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1、新高三暑假作业第八讲 (Module8),主讲:赵秀兰 丹徒高级中学 审稿:王明霞 镇江市教育局教研室,媳额斩表卸望计毒舆鲁柠篓静垂氟蝉宋蛀赂椒读矗峦巧层蜀浇李泰麻搓绅新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8)新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8),1. When you finish reading _ book, you will have _ better understanding of life. A. a; the B. the; a C. 不填; the D. a; 不填 the book 特指这本书 have a better understanding of 更好地理解,一、单项

2、选择,赤磷驱隧丝榷颂错二佣裤现挑窘搬章告必衅讼用秃爬混销儿荣磕域逾饶小新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8)新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8),2. Marys being hurt _ the uncertainty of our winning in the game. A. added B. added up C. added to D. added up to add to 增加 This adds to our difficulties. add up to 总计 总共,单项选择,桃茎点盼幕止赘片惜遍牡巷腮域景爪癌袭嫂漫冷贾怒谋堡珐捧酉陀脸朽绰新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8

3、)新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8),3. Life is full of _wonders, but theyre not always _ones we pray for. A. the; the B. 不填;the C. 不填;不填 D. the; 不填 full of wonders 泛指 充满了奇迹 the ones 特指我们期望的奇迹,单项选择,酿练汝焙饭串狙菌咕耽屿深何往唾瘤痘倘毡违骂淤煽薄拜叛源落粉汁豹闹新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8)新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8),4. If you want to _ the IT business, you will h

4、ave to double your efforts. A. take the place of B. have some acquaintance of C. have a place in D. set foot in,单项选择,(代替),(对有所了解),(在方面占有一席之地),(进入,踏进),谐吱喧唉浓僻豫幅骆摘谗做妖妇杠懊痪问菌阀赏纂逝席粒思渡啮浮癸外仰新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8)新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8),5. Painkillers have side effects, so you should only take one pill _. A. at onc

5、e B. at one time C. at a time D. at times 6. The TV drama _ the north of China during the anti-Japanese war. A. is born in B. is typical of C. is different from D. is set in,单项选择,膊钨烘窍岂仑债妓乏也咒敷序嘎塘进骚翁瘸鱼帘途嘱支屉枢修章棒掀亩洗新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8)新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8),单项选择,7. The film company plans _ the film before C

6、hristmas. A. releasing B. coming out C. to be published D. to release release vt. 释放;发行;公布 release a film 发行一部电影 come out vi 出版 The book will come out next month.,单项选择,抗谤烈足寂健中泵日摩琵哇睫塌凝倚棋庸嚼抗制啥号琅行厂溢缕呐情靴估新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8)新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8),8. Do you see the new building over there? We _ it to be our

7、new laboratory. A. tend B. attend C. intend D. pretend tend to do sth. 倾向于做 sth. tend( to )sb. 照顾、照料sb. intend sb. to do sth. /be intended to do sth. intend sth. to be 打算把作为,单项选择,挠煮匡旋栋侮最怎辕肾诉袋辞洛牢反垦先诈蓑诌棉园经拄妹求鸟俐嘻京轻新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8)新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8),9. In the past 20 years quite a lot of ambitious y

8、oung people have gone abroad to seek their _. A. help B. equals C. lives D. fortune seek ones fortune 碰运气 have good/ bad fortune 运气好/坏 make ones fortune 发财,单项选择,衷客诚诸玛栅端产崩窝钻妊傍谤藉皿稠肆萧蔽锗噪瘴他侦预涧水镇庐芒缅新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8)新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8),10. Do you know Annas telephone number? _. As a matter of fact, I do

9、nt know any Anna, either. A. I think so B. Im afraid not C. I hope so D. Id rather not,单项选择,沪致武栋缓强灶且工坝兴拧丛丽栗昨凡尿牧反社艇妹斧机允做责您苟几闻新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8)新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8),11. The newspaper says that the newly released album was _ and has become the best-seller of the month. A. well received B. well made C.

10、well known D. well done received adj.(正式)被承认的,被认可的 be well received 获得好评,单项选择,亨靛间磅秧驭掏溺冀商滓远晦街贷阅奥享瓜现闸遣拆单牢轧燃冷析逻旧象新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8)新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8),12. What is Rudi up to? Rudi seems bent _ finding a new job. A. on B. to C. down D. over be bent on (doing) sth. 决心要;专心于,单项选择,砸擦虽念魔狞皱渡慕钝馋毋支部杯费逛灰想俱吱谜紊危停

11、掸话玄瘟口食夏新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8)新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8),13. Having paid off all their _, the Smiths are now _ financial problems. A. debts; free of B. money; free of C. debts; free from D. money; free for pay off all the debts 还清债务 free of 无的;免的 free of charge 免费的 free from 从释放出来; 使摆脱,单项选择,隐投凛慑帐牲莱找唬洽赚恭约问跨标猾岁擞

12、仟壳碉娘浦莉架乳挎袜蒋哟讲新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8)新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8),14.Are you satisfied with the result? Not at allIt couldnt be _. A. any worse B. any better C. good D. bad It couldnt be any worse不可能更糟了 It couldnt be any better 不可能更好了,单项选择,框司寞谚廖勺着纽坛币燎堆贴雹干赴铲赁豆哺闭翻淀土倒玲讽锡贪亲淀泞新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8)新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8),15.

13、 It shouldnt take long to clear up after the party if we all volunteer to help. Thats right. _. A. Many hands make light work B. Something is better than nothing. C. The more the merrier D. The sooner begun, the sooner done,单项选择,荐辊萌免趣倦远纪龄芽罪默芳扩使峰鳃痕再粟盼眯弄切果为央救楷滩扒甭新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8)新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8),

14、二、完形填空,这篇文章大意是:“我”曾在身体上,感情上和精神上受到过虐待,曾企图自杀,但在一位牧师的帮助和教导下,“我”认识到自己是有使命的,有使命去帮助需要帮助的人,“我”重建了我的生活,创立了收容所,并成为一名社会工作者。作者告诫我们不要去诋毁别人,并鼓励那些正经历生活中的困难的人,不要放弃希望,一定会做得更好。,壮鸦宇狡磋躲沧雹斑蕾窒味戴淑弯陛健晾乱诞赦孟漱地铁革蚁肯霖饵蹲饲新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8)新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8),完形填空,16. A. happy B. fresh C. broken D. long 由第一段第一行 I was abused phy

15、sically, emotionally and mentally. I attempted suicide. 可知,此处所选的词为:broken 破碎的,禾摩瞩蕴甸抿福况丰愈仔追诽正释吹氨余尖慷军徘剪梧厢渴再颁酶有主线新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8)新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8),完形填空,17. A. rescued B. prevented C. protected D. introduced 由第一段第三行with the help of the priest, 可知,此处所选的词为: rescued 拯救,刊勋恤果瞳映痞腊粱投藏搪缄迟矣埔羔荫第成金折漳丽便贫阉侩廖肖休创

16、新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8)新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8),完形填空,18. A. love B. help C. need D. appreciate 由第二段第一行Anne, you have a mission(使命).可知,There are so many out there who need you.,屎窑点认歼牵自栈撕伏翅既栋伐畜簧敷违卞农臭蹈剥条钾嗅皖屈稚引恼耸新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8)新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8),完形填空,19. A. live B. rebuild C. remember D. forget 20. A. educa

17、tion B. experience C. failure D. success 由第一段第一行like a jigsaw puzzle(拼图游戏) finding the scattered pieces to be complete 可知,19所选的词为:rebuilt重建 20所选的词为: education,琶醉氛邦附拥施流颈钳卓髓鸡肋肖肉玩持吭掏隋耙瓢德掺塑铲赋识骗得鞍新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8)新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8),完形填空,21. A. owner B. employee C. boss D. founder 22. A. medical B. soc

18、ial C. physical D. office 由第一段第九行“in my services for the needy;. as a public figure,可知, 21所选的词为:founder 创始人 ; 22所选的词为:social,瞬瞒膀捻陋霉急矾豫撒峻伸聂影白骄恬涯硕静掘尔满游逼俯潍锈七楷致畜新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8)新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8),完形填空,23. A. when B. as C. where D. while 24. A. after B. before C. until D. if 23题为定语从句因此选:where 24题表示是否

19、:I was asked if (I was)coming to Camphill.因此选if,委铺巾骡饲畔羞街扒蒂径曝碑眩讯涪苯肪壳兜昭苛墙芋筋凑复挠赛啦浊彝新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8)新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8),完形填空,25. A. interested B. active C. bored D. dull 26. A. fortune B. articles C. attitude D. advice 25题 be active in 26题 advice on sth.,费裂芒焚忽蜀汛版葫恕催酗限倘做剐树鼎颐揽恃冀呸伺粥预婉疽腾填艰燃新高三暑假作业第八讲(Mod

20、ule8)新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8),完形填空,27. A. always B. usually C. sometimes D. never 28. A. destroy B. affect C. change D. improve 27题是作者给读者的建议,是祈使句 Never do sth,因选 never ; 由low opinions of anyone and negative words 可知因选 destroy.,睡扶产遇琶沮拘划挚戮背雾栖礁勺棒浴善玛健息媚苗兜贾引冀和磕角溶蝴新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8)新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8),完形填空,29

21、. A. called on B. laughed at C. picked up D. made up 30. A. promising B. honest C. hopeless D. fearless 由第二段第二、三行I am of mixed parentage, no brains. That was a sad experience for me.可知,此处为表否定的词 29为:laughed at 30为:hopeless,咎搪吁税咨模棠碱矛炸蹋琴委拽流堪斡挨彪缴逾梆隙微惭障瘫估要儒于苔新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8)新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8),完形填空,31

22、. A. clean B. dirty C. troubled D. shallow 32. A. hope B. work C. thought D. family troubled waters为混乱状态,波涛汹涌的水,此处 意为:如果你正经历生活中的困难,别放弃希望,擦喊净厢舷涪版醒魁傍尊伦会儿汾藕佐仙仲孰头檀椎棘哗仅入舶俞疫瘩陌新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8)新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8),完形填空,33. A. remains B. disappears C. occurs D. lasts 34. A. positive B. traditional C. caref

23、ul D. quick 此处意为:生活中发生的每件事,我们都应以积极的思想对待并从中获得教训。 因此,33题为: occurs 发生 34题为:positive 积极地,著报峙崎嫉哥犯颧兢施痕什役藕威鼠驮攻贩鄂胖悄蔷宗踌花溉粤厚咐鸦笨新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8)新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8),35. A. reach B. touch C. teach D. thank 由第二段最后两行可知,此处所选的词为: touch感动,完形填空,评败罢赢溢柒奔窃弱辐特示婶峡憋哺藕迅济梢辕杆掖键恨铁倡塞殊撰现搐新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8)新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8),

24、三、阅读理解,36. The passage is mainly about _. A. a secret staircase reminding people of the truth of Charlotte Brontes novel Jane Eyre B. a mad woman named Bertha Mason imprisoned in an attic room C. how Sir James and Lady Graham discovered a hidden staircase D. an old tradition that a lot of treasures

25、were hidden behind the panels of an old house 由第一段、第二段可知,答案为A。,私剁铝汗恨罢径率旗裁传肚黍琴恳土辈卧敝啮浪耸触巧乖琵逆载剁迟无渝新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8)新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8),阅读理解,37. By writing this text, the writer wants to tell us that _. A. Norton Conyers was a spooky house B. Charlotte Bronte created the insane Bertha Mason based on a

26、 true story she heard of in the 1830s C. Richard Norton once owned the old house D. Sir James and Lady Graham had a new discovery 由第二段可知,答案为B。,赃牟脉傀划诌冷稼函绢族鸭喊考明剁汽攀徘掷墩寺细渡镣劫沪萎卸越莫拿新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8)新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8),38. What led the family to uncover the secret was _. A. tapping on wooden panelling an

27、d hearing a hollow sound B. thinking carefully about Brontes description C. searching the old house for treasure D. lifting floorboards in the attic 由第五段 “found the staircase after tapping on wooden panelling and hearing a hollow sound.” 可知,答案为A。,阅读理解,跪躇须掇英衫农鬼术诸络叛登滑烂舌武郴弦该遏直偿诚介皆腰饰街吓模挂新高三暑假作业第八讲(Modul

28、e8)新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8),阅读理解,39. The stairs stayed secretly hidden because _. A. they are hidden within the thickness of the panelled wall B. there is no way you could tell there was anything behind it C. the door at the bottom was covered when the landing was panelled D. all of the above 由最后一段可知,答案为

29、D。,菌旗做碑素手狭俩诫陷癌鸯糙盏惋耶适协煤媚痛臃缉烃点蹭棺幕撮团办鲤新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8)新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8),40. According to the text, which of the following statements is TRUE? A. Richard Norton has lived in the old house since 1624. B. Charlotte Bronte located the secret stairs in the old house. C. An ingenious spring ensured the

30、door always closed after use. D. Lady Graham was a serious woman without humor. 由第五段第一句可知,答案为A,阅读理解,托岳沤圈磺皂纲名扎常萎鸳找般奴均希捻访嘛楚里蒜残魂忙唐藏蕊愧货挪新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8)新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8),四、单词拼写,41. Her friendliness soon overcame the p_ of her stepchildren. 42. Charles Dickens was one of the greatest 19th century n_

31、. 43. She won a l_ prize for her popular novel. 44. She tore open the e_ and anxiously read the letter. 45. He erected a m_ on the spot where his daughter was killed.,rejudice,ovelists,iterary,nvelope,onument,壮乘敷绸罚嗜蚕蘑做癣钦滦改冉霓啸笨局朵怪课拦坷晨挑加合仙拓鬼宏接新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8)新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8),46. It is just a _(提

32、示) to him that he is very important to me. 47. In some parts of the city, teachers have to deal with _(暴行)in the classroom. 48. I cant afford a new car just now. Im not a _(百万富翁), you know. 49. Mum and Dad didnt seem to approve much of my new _(同伴). 50. Health is the most important _(财富).,单词拼写,remin

33、der,violence,millionaire,companion(s),wealth,港挎碟液袒泉洞凋唤勤交显砒兄律稼刁茶至风挨悬俞挥履您锋拂扬烦到屑新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8)新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8),五、任务型阅读,(51) _ on how to manage a meeting (52) _ the skill and set an example. Select a note-taker or (53) _ _ the meeting. 由第一段第一句可知,51答案为 advice (on); 由第4行可知,52答案为:reflect; 由第5行arran

34、ge to have the meeting audio-taped可知,53答案为:audio-tape/record.,advice,reflect,audio-tape,/record,帧趾睹扎答蔷马黍驶穿悦僚谁袁二蠕挂膀獭咯轮牙刁拢犊篷枫抠亲洽岭犀新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8)新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8),五、任务型阅读,Need to refer to an issue (54) _ Listen (55) _ to make sure it is a successful meeting. 由第6行 “You may need to refer back to a

35、n issue at a later date”可知,54答案为later 由meetings that are characterized by effective listening are successful meetings可知,55答案为 effectively,later,effectively,浅胶辈枢阔辊础曙触花登柏碱四痞矗差达拟杂陨旧偶肖贮篡猴滩疯执煤绰新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8)新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8),五、任务型阅读,Keep the (56) _ on track Minimize the chances of wasting particip

36、ants (57) _ time. Give everyone an (58) _ to be heard 由4.可知,56答案为discussion 由participants time of great value.可知57答案为 valuable 由5可知,58题答案为:opportunity,discussion,valuable,opportunity,丙辈尺嫌墓臻抬糠卵犁删古主噶质挪露襄属儡佐扑陆矣炉崎藐佩洼拱潦千新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8)新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8),五、任务型阅读,Make everyone feel (59) _ to speak. (6

37、0) _your reliability. 由倒数第二段可知59 题答案为:welcome 由最后一段 Running late with a meeting reduces your reliability as an effective meeting manager.可知, 60 题答案为:increase/improve,welcome,increase/improve,替嘉哼侵酬吴伍赞侧屿雨提帅注矢氛疚湾茁宏驱抒别助椭撮砰辐壁写收责新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8)新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8),Thank you,讹侯脸役降卑咽若轻吠淮颇箔郝险得毯臆搁最谣墨焊赘弥飞钳汽乎谓障殃新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8)新高三暑假作业第八讲(Module8),


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