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1、第一部分:交际用语一1.MayIhelpyou,madam?_D_. D.Yes,Idlike2kilosoforanges2.MayIknowyouraddress?_A_.A.Sure.Hereyouare. 3.Well,Mary,howareyou?_C.Imfine4.IdontlikethesportsprogramsonSundays._B_B.NeitherdoI 5.Willyougoonapicnicwithustomorrow? _B_.B.Sorry,IhaveanappointmentwithDr.Brown.二、选择填空6.Ithappened_D_awintern

2、ight. D.on7.IknowitisntimportantbutIcanthelp_B_aboutit. B.thinking8.Thatsallsettled.It_D_talkedabout. D.needntbe9.Herparentsdiedwhenshewasveryyoung,soshewas_A_byheraunt. D.grown10._B.Whathesaidisquiteright. B.What11.Dontworry.Thereis_ C.enough _roomforallyourbookshere. 12.WhatshappenedtoTom?_ D.Hesb

3、eentaken tohospital.A.Hestaken13.Idontsupposehewillattendthemeeting,_ B.willhe_?14._ A.What _fineweatheritis!15NotonlyIbutalsoJaneandMary B.are tiredofhavingoneexaminationafteranother.A.is阅读下面的对话,1.Niceweather,isntit?C.Yes,itis2.Whataboutgoingforawalk?_A_.A.Whynot?Agoodidea3.WouldyoumindifIopenthewi

4、ndowforabetterview?_D_. D.Ofcoursenot4.Excuseme,howcanIgettothenearestsupermarket?_D_. D.Sorry,sir.Imastrangerheremyself5.Whatstheproblem,Harry?_D_. D.IcantrememberwhereIleftmyglassesE.选择填空6.Whichdoyoulikebetter,realmovies_D_cartoons?D.or,to7.WhatafoolIhavebeen!Why_B_Ithinkofthatbefore? B.didnt 8.Ti

5、meismoney!Weshould_B_ourtime. B.makegooduseof9.Youmustexplain_C_howtheysucceeded_theexperiment. C.tous,in10.Ofallthestorieshere,Ilikethisone_A或C_.Itsnotinterestingatall. A.spoken,written11.Wemustmakeadifferencebetween_A_languageand_language. A.spoken,written12.Ithinkallthesearemainpoints_B_muchatten

6、tion. B.worthyof 13.They_B_thetrainuntilitdisappearedinthedistance. B.watched14.CanIgetyouacupoftea?_A_ A.thatsveryniceofyou 15.Maryforgot_B_alettertohermother,soshewrotetoherjustnow. B.towrite 交际用语1.Hello,MayItalktotheheadmasternow?_A_.A.sorry,heisbusyatthemomentB.No,youcantC.Sorry,youcantD.Idontkn

7、ow2.Wouldyouliketohavedinnerwithusthisevening?_C_.C.Sorry,butthiseveningIhavetogototheairporttomeetmyparents3.Oh,sorrytobotheryou._A_.A.Thatsokay4.Canyouturndowntheradio,please?_B_. B.Imsorry,Ididntrealizeitwasthatloud5.Wouldeyouliketoseethememu?_A_.A.No,thanks,Ialreadyknowwhattoorder二、选择填空6.Iprefer

8、classicmusic_D_popmusic. D.to7.Alltheteammemberstriedtheirbest.Welostthegame,_A_.A.howeverB.thereforeC.sinceD.as8.Whenwewerehavingameeting,thediector_B_thebadnewsbytelephone.B.wastold9.Silk_B_byChineseforthousandsofyoursnow.B.hasbeenuse10.You _B_tolockthedorratnight.B.ought11.BeforeIgottothecinema,t

9、hefilm_A_.A.hadbegun12.Thepatientactedonthedoctors_B_andfinallyrecovered.B.advice13.Alecturehallis_C_wherestudentsattendlectures. C.one14.Imtired.I_B_workingveryhard. B.havebeen15.Letme_B_thecasecarefullybeforeIdrawaconclusion.B.lookinto第一部分 交际用语1.-Well, Mary, how are you? - C、Im fine 2. Lets take w

10、alk. - A. Yes, lets精选推荐 3. -I think the Internet is very helpful. - A、Yes, so do I 4. -Hello, could I aspect to Don please ? - C、Whos speaking ? 5. -What kind of TV program do you like best? - B、Its hard to say, actually 第二部分 词汇与结构 6. He is very keen _C_ football. A. at 7. Lets go to the cinema, _C_

11、? C. shall we 8. He asked me where _B_ from. B. I came 9. The teacher told _A_ for being late for class. A. off me 10. He was _A_ about his new job. A、over the mo 11. Are you still here? You were here half an hour ago. Who _A_ for? A、were you waiting 12. _B_ I enjoy most is _ I can have a holiday fr

12、om work. B. whatthat 13. You _A_ to exercise more. A. ought B. should C. must 14. They _A_ for hours. A、 have been driving 15. _A_ all you money in the first week is not a sensible strategy. A. Spending 第一部分 交际用语。 1. -What subjects are you studying? -_C_ A、Yes, Im studying history B、Im doing my home

13、work C、Im studying philosophy 2. -Which language do you speak at home? -_B_ A、I can speak english and french B、English, most of the time C、English is my mother tongue 3. -Must we hand in our homework now? -_C_ A. Yes, you mustnt B. Yes, you mustnt C. No, you neednt 4. -Do you think the exam will be

14、put off? -_A_ A. Not likely B. The exam is difficult C. It was put off yesterday 5. -In my opinion, you d better take a couple of days off. -_C_ A. Im afraid so B. Let me see C. Ill take your advice 第二部分 词汇与结构。 6. He is looking forward _A_ his thesis. A. to write B. to writing C. in writing 7. I _B_

15、 her to marry me and she agreed. A. ask B. asked C.told I 8. You like playing football, _A_you? A. dont B. didnt C.did 9. _A_ every day for 20 minutes. A. exercise B. to exercise C. exercising10. If he was fitter, he _B_ live longer. A.can B. will C. would11. I regret _B_ that Im unable to help you.

16、 A. saying B. to say C. say 12. I have given _C_ eating meat. A. over B. down C. up 13. She comes from _C_ peoples republic of china. A. one B. a C. the14. The boy _C_ to school already. A. has taken B. is taken C. has been taken 15. _A_ these children know the answer. A. most of B. some C. most 三、完

17、型填空阅读下面的短文, MollyWilson 16. C.hadbeenadancerandamotherformanyyearswhenshe17. B.decided _tosailroundtheworldtoraisemoneyforcharity.Asachildshe18.A.hadtrained asaballetdancer,butat15shehadgrowntootallforclassicalballet,soshe19. D.became _amemberofapopdanceteam.She20 B.gotmarried,and21.C.aftershehadchi

18、ldrensheretiredfromshowbusinesstobringthem22.D.up.Theygrewup,andwhentheywere18theylefthome.Shesays,“WhenIdecidedtodotheround-theworldrace,myhusbandthoughtIwasboredbecausethechildrenhadlefthome.Hewasalsoworried23. D.becauseIhadneversailed24.A.beforewasnotbored,butI 25. B.hadmet somepeoplewhotoldmeabo

19、uttherace.Theyhadtakenpartinit,buttheyhadonlydoneonesection,say,fromNewZealandtoAustralia.Iwantedtodothewholeten-monthjourney.”阅读下面的短文Astudyhasshownthatfitnessisthekey16 Ctolonglife,irrespectiveofbodyshape17.A.orevensmokinghabits.Researchersdiscoveredthatpeoplewhoexerciselivelongerthan18 D.thosewhod

20、onot,eveniftheyareoverweightandsmoke.Thestudyfoundthat19_ D.theleast fitofthe6,000middle-agedmeninthestudywerefivetimesmorelikelytodiewithinsixyearsofthestartoftheresearchthanthefittest.Thiswastrue20_ B.whetherornot themenhadheartproblems,smokedorwereoverweight.Scientistsconcludedthatitwasbetter_21_

21、B.tobefat andactivethanskinnyandsedentary.DrKencooper,afitnessexpert,said,“Youarebetteroffsmokingapacketofcigarettesadayandexercisingregularlythan精选推荐22.A.being _anon-smokerandsedentary.”Althoughheadds,“Butdontmisunderstandme.Iamnotendorsing23 C.smoking,Iamtryingtotellyouhowdangerousitistobesedentar

22、y.”TheBritishGovernmentisputtingpressure24.A.on manufacturerstoreducehighlevelsofsugarinfoodandtorestrictthehard-sellofjunkfoodtochildreninordertoimprovethenationshealth.ButthenewstudysuggeststheGovernmentshouldencouragemorepeople_ 25 C.toexercise _.阅读下面的短文,Althoughinternationaltravelisusuallyan16B.

23、excitingandpleasantexperience,travellersshouldtakestepstoensurethattheirhealthdoesnotsuffereither_17 C.from,in,from theirtime_theairor_theirtimeabroad.Beforeyougo,checkwithyourdoctororlocaltravelclinic18C.whichinjectionsarenecessaryfortheareasyouaretravelling19C.to .Allowsufficienttimetohavetheseinj

24、ectionsbeforeyou_20_ C.leave_becausetheymaytaketimetobecomeeffective.Besurethattheinformationonhealthisup-to-date.CheckontheInternetifyouarenotsure.Dontgotobedlatetheday21 D.beforeyoufly.Yourbodyhasanaturaldailysleeppattern.Ittakestimetoadjusttoanewtimeone.Therearemanydifferent22.A.effects _ofjetlag

25、:youmaynotbeabletosleep,youmaynotwanttoeatoryoumayfeelsickandtired.Youmaynotbeabletoconcentrateforsomedaysafteryouarrive.Thereareseveralthingsyoucandoto23 D.lessentheeffectsofjetlag:-Doyour24_C.besttorelaxduringtheflight-Sleepasmuchasyoucanontheflight.Useamildsleepingpillifnecessary.-Drinkasmuchwate

26、rasyoucan.-Dontdrinkalcoholandcaffeine.-Takemildsleepingpills25_ B.for_thefirstfewdaysinthenewthimezoneifyouneedthem.完形填空Traffic in India means a mixture of all kinds of vehicles on the road. About 700,000 new cars (A 16. A. have been sold) in India in the last twelve months, and about twice that ma

27、ny used cars have been traded. The countrys 35 million motorcycles and scooters make it the worlds largest two wheel market. But because there are still big differences (17. C. in) peoples incomes, the roads are full of a whole variety of (18. B. vehicles), lots of them not motorized. A ride (19. C.

28、 with ) a taxi driver in New Delhi gives a flavour of a typical Indian-style traffic with all kinds of vehicle held up in city streets or in long lines (20. B. on ) narrow country lanes. Cars, lorries and buses back up behind a cart (21. A. pulled ) by one animal or another. “India has everything on

29、 the roads,” the taxi driver says. “You have to (22. C. watch out ) for pedestrians, bicycles, carts, cows, donkeys and even elephants. Three things (23. A. are recommended ) to drive here, a horn, brakes and good luck.” Just then we were stopped (24. B. by ) a young boy and his cow. Given the hazar

30、ds, its not surprising ( 25. C. that ) special ceremonies are held for new car owners in which the steering wheel and the driver are both blessed. 阅读理解短文理解l Mrs. sharp, a large, red-faced woman in her late sixties, has lived in Greenleas, 26. Why did Mrs. sharp have to move to greenleans? C C. Becau

31、se her house in the down area was knocked down27. When she got married, she lived _B_ B. together with her parents for some time C28. What did she know so many people? B B. Because they were either her relatives or schoolmates 29. The sentence “ I had one neighbour who was always poking her nose int

32、o our business.” in the last Para. means _C_ C .I had one neighbour who always showed her in our private affairs30. What doer this passage mainly deal with? A. What the extended family is likeThe ancient Olympic Games (16) part of a religious festival in honour (17) the Greek god Zeus, the father of

33、 all Greek gods and goddesses. The festival and games ( 18 ) in Olympia, a religious sanctuary. In the ancient games, athletes received prizes worth large amounts of money. In fact the word “athlete” is an ancient Greek word, (19) “one who competes (20) a prize”. The marathon was not an event of the

34、 ancient Olympic Games. The marathon is a modern event that was first (21) in the Olympic games in 1896. It was (22) a village called marathon (23) the Persians (24) by a small Greek army. The news of the victory was brought to Athens by a soldier, who ran the 26 miles from the village of marathon t

35、o the capital. 26 miles was (25) adopted as the distance of the modern marathon race. B 16. A. is B. were C. was 精选推荐C 17. A. for B. after C. of C 18. A. are hold B. held C. were held A 19. A. meaning B. mean C. meant B 20. A. of B. for C. in A 21. A. introduced B. introducing C. introduceB 22. A. n

36、ame for B. name after C. named of C 23. A. that B. which C. where A 24. A. were defeated B. defeats C. defeated C 25. A. because B. furthermore C. therefore 第三部分:阅读理解(30分)四、阅读下列短文,短文理解1AnExtraordinaryChangeorDirection(课文开始)26.Whatdoestheword“extraordinary”meaninthetitle?_B_B.veryunusualandsurprising



39、od32.“Some”in“Somestillexisttoday”refersto_C_. C.someshops33.ThousandsofIrishpeoplestarvedduringthe“PotatoFamine”because_C_.C.theweatherconditionsinIrelandwerenotsuitableforgrowingthepotato34.Coffeeoriginallycamefrom_.D.Arabia35.TheArabiclegendisusedtoprovethat_. D.coffeedrinkswerefirstmadebyArabs第三部分:阅读理解(30分)四、阅读下列短文,短文理解1PATtheDogDidyouknowtherearesomeveryspecialdogsdoinggoodworkinourhospitalwards?ThesearePAT(课文开始)26.WhichofthefollowingstatementisTRUE


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