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1、 Module3 Unit2 Whats the elephant doing?教学设计刘 欢 昭化区陈江乡小学 教材分析: 本模块和第二模块的学习内容联系紧密,这两个学习模块主要是对常见的动词和现在进行时进行了学习。课文内容与现实生活联系紧密,方便了英语与之相联系,会使学生产生浓厚兴趣,这样就更容易掌握所学内容。本课是四年级(新课标三年级起点)上册,Module3 Unit2 Whats the elephant doing?本课的重心是对draw/jump/sing/dance这四个动词的学习,包括他们的-ing形式,还要会认读Whats the elephant doing?这个句型。新

2、课标要求这个学段的孩子能听懂课堂简短的指令并做出相应的反应;能根据指令做事情,本课的中心词汇与生活息息相关,也刚好达到了这样的目的,并且提高了学生对英语学习的积极性。教学目标:1.识记单词draw/jump/sing/dance,能听懂会说Whats the elephant doing?2.能听懂会说Whats the elephant doing?并询问场景。3.乐于感知并积极尝试使用英语。教学重难点:1.识记单词draw/jump/sing/dance2.现在进行时的基本句子结构,现在分词的构成。 教具准备:课件、多媒体、卡片教学过程:1、Warm-up: Greetings: T: H

3、ello, boys and girls. S: Hello, Miss Liu. T: We are do some actions.T: I can sing. (啦啦啦)S: I can sing. (啦啦啦) T: I can dance. (蹦擦擦) S: I can dance. (蹦擦擦)T: I can laugh. (哈哈哈) S: I can laugh. (哈哈哈)2、Presentation: (1)Review: doing taijiquan/rowing a dragon boatplaying chess/drinking milk先后展现doing taiji

4、quan/rowing a dragon boat/playing chess/drinking milk这四个动作的图片,复习这四个动作以及句型What are they doing? Theyre doing taijiquan/rowing a dragon boat/playing chess/drinking milk。(2)Lead in: What is it?(展示短文,通过猜谜,引入新课)(3)Learn new words:drawing pictures jumping 利用拼读,开火车的方式 singing 展开互动,进行操练 dancing(dance)同样的方法,顺

5、着引出draw/drawing, jump/jumping, sing/singing, dance/dancing这些新单词。如引出draw/drawing,我首先会呈现图片,并发问“What are they doing?”学生可能的答案有: “画画”“Theyre (画画)”。此时教师引出draw,并教读,操练,然后再加上-ing教读。再次问“What are they doing?”学生可能回答Theyre drawing.然后教师引导“Theyre drawing pictures.”教师教读短语drawing pictures,Theyre drawing pictures.就以这

6、样的方式,教授另外几个单词。(4)Lets chantDraw, draw, drawing, drawing, drawing.Jump, jump, jumping, jumping, jumping.Sing, sing, singing, singing, singing.Dance, dance, dancing, dancing, dancing.教师先带读前面一个句子,然后,学生们在老师的帮助下,自己读下面的三句。然后加上动作引导学生做一遍,再重复第二遍。(5)Learn new sentences:Whats the elephant doing?Its drawing pic

7、tures. T: What is it? S: elephant. T: Its an elephant. So, whats the elephant doing?让学生跟读,follow me,whats the elephant doing?呈现三头大象,并出现句子What are the elephants doing? Theyre drawing pictures.What are the tigers doing?Theyre jumping.呈现出两头老虎跳的句子,同样让学生补充完整句子并读句子呈现一只老虎,让学生补充完整。What is the tiger doing? (

8、whats)Its jumping. Whats the bird doing?Its singing.The horse is running. No, its dancing.然后一只鸟/许多鸟/许多马/一匹马.最后通过板书总结何时用is何时用are。(朗读一下板书内容。)3、Consolidation:看图写话:选出图中你所喜欢的两个动物,并仿写句子。4、学唱歌曲。(row,row,row your boat)5、Homework: a.读熟这篇对话。 b.抄写单词sing , jump , draw , dance以及它们的 ing 形式,每个抄写两排。板书设计:Whats the elephant doing?Whats the elephant doing? drawing pictures.Its the bird singing.What are the tigers doing? Theyre jumping.The horse is running. No, its dancing.4


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