山东省济南市2019年中考英语 题型专项复习 题型十 阅读理解七选五真题剖析.doc

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山东省济南市2019年中考英语 题型专项复习 题型十 阅读理解七选五真题剖析.doc_第1页
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《山东省济南市2019年中考英语 题型专项复习 题型十 阅读理解七选五真题剖析.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《山东省济南市2019年中考英语 题型专项复习 题型十 阅读理解七选五真题剖析.doc(2页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、阅读理解七选五济南真题剖析(xx山东济南中考).阅读理解七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(5分)Most families love to go on holidays together. It is great fun to leave your common life behind and go somewhere different and exciting!(106) Some people enjoy traveling around cities and visiting museums.Other people prefer

2、 outdoor holidays, where you can hike or go boating. Some people like cruises, where the huge ship is like a hotel.Many families go on holidays in summer, when schools are closed. (107) In the past, most British families would take their holidays at a British seaside town.However, now many people ch

3、oose to go abroad instead.One reason for this is to escape(躲藏) the possibility of rain at home! France, Spain and Greece are popular destinations(目的地)In the United States, summer holidays often involve a road trip. (108) It is common to drive hundreds of miles to get to your destination. If thebeach

4、 is too far away, you could go to one of the national parks. Many people love to enjoy the natural beauty of places such as Yellowstone or the Grand Canyon.(109) In winter, many people go skiing. The Alps are a very popular place to ski. The mountain scenery is truly wonderful! You can try downhill

5、skiing, crosscountry skiing or snowshoeing.Not matter what kind of holidays you take, there are two things that nearly everyone does.The first is to send postcards to friends and family at home, so that they can see a photo of the place where you are. The second is to buy some sort of souvenir(纪念品)

6、so that you can remember your tripmaybe a Tshirt or an art piece. (110) ABeach holidays are very popular in Britain.BFew people like to take holidays in winter.CThere are many different kinds of holidays.DSummer is not the only season for going on holidays.EThis means packing the whole family into t

7、he car and setting out!FThen once youre home, its time to start planning your next holiday!GHowever, some families never have chances to take holidays together.【参考答案及解析】106C根据下文提到的“有些人喜欢去城市中旅行和去参观博物馆;有些人喜欢可以骑自行车或者是划船的户外旅行;有些人喜欢乘坐豪华游艇旅行。”由此推断本题应该是说不同类型的旅行,故选C。107A根据下文提到的British seaside town可知本题讨论的是关于英国沙滩旅行的介绍,结合所给选项可知答案选A。108E前文提到road trip可知本题是对这种旅行方式的解释,结合所给选项可知答案选E。109D下文提到“冬天人们可以去滑雪”以及结合所给选项可知本题是说“夏天并不是外出旅行的唯一季节”。110F结合上下文可知本题是总结性的话语,结合所给选项可知答案选F项“一旦你有时间在家,是时候计划你的下一场旅行了。”2 / 2文档可自由编辑打印


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