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1、前台FRONT DESK部门 /区域:DEPARTMENT/AREA:服务内容 /工作职责:SERVICE/ TASK:FD接待处FDRECEPTIONFD-SOP-015登记卡登记过程及内容REGISTRATION PROCEDURES确保客人填写完整登记卡标准:STANDARD:来宾期望Guest expectation职员仪表仪容整洁得体Well groomed andpresentable staff快速完成登记Approached in a prompt manner告之所需细节信息Informed about the details needed工作职责What to do?让来宾

2、填写登记卡Give the guest his registration card to fill in检查确认来宾填写时姓在前,名在后Check that the guest fills up his family name first then his first name确保所有详细信息正确无误Make sure all details are correctly putTo make sure that the guest fills the registration card as per the hotel standards.工作标准Standard of Performance

3、当来宾进入酒店登记入住时,接待处应:When the guest comes to check in, the reception:1. 让来宾填写登记卡Gives him the registration card to fill2. 确保其姓在前Makes sure that his family name is put first3. 家庭住址Home address4. 来宾来自的都市或国家City or country where guest is coming from5. 邮编Postal code6. 电话和传真号Telephone and fax number7. 来宾职业P

4、rofession of the guest8. 公司名称Company work name9. 旅行目的(商务或旅游)Purpose of visit (business or tourism)10. 下一个目的地Next destination11. 支付方式,比如用现金或信用卡Payment methods such as cash or credit card1 / 212. 抵店、离店日期及抵店时刻Arrival and departure date as well time ofarrival13. 房型,房号Room type, number of rooms,14. 国籍,居住

5、国Nationality and country of residence15. 出生日期,护照号Date of birth and passport number16. 护照发放日期,到期日期Passport issue date and expiry date17. 电子信箱地址或专门要求Email address or special request18. 请来宾在登记卡上签字Get the guest to sign the registration card19. 复印护照并附在登记卡上以备今后所需Make a copy of his passport and attached it with the registration card for future back up20. 假如客人要求酒店不要和他联系,需要客人签署请勿联系表Make sure that the guest signs the nocontact form if he does not want to becontacted by the hotel21. 登记卡存档File the registration card2 / 2


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