牛津上海版(深圳)五下Module 3《Things we do》单元测试卷.docx

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1、Module3 Things we do 测试卷Part 1 Listening1听音,标序号。听音,选择你所听到的内容,将序号填入题前括号中。 ( )1Asweet Bsweater Cstreet( )2Ahomework Bpictures Cprojects( )3Ahave a look Bhave a listen C have a lesson( )4AKellys mother takes her to the hospital because shes ill BKellys grandmother takes her to see the doctor by taxi CK

2、ellys grandfather takes her to the zoo to see pandas( )5AMy little sister likes the red and black pair of shoesBMy little brother likes the green and white pair of shoes CMy little sister likes the yellow and white pair of socks听音,判断,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F” 。1( ) 2( ) 3( ) 4( ) 5( ) 听音,标出家长开放日的活动序号,写阿拉伯数字即可

3、。( )They will visit our classroom( )They will visit the computer room( )They will go to the playground( )They will visit the dining hall,( )They will meet the teachers in the meeting roomV.听音,填空,把短文补充完整。All the animals are 1 of the tigerThe animals have a 2A clever fox hasa good idea The fox gives t

4、he tiger a lot of 3The tiger likes the candy verymuchThe tiger eats the candy every daySoon he has a 4The animals come tohelpThey pull all the tigers teeth outHe becomes a 5 tiger!1 23 4Part 2 Writing5I.选出每组单词里不同类的一个,把序号写在题前括号里。 ( )1Ameeting BMusic CEnglish( )2Aevery B. next Cthen( )3Ashoes Bclothes

5、 Ctrousers( )4Afever Bill Cheadache( )5Adoctor Bdentist Chospital看图,把单词补充完整。1m 2t 3m 4.p 5w 单项选择。( )1Peter will to the library tomorrowAgo Bgoes Cgoing( )2I get up,I always brush my teeth firstABefore BAfter CFinally ( )3Her mother is trying her shoesAin Bat Con ( )4-Which do you want?-I want the sh

6、ortArulers,one Bruler,one Cruler,ones( )5Whats wrong with you?You lookAfine Bgood Cill 读句子,将人物与服装连起来。1 Im KittyThis is my new sweaterIts beautiful2 Danny wants to try on this coatIts his size3 This pair of trousers is whiteIts Alices4 Hi,Im PeterI have a pair of black shoesI often wear it1 23 4abcdV

7、读句子,把序号填在相应的图片下方。( ) ( ) ( ) ( )AThe man says he has some magic clothesOnly clever people can see them BA man visits the emperor with some nice clothesC The emperor walks in the street in his“new clothes” People keep quiet,but a child laughs,“Look!He isnt wearing any clothes!”D The emperor cannot se

8、e any clothes,but he nods with a big smile and puts it on 阅读短文,判断句子正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。Healthy food is very important for US We should eat a lot of fruit and vegetables every day We cant eat too much sweet food Water is very important tooThe scientists advise we should drink eight glasses of water ev

9、ery daySport is important tooIt is fun and can make US stronger and healthierRiding, swimming,running are all good Dont sit in front of a computer or TV for a long timeIts bad for our healthOur dentists tell us teeth are important We should brush our teeth twice everydayWe shouldnt eat anything afte

10、r we brush our teeth in the evening( )1We should eat a lot of fruit,vegetables and sweet food( )2We should drink eight glasses of water every day( )3Sport is good for us( )4Sitting in front of the computer for a long time is good( )5Teeth are important for us假如你是老师。请你设计一份学校开放日计划。步骤:先选择地点,再选 择事情,在括号里

11、画“”,然后写成完整的几句话。( )school gate ( )give parents an open lesson ( )classroom ( )show beautiful pictures( )art room ( )sing for the parents( )music room ( )dance for the parents( )playground ( )play games with parents( )meeting room ( )have a meeting( )teachersoffice( )talk to each other( )hall ( )act a

12、 short play( )library ( )show the homework and projects挑战题I根据描述选择场所名称。Ameeting room Bteachersoffice C library1Its a place at schoolTeachers work thereIts the2Its a place at school You can read and borrow hooks and magazines there. ItstheIn the,schools often haveIt is a time for teachers andparents t

13、o talkAUSA BUK CUNDParentsmeetingEParentsEvenings参考答案听力原文I听音,标序号。1.Ms Guo is meeting the parents at the school gate2The children are showing the parents their beautiful pictures in the art room3 Teachers will have a meeting in the meeting room this afternoon4 Today is Childrens DayThe students are s

14、inging and dancing happily in the hall 5I like reading in the library because its very quiet there21c n j y听音,选择你所听到的内容,将序号填入题前括号中。1 T will wear a sweater tomorrow2 They look at the homework on the board3 Do you see the poster?Lets go and have a lookwww-2-1-cnjy-com 4 Kellys grandfather takes her to

15、 the zoo to see pandas5 My little sister likes the yellow and white pair of socks听音,判断。正确的写“T”,错误的写“F” 。1 Daniel is going to look at a boys teethHes a dentist2 My mum has a toothacheShe should go to see the dentist3 Kitty has a feverShe needs a good rest4 Mike has a coldShe needs to take some medici

16、ne 5 I have a headacheWhat should I do?IV听音,标出家长开放日的活动序号,写阿拉伯数字即可。First,they will visit classroomNext,they will visit the computer roomThen they will visit the dining hallAfter that,they will go to the playgroundFinally?They will meet the teacher s in the meeting roomV听音。填空,把短文补充完整。All the animals a

17、re afraid of the tiger. The animals have a meetingA clever fox has a good ideaThe fox gives the tiger a lot of candy The tiger likes the candy very muchThe tiger eats the candy every clay Soon he has a toothache The animals come to helpThey pull all the tigers teeth out,He becomes a toothless tiger!

18、听力部分I.(由左至右)2 4 3 1 51B 2A 3A 4. C 5CthlT 2F 3F 4. F 5T(由上至下)1 2 4 3 5V1afraid 2meeting 3candy 4 toothache 5toothless书写部分I1A 2A 3 B 4B 5C1.money 2trousers 3.medicine 4 present 5worldlA 2B 3C 4B 5C1.-b 2-c 3-d 4-aV(由左至右)B A D C1F 2.T 3 T 4F 5T(参考范文)The Open Day is on 30 AprilFirst,the parents will visit the classroom.The students will give parents an open lessonNext,the parents will go to the playgroundThe children will play games with parents happilyFinally,theyllgo to the hallThe students will act a short play in the hallThis is the plan for the Open Day at my school挑战题I.1B 2CB E


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