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1、太原市 20172018 学年第一学期高一年级阶段性测评(期中)英语试卷第一部分 听力理解(略)第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 25 分)第一节 单 选填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)从A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。答案写在答题卡上。16. -Can I use your computer? Mine is broken.- Sure. _.A. Go ahead B. It depends. C. Thank you. D. Youvegot it.解析: go ahead “去吧,做吧”, it depends “看情况而定”, th

2、ank you“ 谢 谢你”, youve got it “没错,说对了”, 根据 情景交际的前半句提示“当然”,表示允许,所以选 A。17. Please take the medicine following the doctor s .A. impression B. introductions C. inventions D. instructions解析:本题考查名词词义辨析,根据句意“请在医生的指导下用药。”可得出应该是instructions “指导,指示”, 其他 选项 impression “印象”, introductions “介绍”,inventions “发明”, 所

3、以选 D。18. The girl gets active in group work and dares to new ideas.A. come up with B. get away from C. look up to D. take part in解析:考查动词短语辨析, 根据句意“女孩积极参加团队工作, 敢于提出新主意。 ”可得出应该是 come up with “提出, 想出”, 其他选项 get away from “远离”, look up to “尊重”, take part in “参加,加入”,所以选 A。19. You are to come to the topic

4、 we are discussing. Dont miss the point.A. refused B. used C. created D. supposed解析:本题考查固定搭配,由句意“我们应该回到正在讨论的话题,不要跑题。” A. 拒绝B. be used to do 被用来做 某事。 C. 创造 D. be supposed to do 应该做某事, 因此选A.20. I have made many corrections in my paper. , it becomes easy to understand now.A.By the way B.By accident C.A

5、s a result D.First of all解析:本题考查短语含义,根据题意可知“我对我的论文做了许多修改,因此,它现在很容易理解了。”答案选 C.21. It is the most meaningful lecture thatI since Icame to this school. A.have attendedB.willattendC.am attending D.had attended解析:本题考查动词时态,在 that 引导的定语从句中,我们看到了现在完成时的标志词since, 所以定语从句中的谓 语动词 attend 应该用现在完成时,答案为 A.22. KFC en

6、courages customers to order food through App to avoid in line.A. wait B.waiting C.to wait D.being waited23. 解析: 本题考查非谓语固定搭配 avoid doing sth, 意为“避免做某事”, 所以选 B。Witha growing worldwide wave of “Chinese fever ”in recent years, more and moreforeigners areaboutlearning Chinese.A. sorry B.clear C.enthusias

7、tic D.nervous解析:本题考查形容词词义辨析,根据题意可知“伴随着近年来世界范围内的中国热,越来越多的外国人热衷于学 英语”,答案为 C。24. Kelly is never with English2grammar no matter how it is.A.boring;boredB.bored;boringC.boring;boring D.bored;bored解析:本题考查形容词-ing 与-ed 的辨析,-ed结尾的形容词重在“感到 ”; -ing结尾的形容词则强调“令人 ”。 根据题意可知“ Kelly 从来不会对英语语法感到厌烦,不管它有多令人厌烦”,所以答案为B.2

8、5. Nowadays, the average weekly screen time for childrenis _as it was five years ago.A.as twice much B.as much twiceC.much as twice D.twice as much解析:本题考查倍数表达, 公式为“倍数 +as+形容词+as+被比较的对象”, 根据题意可知“如今孩子们每周面对屏幕的时间是五年前的两倍”所以答案为D.第二节完形填空 (共 15 小题;每小题1 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给A、B、C 和D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

9、写在答题卡 上。A parrot (鹦鹉) lived in a huge forest. One day a dangerous 26came. Lightningflashed! Thunder crashed! Adry 27 tree was hit by lightning and burst into flames. Soon the whole forestwas 28 . Animals ran in everydirection, looking for 29 from the flames and smoke.“Fire! ” cried the little parrot

10、. “Run in the direction of the river! ” He3began to fly 30the river. But on the way hesaw many animals caught in the flames. They had no chance to escape.The parrot flew to the river. He dipped (蘸) himself in the water and flew backover the burning forest. He shook hiswings and dropped the water, wh

11、ich31 as soon as it touched the flames. Back and forth he flew. Soon his feathers(羽毛) were black. His feet were 32 . But he still flew on.Other birds watched it from the other side of the 33 ,look, he istrying to put out the fire by dropping water on itwith his wings. How 34 ! they laughed.Knowing h

12、is task was hopeless, the little parrot never stopped trying to savethe lives of the animals below until he was too 35 to fly any more.36 , God saw what happened from above. He began to 37 . Tears fellfrom his eyes and turned into rain.The rain began to 38 .The flames began to die down. All theanima

13、ls below were saved. At the same time,39 the tears fell on the parrot, new feathers grew, red feathers, green feathersand yellow feathers-as 40 as before!God smiled.26. A. tourist B. storm C. enemy D. animal27. A. dead B. young C. green D. lively28. A. in silence B. in pain C. on fire D. on show29.

14、A. safety B. advice C. balance D. enjoyment430. A. in B. towards C. below D. against31. A. stopped B. disappeared C. froze D. expanded32. A. protected B. dissolved C. lost D. burned33. A. forest B. fire C. river D. land34. A. clever B. interesting C. silly D. amazing35. A. exhausted B. satisfied C.

15、disappointed D. embarrassed36. A. Definitely B. Fortunately C. Similarly D. Firstly37. A. smile B. nod C. wave D. cry38. A. pour B. shake C. float D. hang39. A. though B. if C. before D. when40. A. heavy B. traditional C. pretty D. simple5解析:26. B 根据下文电闪雷鸣可知,一场暴风雨来了。27. A 根据后半句树木被雷电击中很快燃烧起来了,可知为一株干枯

16、垂死的树。28. C 根据上文 burst into flames 可知,整个森林都燃烧起来了。 on fire 着火,in silence 寂静中,in pain 处于 痛苦中,on show 公开展览。29. A 根据句意可知,寻找安全的地方。 advice 建议, balance 平衡, enjoyment 娱乐 均不符合句意。30. B 他朝着河的方向飞去。 towards 表示朝 .方向。31. B 小鹦鹉摇动着翅膀,让 翅膀上的水滴降落,但 水滴一接触火就消失了。Stopped 停止,f roze 冰冻,expanded 扩大不符合句意。32. D 根据前文小鹦鹉来来回回飞了好多次

17、,羽毛都变黑了,可知他的双脚烧焦了。33. C the other side of the river 在河的另一边,第 30 空后面也有提示。34. C 根据下文其他鸟嘲笑小鹦鹉可知, 此处填 多么愚蠢啊。Clever 可爱的,interesting 有趣的,silly 愚蠢 的amazing 令人惊奇的。35. A 根据句意可知, 他太累了以至于飞不动了。 Exhausted 精疲力竭, satisfied 满足的,disappointed 失望的,embarrassed 尴尬的。36. B 根据下文的内容可知,幸运的是,上帝看到了这一切。 Definitely 明确地, Similarl

18、y 同样地, Firstly 首先。37. D 根据后文上帝的眼泪变成了雨水可知,上帝开始哭。 Smile 微笑,nod 点头,wave 挥动摇动, cry 哭泣38. A pour 倾泻,涌流,这里指大雨倾盆而至,符合句意。 Shake 抖动, float 漂浮, hang 悬挂。39. D 考察时间状语从句。当眼泪滴落在小鹦鹉身上的时候,他长出了新的羽毛。 When 当.时,引导时间状语从句, if 如果,引导条件状语从句, though 尽管,引导让步状语从句, before 在.之前。40. C 根据句意可知, 他长出了新的红色黄色绿色的羽毛, 和以前一样美丽。 Heavy 沉重,繁重

19、,traditional 传第三部分 阅读理解 (共两节, 满分 30 分) 第一节(共 10 小题;每小题 2分,满分 20 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项( A,B,C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。答案写在答题卡上。AMoon Festival Celebration 2017Presented by KY Chinese American Association(KYCAA for short )6If you are really interested in Chinese culture, you are warmly invitedto our Moon Festival C

20、elebration.Time:4:00pm-8:00pm,Wed, Oct. 4,2017Place : Moondance Amphitheater, 1152 Monarch St, Lexington, KY 40513Activities : Dance show performed by KYCAA Chinese School studentsTastes of mooncakes with a variety of flavorsChoices of mooncakes at excellent pricesMini-Chinese language lessons“ Best

21、 Cooking Fresh Mooncake CompetitionDinner under the moon with families and friendsFor more information, please visit www.kycaa.org, or call 859 224-8072,or|e-mail .41.Which is TRUE about the celebration according to the poster?A. It will last about four hours. B. Its just forAmerican Chinese.C. It w

22、ill be held in a Chinese school. D. Moreinformation is only available online. 42.What activity can visitorsdo in the celebration?A. Singing and dancing. B. Selling excellentmooncakes.C. Learning some Chinese. D. Learning all Chineseculture.7解析:41.细节题。根据文章中 time:4-8pm,可以看出活动持续 4 小时,所以选 A。42.细节题。根据文章

23、activity 的内容第四点可知,参加者可以学习中文,所以选 C。BChinese bike-sharing company ofo introduced 1,000 of its yellow bikes to theU.S. city of Seattle on Aug. 18, after local government gave their okay, makingSeattle the first American city to use dockless ( 无桩的 ) bike sharing.Located in the state of Washington, Seatt

24、le is not the best choices for sharedbikes. According to Seattle Times , the previous local bike-sharing company Prontoended its 3-year operation on Mar. 31, because of the city s hilly land, rainyweather, helmet ( 头盔) law, and city planning with few bikeways.Shared bikes were successfully introduce

25、d thanks to support from Seattlegovernment, which introduced new rules inlate June for where bikes can and cannot be parked.In addition, according to the government program, the amount can expand from 1,000,then to 2,000 and finally will be unlimited. The measures were taken to preventa huge pile of

26、 broken bikes.Lin Wenxin, vice president of ofo USA, said their company had provided safetyservice, such as activities to give out free helmets and app messages to remindusers to wear helmets, and promised to get broken bikes off the street.Nowadays, as one of new Chinese four great inventions, shar

27、ed bikes areinfluencing the world people. They lead the international fashion by expanding8overseas.43. Which is NOT the reason why Seattle is unsuitable for shared bikes?A. Lots of rain.B. The hilly land.C. Few bike ways.D. The local company.What did the Seattle government do to support the ofo sha

28、red bikes?It built more bikeways.B .It gave out free helmets.C. It made rules for parking placesD. It cleared out the broken bikes.44. Whatsthe main idea of the text?A. Shared bikes have safety problems.B. Ofo has opened its market in Seattle.C. China has four new great inventions.D. Ofo can be seen

29、 in every country of the world.解析:本文为说明文,主要讲述了共享单车在美国 Seattle 市成功落地的内容。43. D 细节题 , 根据文章第二段的内容,可知 A、B、C 三个选项均为 Seattle 不适合共享单车的原因。44. C 细节题 , 根据文章第三段内容可知。45. B 主旨题 , 根据通篇文章可知,文章讲述的是共享单车在美国 Seattle 市成功落地。C(以下为 A(易)、B(难)两种题型,任选一种,做 A 种题型的不做 B 种,做 B 种题型的不做 A 种)9Ernie Kaeselau was my first teacher in Ame

30、rica. After I left Saigon, Vietnam( 越南) in 1975, I landed in San Francisco and attended a summer school in Dalywhere I met Mr. K. I prepared myself for the seventh grade in Colma Junior High.At that time I didn t speak English, but only Vietnamese and a little French.Mr. Ks first question was what m

31、y name was and his second was how to properlypronounce it in Vietnamese. He repeated it several times until he got the difficultpronunciation almost right at last. Then I didn t feel I was an outsider any more.In the following days, I was his echo. He would hold a card up in front of me witha pictur

32、e. I would repeat after him,copying his gestures (手势) . Since he could say my Vietnamese name, surely I could bend my tongue to make myselfsound more American. That first summer, he gave me an “A” that I was shy about.I knew it wasnt my real grade.And soon the Vietnamese boy became the American teac

33、her s pet. It was mytask to go and get his lunch, clean the blackboard and collect and hand out homework.When I missed the bus, hed drive me home.Mr. K also started a little book club. He gave each of us a box with booksin it and it felt a bit like Christmas in July. I turned the pages in wonder. Pe

34、rhapsthe smell of fresh ink, paper and glue became the smell of imagination. I didnot yet know how to read in English, oh, but I couldn t wait to learn!I pushed myself very hard to move forward. After a few months, I began to speakEnglish freely, and didn t depend on Mr. Ks cards any more. By my sec

35、ond yearin America, I was getting the second “A”, a “A” this tim10my place; I have access to my new world.(以下是 A 种题型)45. In which school did Mr. K work?A. A school in Saigon. B. San Francisco Senior High.C. Colma Junior High. D. A summer school in Daly.46. Why did Mr. K try to learn the writer sname

36、 in Vietnamese?A. Because he was good at learning foreign languages.B. Because he wanted to give this newcomer warmth.C. Because he had to leave a good first impression.D. Because he pretended himself to be a Vietnamese.47. What does the underlined sentence “I was his echo. ”probably mean?A. I repea

37、ted after him. B. I copied his picture.C. I made friends with him. D. I taught him Vietnamese.48. What can we infer from the text?A. Mr. K gave the writer a pet as a gift.B. The writer is proud of the second “A”.C. Mr. K gave everyone books at Christmas.D. The writer was punished by doing heavy work

38、.49. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A. An American Teacher sLife11B. Methods of Leaning EnglishC. Unforgettable Experience AbroadD. A Teacher Opening My New World解析:文章大意:本文为记叙文,主要讲述了来自越南的“我”去美国上学,在老师 M r. K 的鼓励与支持下,我最终能够说一口流利的英语,并且取得了优秀的学习成绩。46. D 细节题,根据第一段“ I landed in Sa

39、n Francisco and attended a summer school in Daly where I met Mr. K. ”可知,Mr. K 是在“ a summer school in Daly ”工作。47. B 细节题,根据关键词 “name”和“in Vietnamese”可定位到第二段。 由第二段 “Then I didn t feel I was anoutsider any more.”可知, Mr. K 这样做会让我感到自己不像是个外来者,选项 B 与此意思相近。48. A 猜词题,根据后一句 “He would hold a card up in front o

40、f me with a picture. I would repeat after himcopying his gestures (手势) .”可知 A 项符合文意。49. B 推断题,根据选项中的“ second”可定位到文章最后一段,联系上文可知,第一个“ A”只是 M r. K 为了鼓励“我”, 而第二次“ A ”才是我凭借自己的努力所获得的,因此作者不再感到“ shy”,而是非常自豪。50. D 主旨题,纵观全文可知文章讲述了“我”和“ Mr. K ”之间的故事,此题容易错选 C,需要注意 C 选项的范围过大(以下是 B 种题型 )46. What languages could b

41、e the writerspeak when he arrived in America?Vietnamese and a little French.47. Why did thewriter feel shyabout his first“A”? Because12it wasnt hisreal grade.48. How did Mr. K encourage the students to read?He started a little book club and game each of his students a box with booksin it.49. Fill in

42、 the blank in thelast paragraph with aproper word. Real.50. What is Mr. Klikeaccording tothe passage?He is kind,understandingandencouraging.第二节 五选五 (共5 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。 答案写在答题卡上。After hours of work, people need to relax minds to work at their best. 51Butalmost 60 per

43、cent of the officeworkers are unable to enjoy a good nap( 打吨) during their lunch breaks. As forthem, what is the best way to keep them energetic for the rest of the day? Maybe13doing something else can also allow their minds to relax. 52 .Get in some fresh air through exercise.Going to a gym during

44、lunchtime may sound more tiring than relaxing, but itworks. 53 .Fill in the break with interest.Break can also be seen as an opportunity to develop your hobby. You can usethe time after eating to do something interesting. 5455Keeping a diary can clear up bad feelings that often cannot be said out lo

45、ud.You can put it down every day after lunch so that you feel better in the afternoon.A. Write the day away.B. Here are some suggestions.C. For example, reading is a good choice.D. Lunch breaks are necessary especially for office workers.E. Just like restarting a computer, exercise can refresh your

46、brain.解析:51:选D 根据后句中的 office workers 和 lunch breaks 不难发现和 D 项相中原词对 应.52:选B 该空位于首段末句,应该起到承上启下的过渡作用。 B 项有启示下文的作用 .53:选E 该空所在段落主要谈及 “exercise。E”项涉及同样内容,故选 E.54:选C 空前句说要做有意义的事情, C 选项的 reading 正符合文义55:选A 下一段中提到 diary,与A 项中w rite 有直接联系 .14第四部分 短文填空 ( 共10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)阅读下列材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式 (

47、不多于 3 个单词)。答案写在答题卡上。People from 17 countries 56. (take) part in 2016 Modern RailwayEquipment Meeting held in Beijing last year. The new CRH6F,which was 57.(develop) by China,58.(immediate) attracted a lot of attentionfrom visitors at the meeting. The high-speed train CRH6F can seat 59.(many) passengers than usual.Why? Thats 60. _some parts of CRH6F such as restrooms and baggage racks( 架子) can become smaller tocreate more space if nece


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