【最新】XS三英下Unit 6 How many pens are there课件.ppt

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《【最新】XS三英下Unit 6 How many pens are there课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【最新】XS三英下Unit 6 How many pens are there课件.ppt(33页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit 6 How many pens are there?,B Lets Learn A Lets Listen and Say C Lets Act D Lets Read E Lets Learn to Learn F Lets Chant G Lets Have Fun,B Lets Learn,thirteen 十三,fourteen 十四,fifteen 十五,sixteen 十六,seventeen 十七,eighteen 十八,nineteen 十九,twenty 二十,大小声读单词 thirteenfourteen fifteensixteen seventeeneight

2、een nineteentwenty,看口型,说单词 老师做口型,学生根据口型判断老师说的是哪个英文数字,并大声说出来。,看图片,说单词,A Lets Listen and Say,Please count the rulers, Mingming. 请数一数尺子,明明。,count数数;计算,How many rulers are there? 有多少把尺子?,How many. are there? 有多少? 回答:There are+数字+名词. 也可直接用数字加名词回答。 How many books are there? Five books.,Listen and answer,1

3、.How many rulers are there? Four rulers. 2.How many pens are there? Thirteen pens.,C Lets Act,你问我答 两人一组,一人提问,另一人回答。然后交换角色,看看两人的回答是否相同。 句型: How many. are there?,How many apples are there? Fourteen apples.,How many birds are there? Thirteen birds.,How many cats are there? Nineteen cats.,How many clock

4、s are there? Seventeen clocks.,How many balloons are there? Eighteen balloons.,D Lets Read,E Lets Learn to Learn,F Lets Chant,G Lets Have Fun,写一写,课后小练习,1.How many T-shirts are there? _ T-shirts. A.Fourteen B.Sixteen C.Nineteen,B,课后小练习,2.How many girls are there? _ girls. A.Eighteen B.Thirteen C.Fifteen,C,课后小练习,3.How many ducks are there? _ ducks. A.Twenty B.Nineteen C.Fourteen,A,Goodbye!,


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