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1、河北屯镇中心小学 教案河北屯镇中心小学教案20152016学年度第2学期任教年级: 四 任教学科: 英语 任课教师:李俊侠河北屯镇中心小学教务处制2016年8月教案编写说明一、编写原则1.教案编写要依据教学大纲和教材,从学生实际情况出发,精心设计。一般要符合以下要求:(1)明确地制订教学目的,具体规定传授基础知识、培养基本技能、发展能力以及思想政治教育的任务。(2)合理组织教材,突出重点,解决难点,便于学生理解并掌握系统的知识。(3)恰当地选择和运用教学方法,调动学生学习的积极性,面向大多数学生,同时注意培养优秀学生和提高后进生,使全体学生得到发展。2.教师应提前一周备课,并在每次授课时携带教

2、案授课。 3.教案按每次授课单元填写,一般以24学时为宜。二、编写说明1.“授课时间”、“章节名称”必须填写。 2. “教学目的”:依照教学大纲要求,本课程学生应掌握、熟悉、了解的要点。“教材版本”包括教材系列、教材名称、主编、出版社、版本及出版时间。 3. “教学重点”是依据教学目标,在对教材进行科学分析的基础上而确定的最基本、最核心的教学内容,一般是一门学科所阐述的最重要的原理、规律,是学科思想或学科特色的集中体现。它的突破是一节课必须要达到的目标,也是教学设计的重要内容。4. “教学难点”是指学生不易理解的知识,或不易掌握的技能技巧。难点不一定是重点,也有些内容既是难点又是重点。5“教学

3、方法”是教师和学生为了实现共同的教学目标,完成共同的教学任务,在教学过程中运用的方式与手段,包括讲授法、现场演示法、讨论法、练习法、案例分析法等。6.“课程资源准备”:包括教室条件说明、教具准备、多媒体或电子教案准备、教学参考资料等内容。7.“教学设计”:主要包括本次授课的主要教学内容(板书设计)、时间分配、教学模式(如理论教学、实践教学、讨论式教学等)、教学方法等设计内容。学期教学计划一、编写思路教材继续沿用“话题功能结构任务”的基本编写思路, 以话题为纲, 以交际功能为主线, 有序滚动语言结构, 引导学生最终到达运用英语完成有实际目的任务目标。二、教学目的本套教材的教学目的是激发和培养学生

4、学习英语的兴趣, 引导学生树立自信心, 养成良好的学习习惯,形成有效的学习策略, 发展自主学习的能力;帮助学生奠定良好的语音、语调、书写基础, 掌握一定英语语言知识,形成初步用英语进行简单日常交流的技能;培养学生的观察力、记忆力、思维、想象力,以及运用英语的创新精神和实践能力;适当介绍中西方文化, 培养学生的爱国主义精神, 增强世界意识, 为学生的进一步学习奠定良好的基础。三、教材特点1遵循儿童语言学习的特点 2强调结合具体语境的运用3注重知识系统滚动 4重视阅读能力培养5提倡互助学习 6重视文化意识7通过多种评价方式促进学习四、目标要求1能听懂、会说30组会话, 并能进行简单的交流。2能听、

5、说、读、写67个单词, 并能再听、说、认读56个单。3能听、说、认读, 并能简单运用30组语句。4能听、做、11个游戏。5能完成7项调查活动。6能听、做2个表演活动。7能学会2个小制作。8能唱4首歌曲。9能听、说、 吟唱12首歌谣。10能完成24个检测(自我)评价活动。11能听懂、认读, 并能简单表演6个小故事。12能了解2项简单的中西方文化知识。五、课时安排根据小学英语课程教学基本要求(试行)的规定, 本套教材的起始年级为三年级。每个单元6课 12页, 每2页1课, 6课时完成。单元课时周第1单元6课时2周第2单元6课时2周第3单元6课时2周复习13课时1周第4单元6课时2周第5单元6课时2

6、周第6单元6课时2周复习23课时1周机动复习6课时2周共计48课时16周单元教学计划单元教材分析能够在真实的语境中, 熟悉用英语介绍自己的房间,用英语询问并表达房间中有哪些物品等信息。单元教学目标1. Knowledge aims:1) Three skills words:ome, bedroom, living room, TV, armchair, sofa, kitchen, sandwich, floor, mug, cup ,wall, picture, window2) Four skills words:desk, chair, ball. Kite, TV, bed, tab

7、le, home, study, clock, computer3)The sentences(three skills):Look at the bed room. There is a new desk.Look at the livingroom. There are two sofas.Look at the kitchen. There is a TV. There are two sofas.Whats in the study? There is a new computer.Whats in the living room? There is a CD player.2.Lan

8、guage skills:1)Can listen, speak, read and write the new words:desk, chair, ball. Kite, TV, bed, table, home, study, clock, computer2) 能够在真实的情景中理解、说出以下句子并能在现实生活中初步运用这些表达法:Look at . There is . There are . Whats in the .?3)能够在真实的语境中介绍自己的房间、用英语询问房间中有物品。3.Emotional attitude:激发学生的学习兴趣,训练学生的思维,激发学生的想象,培养学

9、生的动手能力、创新精神和实践能力。4.Learning strategies:1)能够学会基本的自主学习方法。2)能够初步形成与同伴合作学习的意识。教学重点难点1.听、说、读、写新单词:desk, chair, ball. Kite, TV, bed, table, home, study, clock, computer2.同学之间能灵活运用这些词造句、编对话, 进行操练。Look at . There is . There are . Whats in the .?课时安排课次 教学内容 1 Lesson 1 2 Lesson 2 3 Lesson 3 4 Lesson 4 5 Lesso

10、n 5 6 Lesson 6年级学科教案授课时间年月日 第节课章节名称Lesson 1教学目的1. 学习新词:home, bedroom, bed , desk, chair做到正确听说认读和书写 desk, chair。2. 灵活使用Look at my . There is a . 相互介绍自己的房间。教学重点学习单词:home, bedroom, bed , desk, chair,正确听说认读和书写 desk, chair。教学难点听、读和表演对话。教学方法Situational Teaching Method 课程资源准备录音机、磁带、图片、PPT、多媒体光盘教 学 设 计备注1.

11、Warm-up1) Greeting.2) Say the chant.3) Show their work. ( the numbers of their books)2. Presentation1) In the winter holiday, Li Yan moved to a new home. Kate wants to meet her in her new home. Kate think about the new on her way. She guesses: A bed? A desk? A chair? A TV? Show the picture of the th

12、ings when Kate is thinking.2) Learn the four skills words: desk and chair. Learn the three skills words: bed 3) Kate come to the door of Li Yans new home. ( PPT) Show Li Yan opens the door and say :” Welcome to my new home.”, learn the sentence,4) Learn the Just Talk.Play the videoQ1: What room does

13、 Li Yan show to Kate?Ss: Bedroom.Learn the word. Prolongation: bed + room = bedroom pencil + box = pencil-box police + man = policeman教 学 设 计备注Q2: Whats in Li Yans bedroom? Ss: There is a new bed. And a new desk and a new chair.T write them down on the Bb.5) Play again. Ss listen and read. 3. Practi

14、ce1) Practise the dialogue.2) Act out the dialogue.3) Make up the chant.Hello, hello! Welcome to my home.There is a bed in my room.There is a desk in my room.There is a chair in my room.Oh, you see. This is my bedroom.4) Lets paste.4. Language useMake up new dialogue.S1: Hello! XXXS2: Hello! XXX.S1:

15、 Look! This is my bedroom. There is in my bedroom.S2: Wow! Its nice. I like it.S1: Yes, and there is a new , too.S2: I see. I have a in my bedroom, too.5. Assessment1) Selfs apprise. 2) Teachers apprise.6. Extended activitiesFind the different.课堂小结布置作业1. Read and copy the new words.2. Listen and rea

16、d and the dialogue.板书设计 Lesson 1 desk chair home bedroom bed课后总结任课教师签字:_年级学科教案授课时间年月日 第节课章节名称Lesson 2教学目的1. 学习新词:livingroom,TV, sofa, armchair, ball, kite做到正确听说认读和书写 TV, ball, kite。2. 灵活使用Look at my . There is a . There are . 相互介绍自己的房间。教学重点学习单词:livingroom,TV, sofa, armchair, ball, kite做到正确听说认读和书写 TV

17、, ball, kite。教学难点听、读和表演对话。教学方法Situational Teaching Method, method of lecture, etc.课程资源准备录音机、磁带、图片、PPT、多媒体光盘教 学 设 计备注1. Warm-up1) Greeting.2) Say the chant.3) Introduce Li Yans bedroom.2. Presentation1) Learn living room. Show the picture . T: Is this a bedroom? Of course, not. Whats it? Yes, its a l

18、iving room. Write down the word on the Bb, and glue the picture.Show the pictures of different kinds of the living room to the Ss.2) Use “Whats in the living room?” to let the children describe the living room with there is ./ There are .3) Learn the new dialogue Play the video, Ss watch, listen and

19、 learn.教 学 设 计备注3. Practice1) Practise the dialogue.2) Act out the dialogue.3) Learn the chant.4) Solitaire game.4. Language use1) Listen and draw.2) Describe the picture in English.S1: Hi, XXX. Look at my living room.S2: Wow. Its beautiful.S1: There is in my living room.S2: Its nice. S1: And there

20、are .S2: Yes. 5. Assessment1) Selfs apprise.2) Teachers apprise.6. Extended activitiesDesign their own living room.课堂小结布置作业1. Read and copy the new words.2. Listen and read and the dialogue.板书设计Lesson 2 TV ball kite living room sofa armchair课后总结任课教师签字:_年级学科教案授课时间年月日 第节课章节名称Lesson 3 教学目的1. 学习新词:bed,

21、table,kitchen, fridge, table, bed, table做到正确听说认读和书写 bed, table。2. 灵活使用Look at the . There is a . There are . 相互介绍自己的房间。教学重点学习单词:bed, table, kitchen, fridge, table,做到正确听说认读和书写 bed, table。教学难点听、读和表演对话。教学方法Situational Teaching Method, method of lecture, etc.课程资源准备录音机、磁带、图片、PPT、多媒体光盘教 学 设 计备注1. Warm-up1

22、) Greeting.2) Say the chant.2. Presentation1) Show Li Yans new home ( PPT ).T: Kate is still in Li Yans new home. This is Li Yans new home. Kate visited her. Li Yan showed Kate the living room and the bedroom. Do you remember what things are in the rooms? Lets say.Show the pictures and describe them

23、 with there be .Learn the four skills word: bed2) Show the picture of the kitchen. T: is this a living room / bedroom?Ss: No.Learn the three skills word: kitchen2) Learn the dialogue.Let the children describe the kitchen with the picture.Play the video, Ss watch, listen and learn.3. Practice1) Pract

24、ise the dialogue.2) Act out the dialogue.3) Make up new chant.教 学 设 计备注4) Lets play.4. Language useMake up new dialogue.S1: Hello! Welcome to my home.S2: Thank you.S1: Come here and have a look.S2: Wow, a nice kitchen.S1: Yes, there is a .S2: And there is a .S1: Lets have some fruit.5. Assessment1)

25、Selfs apprise.2) Teachers apprise.6. Extended activitiesIntroduce their own rooms in English in their family.课堂小结布置作业1. Read and copy the new words.2. Listen and read and the dialogue.板书设计 Lesson 3 bed table kitchen fridge table课后总结任课教师签字:_年级学科教案授课时间年月日 第节课章节名称Lesson 4 教学目的1. 学习新词:study, computer, p

26、icture做到正确听说认读和书写 home, study。2. 灵活使用Whats in the ? There is a . There are . 相互询问房间内的物品。教学重点学习单词:study, computer, picture做到正确听说认读和书写 home, study。教学难点听、读和表演对话。教学方法Situational Teaching Method, method of lecture, etc.课程资源准备录音机、磁带、图片、PPT、多媒体光盘教 学 设 计备注1. Warm-up1) Greeting.2) Say the chants.3) Review th

27、e Language Programs:Look at the bedroom/ living room/ kitchen.There is a bed in my bedroom.There are two sofas in the living room.There is a new fridge in the kitchen.2. Presentation1) Say the sentences with the pictures.Learn the four skills word: studyShow and introduce the wall-map of L 4.2) Play

28、 the video. Let the students watch and learn. 3) Play again. Ss listen and read. 教 学 设 计备注3. Practice1) Practise the dialogue.2) Act out the dialogue.4. Language useDesign their room.S1: Come here and have a look at my study.S2: Whats in your study?S1: There is a new computer in my study?S2: Wow, co

29、mputer. / I live computer games.S1: Yes, me too.5. Assessment1) Selfs apprise.2) Teachers apprise.6. Extended activitiesCollect the words of the furniture, and share them to their classmates. 课堂小结布置作业1. Read and copy the new words.2. Listen and read and the dialogue.板书设计 Lesson 4 home study study co

30、mputer picture课后总结任课教师签字:_年级学科教案授课时间年月日 第节课章节名称Lesson 5 教学目的1. 学习新词:clock, computer, bathroom, DVD player, 做到正确听说认读和书写 clock, computer。2. 灵活使用Whats in the ? There is a . There are . 相互询问房间内的物品。教学重点学习新词:clock, computer, bathroom, DVD player, 正确听说认读和书写 clock, computer。教学难点听、读和表演对话。教学方法Situational Teac

31、hing Method, method of lecture, etc.课程资源准备录音机、磁带、图片、PPT、多媒体光盘教 学 设 计备注1. Warm-up1) Greeting.2) Guessing game.2. Presentation1) Show the picture of a bathroom.T: What room is it? Yes, its a bathroomSs: Bathroom.T: Its Kates bathroom. She often takes a bath in it.Learn the three skills word: bathroom2

32、) Show the picture of a living roomT: After showing the bathroom. Kate shows the living room to Li Yan. Whats in the living room? Learn the words and sentences.There is a picture in the living room. There is a sofa. There is a TV. There is a table.3)Play the video. Let the students watch and learn.

33、Learn the four skills words: computer and clockLearn the three skills words: bathroom and DVD player.Learn the sentences: Whats in the living room? There is a DVD player.4) Play again. Ss listen and read. 3. Practice1) Practise the dialogue.教 学 设 计备注2) Act out the dialogue.3) Learn the chant.4. Let

34、say with the cards in group.Make up new dialogue.Name: DavidRoom: Living roomThings: TV, 2 sofas, tableThings to do: Watch TV5. Assessment1) Selfs apprise. 2) Teachers apprise.6. Extended activitiesIntroduce the room in English in class.课堂小结布置作业1. Read and copy the new words.2. Listen and read and t

35、he dialogue.板书设计 Lesson 5 clock computer bathroom DVD player clock课后总结任课教师签字:_年级学科教案授课时间年月日 第节课章节名称Lesson 6教学目的1. 复习本单元所学单词 。2. 复习本单元所学句型。3. L earn the new Fun Story.教学重点复习本单元所学单词 和句型。教学难点听、读和表演对话。教学方法Situational Teaching Method, method of lecture, etc.课程资源准备录音机、磁带、图片、PPT、多媒体光盘教 学 设 计备注1. Warm-up1)

36、Greeting.2) Make up new chant.2. Presentation1) A game. ( Whats in ? )2) Show the wall-map.Ss describe the pictures in English or Chinese.3) Play the video. Ss answer the questions:4) Play again. Ss listen and repeat.3. Practice1) Practise the dialogue.2) Act out the dialogue.3) Fast reaction.( say

37、the words with the cards)4) Lets check.教 学 设 计备注4. Language useLittle Designer.Hello, name is . This is my new home. There is a . There are .5. Assessment1) Selfs apprise.2) Teachers apprise.6. Extended activitiesIntroduce their home in English in groups.课堂小结布置作业1. Read and copy the words.2. Listen

38、and read and the dialogue.板书设计Lesson 6 desk, chair, ball. Kite, TV, bed, table, home, study, clock, computer home, bedroom, living room, TV, armchair, sofa, kitchen sandwich, floor, mug, cup ,wall, picture, window课后总结任课教师签字:_单元教学计划单元教材分析能够在真实的语境中, 熟悉用英语询问和回答物品的数量。单元教学目标1. Knowledge aims:1) Three ski

39、lls words:twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred2) Four skills words:eleven, twelve, boy, girl, teacher, school, bag, book, pen, pencil3) The sentences(thre

40、e skills):How many students are there in your class? Twenty-nine.How many students are there in your class? There are forty.How many teachers are there in your school? There are fifty.How many bags do you have? We have seventy.How many pens do you have? We have ninety pens.2. Language skills:1) Can

41、listen, speak, and read the new words:twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred2) Can listen, speak, read and write the new words:eleven, twelve, boy, girl, te

42、acher, school, bag, book, pen, pencil3) 能够在真实的情景中理解、说出以下句子并能在现实生活中初步运用这些表达法:How many are there? How many do you have?There is . There are . 4)能够在真实的语境中用英语询问和回答物品的数量。3. Emotional attitude:激发学生的学习兴趣、深化语言的学习、激活学生的思维、丰富学生的想象、培养学生的动手能力和创新精神。4. Learning strategies:1)能够学会基本的自主学习方法。2)能够初步形成与同伴合作学习的意识。教学重点难点1.听、说、读、写新单词:eleven, twe


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