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1、七年级英语集体备课教案课题Unit 6 Our Local AreaTopic 1 sectionA教学时间课型New lesson主备人南文彪定稿时间教学目标. Aims and demands目标要求1. (1)Learn the words of rooms in homes:bedroom, kitchen, dining room, living room, bathroom (2)Learn other new words and phrases:garden, second, floor, upstairs, come in, house, grandfather, door2.

2、 (1)Learn some prepositions of position:in, on, next to, in front of, behind(2)Learn how to use the structure of“There be”.Oh, there are so many books on the shelves.Is there a computer in your study? Yes, there is.Are there any books in the study? Yes, there are.教学重点The main activities are 1a, 2a a

3、nd 3.教学难点The main activities are 1a, 2a and 3.教具学具录音机/挂图/单词卡片教 学 过 程个人增减Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:5分钟)复习现在进行时和一般现在时,引出1a中的新词汇。 (老师在黑板上画一幅简笔画,让学生看图回答问题。)T:Boys and girls. Whats Nancy doing?Ss:She is reading.T:Where is she reading now, do you know?Ss:In the study.T:Yes. She is reading in the study.(We u

4、sually read in the study.教师边说边在黑板的左上方并排写出“read, in the study”,教师继续问学生Then do you want to know where I sleep/cook/eat/watch TV?引导学生向教师发问。)S1:Where do you sleep?T:I sleep in the bedroom.(依次引导出in the kitchen,并分别板书在read, in the study的下面。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:7分钟)呈现1a。1. (呈现1a挂图。指着图上的卧室发问并指导学生回答

5、。)T:What do you do in the bedroom?Ss:We sleep in it.(指着挂图上的书房继续做问答练习。)T:Wheres the study?Ss:Its next to the bedroom.T:In the picture there is a study on the second floor. And there are two bedrooms on the second floor.(板书新句型, 并进行适当的讲解。)Where is your study?Its on the second floor, next to my bedroom.

6、In the picture, there is a study on the second floor. And there are two bedrooms on the second floor.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:8分钟)巩固1a, 完成1b。1. (再放1a的录音, 让学生跟读, 并用铅笔标出重读与语调。)T:Now, please follow the tape and mark the stress and intonation with your pencil.2. (让学生擦去所标记号, 先自读, 然后跟读, 核对语音语调。)T: E

7、rase the marks and read 1a by yourselves. Then check your pronunciation and intonation according to the tape.3. (人机对话。)T: Now, listen to me carefully. Suppose you are Jane. Listen to the tape and make a dialog with Maria.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:15分钟)练习2a, 完成2b。1. (让学生认真听2a的录音并独立完成2a, 学习关于房间的名词。)T:

8、Now listen to 2a and match them by yourselves.(播放录音。)2. (让学生看2a的图, 与搭档对话完成2b。让学生准备几分钟, 然后找一些小组表演对话。) (板书并领读如下生词。)grandfather, door, behind(让学生根据对话和3中的短语连句。)T:Please make sentences according to the words and phrases in the boxes in 3.Example:Father is cleaning the car in front of the house.Step 5 Pro

9、ject 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:10分钟) (让学生自己画一张自己家的图片, 并用英文标出所画房间及物品名称。)T: Draw a picture of your own house, and mark the names of rooms and home items.教 学方 法讲授法,讨论法,分组法总 结提 高小结介词的用法和现在进行时的构成作业板书设计Where is your study?Its on the second floor, next to my bedroom.In the picture, there is a study on the second floor

10、. And there are two bedrooms on the second floor.教学反思随堂练习英汉互译1.在二楼 _2.why not _ 3. 上楼 _4. have a look at _5.这么多 _6.in front of _7. 与某人玩/摆弄 _8.behind the door _9. 清洗小汽车 _10. read books _巩固练习完形填空。(10分)Hello, everyone. My name is Jim. Im a student. Our classroom is big and nice. There are 16 pictures o

11、n the walls. We have thirty desks and chairs 17 the room. They are for the 18 . There are 19 Chinese and science books in my desk. There are colored pictures 20 the science books.I come to school 21 7:30 a.m. I 22 three lessons in the morning and three in the afternoon. I like history, science and s

12、ome other subjects. I 23 my homework on the computer. Im good 24 sports. And I love 25 basketball very much. I like my school life very much.( )16.A.notB.aC.someD.any( )17.A.inB.atC.onD.near( )18.A.teachersB.girlsC.boysD.students( )19.A.aB.theC.anD.some( )20.A.forB.inC.withD.of( )21.A.atB.onC.inD.from( )22.A.haveB.getC.studyD.give( )23.A.makeB.playC.doD.work( )24.A.atB.inC.forD.to( )25.A.playingB.playsC.playD.play the


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