e 2. f 3. b 4.c 5. d 6. a 7. g七. 猜测下列单词词义:1. 举止不当 2. 字幕 3. 运输 4. 可互换的 5. 地铁 6. 超时工作 7. 内裤八. 组合单词填空:1. extraordinary 2. retell 3. tele-c

25、ommunication 4. misunderstood 5. overseas6. underwater反馈检测:一、单项选择:1-5: CAACA 6-10:ABCAA二、用单词的适当形式填空:1. patience 2. European 3. comfortable 4. naturally 5. friendly 6. musician 7. convenient 8. successfully 9. unable 10. African 11. engineer 12. admiration 13. exhibition 14. lawyer 15. important 16. imagination 17. congratulations18. graduation 19. discovered 20.shocked 21. scientific 22.discoveries 23. gradually 24. failure 25. depth


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